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"You said you were going to come here and talk to him today." Yoongi resisted the temptation to scold Jin for not showing up.

"I'll be there, Yoongi." Jin certainly did not sound motivated.

"When? After we close?" Yoongi glanced at the nearby clock on the wall and sighed."Hyung, we close in an hour. Are you going to be here in time?"

A soft mumble was heard from Jin before he answered more audibly."Yes. I'll be there in time."

"You better be." Yoongi said with a huff.

"Is that any way to speak to your hyung?"

"You aren't acting like a hyung." Yoongi retorted.

There was a heavy sigh."I know. This is just...hard. I've never had to handle a situation like this before."

A tender half-smile came over Yoongi's lips."I understand, Jin-hyung, but I'm here for you."

"I love you, Yoongi." Jin's tone was full on fondness."You're my best friend."

"You're my best friend too, Hyung." Spotting Taehyung coming toward him, Yoongi ended the tender moment."Anyway, I have to go now. You better get here before we close." Then, he ended the call without giving Jin a chance to say anything else. Slipping his phone into his pocket, Yoongi turned his attention to Taehyung."What's up?"

Taehyung had a smile tugging at his lips."You were speaking to Jin-hyung, right?" He could always tell whenever Yoongi was speaking to Jin. It was obvious from his facial expressions."Is he coming here?"

"Yeah, he should be here before we close. Why are you asking?" Yoongi knew Taehyung could be goofy and random when starting conversations out of the blue, but his conversational tactics could be very professional too.

"Well, I was just thinking that we could make him some burgers before we finish putting everything away." Taehyung knew that Jin liked the burgers here. He also memorized the way Jin liked them because he got them the same way every time.

Yoongi gave a small shake of his head."That won't be necessary. Jin-hyung isn't coming here to simply hang out." He became a little concerned when he saw Taehyung's demeanor drop a little, like his positivity was let out like air from a deflating balloon."Tae, you okay?"

However, Taehyung quickly perked himself back up."Yeah, of course I'm okay. Jin-hyung must be coming to talk to Jimin then, huh?"

"That's right." Yoongi stood from where he had been seated at a table near the furthest corner of the decently-sized burger joint.

"Okay. I guess I'll finish helping Jimin and Jungkook get everything put away." Taehyung was definitely disappointed, but he didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to tell anyone how he felt about the situation with Jimin and Jin.

 When Taehyung turned to walk away, Yoongi spoke up again."Are you sure you're okay, Tae? You seem a little down."

Taehyung looked back over his shoulder at his manager with a boxy grin."Yes, I'm okay, Hyung. Don't worry. If I'm ever not okay, I'll let you know." He didn't want to spill his thoughts to Yoongi, though there was someone with whom he wanted to speak. So when he headed back behind the counter, he reached out to lightly tap Jimin's shoulder along the way.

Jimin looked at Taehyung and knew he wanted to talk about something. That would be the only reason Taehyung would get his attention like that at work. Glancing over the counter to the dining area, he saw that Yoongi had gotten to work wiping off the tables. As long as the manager was busy, he probably wouldn't notice if Jimin and Taehyung talked for a few minutes. Following Taehyung into the supply closet, which seemed really odd to him, Jimin figured this would also be a good chance for him to take the risk of possibly hooking up with his best friend.

Now that they were alone, Taehyung had a very important question to ask."Jimin, I'm just going to get straight to the point." He inhaled deeply then let the breath out through his nose to keep his nerves calm."Is there anything going on between you and Jin-hyung, besides the one drunk night?"

Jimin couldn't honestly say that he was completely surprised by this question, only a little bit. After all, he and Jungkook did suspect that Taehyung might like him. If that was the case, it would make sense for Taehyung to want to be sure that nothing else was happening between him and Jin."No, nothing else is going on between us."

"Good." Taehyung was pleased about that."That's all I wanted to know." He grabbed the knob to the door but didn't open it because Jimin spoke.

"Tae, I have something to ask you as well." Jimin figured he might as well go for it.

Taehyung released the knob and turned back to fully face Jimin."What?"

"We've been friends for a long time. Best friends, actually." Jimin was a little nervous about this because this could end up ruining what they still had of their friendship if this went wrong."I love being around you, and I think you like being around me. So I'm just wondering if you'd like to, well maybe...um...." He wasn't quite sure of what words he should use in this situation. He had never tried to hook up with a close friend before.

"Jimin." Taehyung seemed to understand though."If you're trying to ask me out or for a hookup, the answer is no. You're just my friend, and I want you to stay that way." He let out a slightly frustrated sigh."However, I will let you move back up to your original best friend status once I can fully forgive you for your stupidity."

"Forgive me for my stupidity?" Jimin didn't really get that. He knew what he had done to upset Jin and Jackson, but what had he done to upset Taehyung."Did I do something wrong to you, Tae? If I did, I'm sorry."

Taehyung placed a hand on his hip."Jimin, apologies aren't genuine if you don't know what you're apologizing for."

Jimin frowned but knew that was right."I'll think about it and give you a genuine apology when I figure it out."

"Good." Taehyung reached out and ruffled Jimin's hair."Let's get back to work. It's almost closing time."

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