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"So I'm going to be completely honest with you." Yoongi rested his hands on his lap and fidgeted with his fingers nervously beneath the table."I suck at making new friends. I'm just not good with people."

Natasha smiled sweetly as she used the tip of her index finger to scoop a small bit of whipped cream from the top of her frappuccino."I can tell, but there's nothing wrong with that." She glanced toward the counter before returning her gaze to Yoongi."I assume that's why you wanted to come here. You feel more comfortable when you have a friend nearby. Am I right?"

"Yeah." Yoongi glanced toward the counter as well, spotting Jin as he was taking a customer's order."Jin-hyung makes me feel safe. He's like a security blanket but a person."

"That's the great thing about close friends." Natasha ate the bit of whipped cream from her fingertip then took a small drink of her frappuccino."Can I ask you about that night at the bar?"

Yoongi shifted his gaze around a little before looking at his coffee, lightly poking the side of his cup."I don't really remember much about it." he stated honestly.

Making a small wave with her hand to dismiss that little fact, Natasha wasn't interested in Yoongi's memory of the boozy night."I don't need to know about what happened during the night before I took you to my place. I'm just wondering..." She knew this was nosy of her, so she wouldn't be offended if Yoongi chose not to answer."What was your reason for drinking so much? You clearly don't do that often. It's obvious."

Just thinking about his reason for drinking made Yoongi wish he could just curl up on his bed right now and never greet the world again. He was still torn up about it. There was no telling when he would get over it."I, uh..."

"You don't have to tell me." Natasha could see that this was very hard for Yoongi, so she didn't want him to feel obligated to tell her.

Yoongi slightly shook his head. He knew he needed to get used to this. He needed to come to terms with being single again. He needed to accept that he had been dumped."I, uh, was dumped."

"But why? You seem like such a sweet guy." Natasha couldn't see a reason for anyone to not want to be with Yoongi. He was honest, caring, sweet, and cute.

"I don't know." This was probably what killed Yoongi the most about it. He hadn't been given a reason. It was just over. So he was left to speculate and wonder what he had done wrong."It must be my fault somehow. I must have done something wrong or said something offensive without realizing it."

Reaching across the table, Natasha lightly touched Yoongi's wrist."Hey, don't think like that. Maybe it wasn't your fault. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"It had to be my fault." Yoongi just couldn't believe that it wasn't his fault."There's no way it was his fault. He's so sweet, but maybe I made him feel like he couldn't be open with me."

"What do you mean?" Natasha wished there was some way she could show Yoongi that the break-up couldn't possibly be only his fault.

Lifting his hand to run his fingers through his hair, Yoongi sighed."There was something wrong. I don't know what was wrong, but I could see it. He kept showing small signs of being unhappy, but every time I asked him if something was wrong, he would always deny it. There must be something wrong with me. Something about me caused him to not trust me enough to tell me what was wrong."

"Maybe it was something he needed to work through on his own." As Yoongi's mood seemed to be sinking, Natasha had caught glimpses of Jin peering at them with worry. It was so cute how Yoongi's best friend was so concerned for him. She gave Jin a small wave to let him know that she would handle Yoongi.

"But I love him." Yoongi didn't know what to do. He didn't know what he could have done differently to save his relationship with Hoseok."I would do anything for him."

A small smile spread itself across Natasha's lips."Maybe you should talk to him."

"What?" Yoongi quickly shook his head."I can't do that. He dumped me. He probably doesn't want to talk to me."

"Then, just text him." Natasha suggested."Just a simple text. Tell him that you love him and that you'll be an open ear if he ever wants to talk."

That seemed a lot harder for Yoongi than Natasha was making it sound. How could he possibly send a text to the man who dumped him? How could he state his love to Hoseok now that they weren't together anymore?"I really don't think I can do that."

Natasha wagged her index finger at Yoongi."Tsk, tsk. Didn't you just say that you would do anything for him?" She was aware that this would be hard, but she was also sure that it would help."If you would truly do anything for him, consider being an open ear and willing support for him. Put your hurt feelings aside and focus on his feelings for a bit."

That really hit Yoongi. He did need to give more thought to Hoseok's feelings. He needed to stop wallowing in his self-pity and consider what Hoseok might be feeling."I'll try."

"You'll try?" Natasha perked an eyebrow at Yoongi before taking a drink of her frappuccino.

"Fuck. I'll do it, Noona." Yoongi didn't really know if he could. It was going to be hard. Could he really just send a text to Hoseok? He would try to send it once he would get home later. But what should he say?

"Good." Natasha hoped Yoongi wouldn't chicken out. He needed to show that he would accept Hoseok's problems, and maybe that would help them start talking to each other again. At the very least, it could help Yoongi learn why he was dumped. If it truly was his fault, he could learn what he was doing wrong and try to fix it.

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