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"Yoongi, we need to talk." Jimin said with a really uneasy expression as he stood beside Yoongi, who was trying to enjoy his simple lunch, salad and water.

"You're damn right we need to talk." Yoongi had been in a foul mood ever since he got home yesterday, being dropped off by his new friend."You, Jackson, and Jin-hyung fucking abandoned me at the bar. Not cool, man."

Jimin seated himself at the table across from Yoongi and placed his hands on the tabletop."That's what we need to talk about. I don't remember much of what happened. I think I drank too much, and Jackson-hyung was mad at us--"

"Why was Jackson mad?" Yoongi set down the plastic fork he had been using to eat his salad.

"I'm getting to that." Jimin lowered his voice, not wanting anyone else to hear what he was about to say."Yoongi-hyung, I messed up big time. I don't even know who messed up more, me or Jin-hyung, but..." He ran a hand over his hair as a heavy sigh slipped out."I woke up in Jin-hyung's house. Like, in his bed."

Yoongi didn't know what to think of this. Would this count as a win for Jin? Or was this a huge problem? Probably a huge problem."Did you two...?"

Jimin nodded, his cheeks getting a hint of pink in them."Without a doubt. We were in his bed, both nude; my ass was hurting. We definitely did."

"Well, shit. What did Jin-hyung say about it?" This was a new situation for Yoongi. He had never needed to deal with someone having drunken sex with his best friend before.

This was what had Jimin stumped. He didn't know how to handle this."Uh, well, that's where I messed up more, Yoongi-hyung." He was actually ashamed of this poor decision."I left before he woke up."

Trying to process what was being told to him, Yoongi moved both hands up to rub his temples."So let me get this straight. Jackson is mad because you left the bar with his boyfriend. You slept with Jin-hyung. Then, you left in the morning before he woke up."

"Yeah. So what should I do, Hyung?" Jimin really needed advice. He had never done something like that before.

"Well, Jimin, what you need to do," Yoongi leaned forward to be closer to Jimin before continuing,"is figure this out on your own." He pulled back and lightly chuckled as he saw Jimin's mouth agape."Oh, don't give me that look. You can't expect me to help you with this. You had drunken sex with my best friend. I'm not going to help you."

With a huff, Jimin leaned back in his seat."Fine. I don't need your help." He watched Yoongi resume eating what was left of his salad."So how did you get home anyway? None of us were there to take you."

Yoongi held up his index finger to tell Jimin to wait as he was chewing a mouthful of his salad. Once he swallowed, he took a drink from his cup of water."Well, I don't remember that night, but I woke up the next day in an older woman's house."

"No way. Really?" Jimin's eyes widened, as he had clearly jumped to a wrong assumption."You slept with an older woman?"

"What? No." Yoongi made a wave with his hand to dismiss Jimin's ridiculous assumption."I woke up on her couch; I was still fully dressed, mind you." He set down his plastic fork again and gave up on finishing his salad."She was really nice, totally cool too. She gave me her number, and I think I'll call her after work."

That was definitely shocking for Jimin to hear."Wait a minute." He needed to understand this."Yoongi-hyung, are you moving on with that woman?"

The thought would be nice, but Yoongi didn't think it was possible."No." A weak smile spread across his lips."I don't think I can move on. She's just a friend, and she'll stay that way. I don't want to move on."

"But don't you think it would be nice? You could be happy again." Jimin would really love to see Yoongi be happy again."Don't you want to be happy?"

To that, Yoongi shook his head just a little."I think it's too soon for that, Jimin. I can't possibly be happy with someone else while my heart is still tied to Hoseok. He was my happiness. When he left--"

"He took all your candy." Jimin placed an elbow on the table and rested his chin onto his palm.

"The fuck are you talking about?" That certainly confused Yoongi."What candy?"

"Uh, nothing. Forget it." Jimin sighed softly and turned his gaze to the side, staring out a window."I wonder what the big plan is?"

"What plan?" Yoongi raked his fingers through his hair."Jimin, you're not making any sense."

"It's nothing, Hyung." Jimin pulled his attention away from the window and stood."I'm heading back to the line. You should come back too. I know we've got barely any business right now, but I don't want you to just sit here and sulk."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stood as well."Fine, whatever." He knew Jimin was just trying to look out for him, but Yoongi didn't think he needed anyone to look out for him. As he walked away from the table with his trash in hand, he shifted his gaze to the side."Hey, Jimin..."

"Yeah, Hyung?" Jimin knew Yoongi was pretty sulky for a good reason, but he wished he would at least try to cheer up a little. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he and the others were all ready to help Yoongi if he needed them.

"Just, uh...Thanks." This was embarrassing for Yoongi, but he wanted to say it."Thanks for, well...being here for me. Friends are what I need right now."

Bringing a smile to his lips, Jimin hooked an arm around Yoongi's shoulders."Aw, no need to thank me, Hyung. You've got friends to help you, even though you're such a Mr. Frowny Face. We'll help you turn that frown upside-down."

"Jimin, I'm only going to say this once because I almost respect you." Yoongi's tone held a warning in it."If you keep talking like that, I will kick you."

That only made Jimin laugh."Sure you will."

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