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Two Days Earlier

Yoongi bit his lower lip as he wandered outside, lightly kicking at a pebble as he went over phrases in his head. Do you love me? He shook his head. No, too forward...Hoseok, I love you. He frowned deeply and held back a groan. I can't just say it, can I? What if Jimin's right? What if Hoseok doesn't love me? These thoughts just wouldn't stop running through his head.

This was so frustrating. This was a big reason why Yoongi was so inexperienced with actual relationships. He never knew how to handle feelings. Right now, he couldn't even figure out his own feelings, let alone Hoseok's. He had no hope of deciphering Hoseok's feelings without understanding his own. Yoongi knew one thing for certain. He wanted to be with Hoseok for a very long time.

Was this love? Yoongi thought it was. However, there were other feelings mixed into it. Fear. Anxiety. Panic. Yoongi was so afraid. Everything seemed perfect. What if it all wasn't as perfect as he thought?

Where was he even going? Yoongi lifted his gaze, setting the little pebble free from its beating. Oh. He had wandered in the direction of Hoseok's and Namjoon's house. He wondered if Hoseok was home. Should he stop by to see him? What good would that do? he wondered.

"Ah, fuck this." Yoongi groaned as he spun around to walk in the opposite direction. He intended to just head home and not deal with this crap right now. Much to his surprise, he ran right into someone. A white bag full of small boxes of Chinese food crashed to the ground, spilling messily."Shit, I'm sorry." Yoongi squatted down to begin picking up the spilled food.

"It's quite alright." A deep, silky voice spoke so smoothly. The voice was light, like the owner of it was completely content.

Yoongi looked up at the other person, his eyes taking in the appearance of a tall, handsome man."I wasn't watching where I was going. My bad."

The man gave a small wave of his hand."I admit that I was not watching either. I was lost in thought."

"You too, huh?" Yoongi let out a sigh as he and the other man picked up the Chinese food, placing it all back into the white bag."Sorry about your food, man."

"Hey, it's fine. It wasn't even for me." The man straightened himself up as Yoongi did as well."So you were lost in thought too?" he asked as he cocked his head a little to the side.

Yoongi shifted his gaze to the side."Ah, well...uh..."

The man chuckled, his voice sounding even deeper than when he simply spoke."You don't have to tell me. It's your business." He rolled the end of the white bag to close it, containing the mess within it."Though, if something is bothering you, it can be easier to talk to a stranger. A stranger's judgment means nothing, especially compared to the judgment of someone close to you."

"I suppose it could be...therapeutic." Yoongi was unsure though. Was he willing to spill his thoughts to a stranger? Maybe."Under one condition."

"What's the condition?" the man asked with a perked eyebrow.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders slightly."You tell me your thoughts first?" He hoped that would be okay. It would certainly make it fair.

"That would be fine with me." The man made a small motion, as if to invite Yoongi to walk with him."Mind if we talk on our way to East Gate? I need to get some new food."

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine." Maybe Yoongi was only talking to this man because he felt bad for ruining his food. Maybe he thought it would be nice to chat with someone new. And maybe he needed to talk to someone who wasn't familiar with his situation. He needed an outsider's perspective, a new point of view.

As the two of them began walking in the direction of East Gate, the taller man made a soft hum before speaking."I guess I'll begin." He cleared his throat a bit."I was thinking about how much my life is about to change. My life has been going through some big changes over the past year." A smile graced his thin lips."I married the love of my life last year. We moved in together. I've transferred jobs to make things easier for our shared lives. It's all been one big decision after another." The man raised a hand to rake his fingers through his dark hair."And now, I'm going to be a father. My wife is pregnant with our first child, and I don't know if I'm ready."

Listening to this stranger caused a small smile to come over Yoongi's lips. It sounded like a wonderful life."You love your wife a lot, don't you?"

"Yes. She means the world to me." The man stuffed the white bag of spilled food into a public trashcan as they passed by it."I know she's excited to be bearing our first child. She tells me daily how much she hopes it's a girl, but..."

"But what?" Yoongi peered up at the other man with curiosity."It all sounds so perfect. What's wrong?"

The man scratched the back of his neck."I have no experience with babies. I've never even held one before."

"Oh." Yoongi could see how that would make anyone nervous."Maybe your wife can help you learn how to take care of your child. You two can learn together. You'll bond with each other more and also bond with your child."

"You're right." The man really didn't want to worry so much. He wanted to be prepared."I suppose being nervous and scared is natural."

With a small nod, Yoongi agreed."Yeah, I'm sure it is." Soon, he pointed ahead."Ah, we're here." They had reached East Gate.

Looking ahead at the Chinese restaurant, the man grimaced just a little."I'm not looking forward to the rush of smells. Chinese food smells delicious but not when the smell is overpowering." Just as he moved to enter, he stopped when he felt Yoongi touch his arm."Hm?"

"Let me pay for your food. I insist." Yoongi felt bad about ruining the food before.

The man didn't argue, just smiled and accepted the kind gesture."Alright. Thank you."

As Yoongi entered the restaurant with the taller man, his nose was assaulted by the powerful aroma. It wasn't necessarily bad, just too strong."Wow, that is strong." He glanced at the man beside him as they made their way over to the counter."By the way, I'm Yoongi. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your name?" It seemed okay to ask.

"I don't mind at all." The man's thin lips pulled into a slightly wider smile, so friendly and welcoming."My name's Yongguk."

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