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Yoongi didn't know how long it had been since he last moved. He was just lying face-down on his sofa, hungry and miserable. His head was throbbing. His nose was stuffed up. His throat was sore. However, he did nothing to help himself feel better. He didn't know what to do. He hadn't shown up to work for two days now. He just couldn't do it. He knew what everyone must be thinking. They all probably thought he was sick. Maybe he was. He didn't know. He couldn't distinguish what was causing this mess within him.

For the past two days, Yoongi hadn't gone anywhere. He hadn't eaten anything. He hadn't taken a shower. He had done nothing at all. He planned to remain this way for a while longer. He just couldn't muster the motivation to get up and do anything. There had been a knock on the front door about an hour ago, but Yoongi had just pretended to not exist.

Whoever had been there didn't stick around for long. Yoongi was thankful for that. His pounding head just couldn't take the knocking. Even the silence of his house was killing him. There was a ringing in his ears that would probably only go away if there was some other sound to grab his attention, but there was nothing.

Yoongi began to doze off, slipping into dreamland. However, he didn't quite make it there. The sound of knocking pulled him out of it. Who was knocking? Why couldn't the world just leave him alone for a while longer? Who was it? Yoongi was given an answer of who was at his door when he heard the familiar sound of a key entering the lock. Only one person had a spare key to his house.

The front door opened then closed. Shoes were removed and left near the door. The annoying rustle of a plastic bag--probably a shopping bag--was heard as soft steps of socked feet came into the living room."Yoongi, are you okay?"

Not even lifting his head, Yoongi cracked inside."Do I look okay, Jin-hyung?"

"You sound awful." Jin moved closer to the couch and squatted down to be closer to Yoongi's level. He set his plastic bag onto the floor and opened it."I came by earlier and didn't get an answer. I assumed you were sick, so I went to the store to get some things." He started pulling things out of the bag."I got some cough drops, pain relievers, a little thermometer, an icepack, nasal spray, and a bottle of Coke."

"You didn't need to get anything for me." Yoongi rolled onto his side to face Jin.

Jin wagged a finger at Yoongi."Of course I did. If I don't take care of you, who else will?" He reached out to gently stroke Yoongi's hair."You're my best friend, and I love you like a little brother. So just let me take care of you." Taking the thermometer out of its thin packaging, Jin held it in front of Yoongi's mouth."Now open up."

Yoongi didn't argue. He knew it wouldn't do him any good. He opened his mouth and lifted his tongue for the end of the thermometer to be placed beneath it. He closed his lips around the thermometer and waited for the beep that would indicate that it was done.

When the thermometer beeped, Jin pulled it out of Yoongi's mouth and read the temperature."Well, you don't have a fever. That's a relief." He gave Yoongi's shoulder a small pat."Now sit up. Take some medicine then have a nice shower. You stink."

Doing as he was told, Yoongi sat up and grabbed the bottle of Coke and the generic pain relievers Jin had bought for him. He took two pills with a gulp of the Coke. After screwing the lid back onto the Coke, Yoongi stood from the sofa and sighed."I'll make my shower quick, Jin-hyung."

"No, take your time. It'll help you feel better." Jin got up from the floor and smiled fondly at Yoongi."I'll make you something to eat."

"If you say so." Yoongi knew better than to talk back to Jin, so he would just do as Jin wanted. Besides, Jin was just taking care of him, so it was fine.

Jin watched Yoongi leave the living room. He listened to the sounds of his footsteps as he went to his bedroom then the bathroom. He waited to hear the water start running before going to the kitchen to make something to eat. Jin was worried. He had thought that Yoongi was sick. However, he didn't seem sick. Sure, he was obviously very miserable, but it appeared to be something different. As he started getting some things from the cabinets, Jin thought about the possibilities, and he recognized it all. It was very similar to how Yoongi had been before but worse.

"What happened to you?" Jin asked the silence as he started preparing food. It was clear to him that Yoongi was very upset about something, fallen into a pit of sadness from which it would be difficult to retrieve him.

Jin didn't make anything complicated, just some noodles with small bits of pork and chopped carrots mixed into it. He just needed to make sure Yoongi got some food in his stomach. He didn't want him to really get sick. Jin was fully aware that Yoongi wouldn't eat while he was upset unless someone made sure of it.

"I'm done, Hyung." Yoongi stated simply as he entered the kitchen. His wet hair was a mess, and he had just thrown on a large white shirt and black shorts.

Making a motion toward the table, Jin was pleased that Yoongi was being so compliant."Have a seat. I'll scoop some food into a bowl for you." He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and scooped some food into it, sticking a fork in as well. He also retrieved Yoongi's Coke from the living room. Taking the Coke and food to the table, he set them down in front of Yoongi before sitting across from him."Mind telling me what's wrong?"

Yoongi grabbed the fork and poked at his food a little."Hyung..."

"It's okay, Yoongi." Jin knew Yoongi didn't like to talk about his problems; it made him feel weak. Jin understood that."Whenever you want to talk, I'll listen."

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