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"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Those chants and cheers from last night rang through Yoongi's pounding head. What happened last night? He couldn't really remember much. He remembered going to a bar with Jin, Jimin, and Jackson, but he had no idea how he had gotten home. Wait a minute. Yoongi noticed something different about his sofa. It was longer than before.

This wasn't his sofa.

Where was he?

Opening his eyes, Yoongi strained to see. Just the act of opening his eyes caused him to have the most awful migraine he had ever experienced. From what he could see through his squinted eyes, this wasn't Jin's house. It wasn't Jimin's either. Was it Jackson's house? He had no idea. This place was nice though.

Being in an unfamiliar environment after a night of drinking, Yoongi checked the most important details. Reaching his hands down, he felt himself. Yup, still dressed. Next, he checked his pockets. His phone, wallet, and keys were still there.

"Oh, you're awake." That was a woman's voice.

Yoongi lifted his head from where it had been resting on the armrest on the soft couch and saw a tall woman standing in the doorway to the room. She looked oddly familiar, but Yoongi didn't know what it was about her that seemed familiar to him."Who are you..?" he asked with such a husky, sleepy tone."Where am I..?"

The woman stepped over to the couch and showed Yoongi that she was holding a glass of water and a bottle of pills."First off, here's some water and painkillers. I can imagine that your head must be throbbing terribly." When Yoongi sat up and took the water and painkillers, she smiled softly."My name is Natasha. I was at the bar last night and saw you getting totally wasted. You needed help getting home, and your friends were nowhere to be found." She watched Yoongi eye the pill bottle and chuckled."Don't worry. It's a new bottle. You don't have to worry about me putting anything weird in it."

Yoongi popped off the lid to the pill bottle and found that the safety seal was still intact."So you brought me to your place..?" He tore off the safety seal and took out a couple pills. After putting the lid back onto the pill bottle, he used the water to swallow the painkillers.

"You were too wasted to give me your address, so I didn't know where else to take you." Natasha shrugged her shoulders just a little."I suppose I could have looked through your phone or wallet to find your address, but that wouldn't be very good, now would it?"

"I guess not..." Yoongi drank some more of the water then set the glass down onto the low coffee table in front of the couch."What time is it..?" He ran his fingers through his hair and knew he was a complete mess right now.

Natasha turned her gaze to look at a clock that was hanging on the wall."It's a little after noon. Do you need to be somewhere?"

"Just home..." Yoongi wouldn't have gone to the bar if he needed to do anything today.

"Would you like a ride?" Natasha squatted down in front of Yoongi to get a better look at him."Man, don't even answer that. You look like shit. I'll give you a ride." She gave his knee a small pat."I'm going to grab my keys. Your shoes are by the front door, which is straight down the hall."

Yoongi got a better look at Natasha while she was this close. Damn. That was the first word that went through his mind now that he could see her more clearly. She was attractive and also had a sort of badass aura. Covering much of her skin that wasn't hidden by her clothes were tattoos, many of them. Watching Natasha leave the room, Yoongi got up from the couch. The painkillers were already starting to relieve his headache just a little. Glancing around, Yoongi made his way out of the room and down the hall. He got to the front door and put on his shoes.

Natasha soon went to the front door as well."Let's get you home, uh...Sorry, I don't know your name."

"It's Yoongi." Rubbing his face a little with one hand, Yoongi really tried to stop looking like shit, but it was something he just couldn't control right now.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Yoongi. Let's get going." After putting on a pair of sunglasses, Natasha opened the front door and stepped outside. She waited for Yoongi to exit then locked the door. She led him to her car and unlocked the doors."You can just type your address into my GPS."

"Okay." Yoongi got into the passenger seat and fastened his seatbelt. Once Natasha started the car, he tapped her GPS to select the option to enter his address. After typing in his address, he let his gaze wander."Nice car."

Natasha chuckled lightly. She could tell Yoongi wasn't too good at starting conversations, but she appreciated that he made an attempt."Thanks. It was a gift."

"A gift?" Yoongi looked at Natasha with disbelief."Who the fuck gives away a nice car as a gift?"

That reaction just made Natasha grin."My little brother." She reached a hand up to show Yoongi a small keychain that was dangling on a black string from the rearview mirror. Inside the keychain was a photo of Natasha and her brother."He's a sweetheart."

Looking at the photo, Yoongi now knew why Natasha looked so oddly familiar. He didn't know her. He had met her brother before though. They looked a lot alike."Yongguk is your brother?"

"You know Yongguk?" Natasha started driving away from her house to take Yoongi home."Judging by your size and appearance, I'd say that Yongguk is probably older than you. I'm definitely older than you."

Yoongi gave a tiny bow of his head."In that case, I'm grateful for your help, Noona."

"Anytime, bud." It was pretty quiet for the rest of the drive. Natasha was focused on listening to the GPS as Yoongi seemed to just glance around a lot.

When they reached his house, Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt."Thanks again for the ride."

"No problem." Natasha reached over to open the glovebox and pulled out a small card, giving it to Yoongi."Take this. It's got my number on it. Give me a call, and we'll go out sometime."

Eyeing the card, Yoongi was unsure."Uh, well..."

"No worries. Just as friends." Natasha could see the uncertainty and hoped Yoongi would give her a chance to be his friend. It was always nice to make new friends.

"Oh, sure." Maybe it would be okay for Yoongi to go out with Natasha sometime. A new friend might be what he needed. Getting out of the car, he gave Natasha a small wave then headed into his house.

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