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Jimin perked an eyebrow at Jungkook as they were putting away their cleaning supplies."And what?"

"Don't act clueless with me. I saw you go into the closet with Tae-hyung." Jungkook's face held a know-it-all expression, which was actually pretty normal.

"Before you start thinking that you know what happened, I'll have you know that Tae rejected me." Jimin stated flatly. He hated rejection, but he knew that it was a part of life."You were wrong about him possibly liking me. In fact, I've apparently done something to upset him, and I don't know what."

Jungkook's expression shifted a little into a bit of a tell-me-more look."Apparently? You mean you don't know what you've done to upset him?"

Jimin shook his head then sighed softly."I don't know. But whatever it is, it's the cause of the stink eye he's been giving me lately, I guess. It has also bumped me down from my best friend status."

"Bummer." Jungkook wiped his hands on the front of his shirt once he finished putting away his cleaning supplies."How are you going to figure out what you did?"

"I don't know." Jimin did know that he needed to figure this out. He couldn't just push it all aside and pretend that things between him and Taehyung would just go back to normal without any effort on his part. Well, he could try to pretend, but that wouldn't work."Jungkook, I've been a bad friend to Tae. I know that. But I feel like it's something more than that. I know Tae would forgive me for not noticing his mature side because he doesn't really show it much around me, but whatever I did to upset him now is something that he isn't forgiving me for yet."

Reaching out, Jungkook lightly pat Jimin's shoulder twice."Just do some thinking about the things you've done lately. It'll come to you. And when you figure it out, find a way to fix it."

"I just wish it was easier." Jimin hated it when things were tough. He preferred for life to be smooth and easy. It couldn't be like that all the time though, could it?


"Yoongi-hyung's calling for you. Don't make him wait." Jungkook watched Jimin sigh then walk out of the backroom.

Jimin quietly mumbled to himself as he made his way to the front. There was so much on his mind that he didn't know what else he could handle today. It may not seem like he had a lot wrong to anybody else, but these problems were more than he was used to handling on his own. And it only became worse when he got up front to the counter. Jin was there, standing beside Yoongi with obvious nervousness."Yeah?"

Yoongi was feeling nervous about this as well. He really didn't want things to get worse between Jin and Jimin. He just wanted this to be resolved and over. If they worked things out, that would be good. If this caused Jin to get over his crush and move on, that would be even better in Yoongi's opinion. Not saying anything to Jimin, Yoongi lightly touched Jin's arm and gave him a soft gaze, silently sending a little comfort.

This was the moment Jin needed to face. He had been thinking about this all day, and he didn't really know how to handle it, but here he was, facing it. He couldn't just run away from this and hide. He had to face this in order to properly move on and get over his crush. Though, he couldn't deny that there was still a small bit of hope in him that he and Jimin could embrace this together and make something better out of it."Jimin, can we talk for a moment? Alone?"

"Sure." Jimin's gaze switched from Jin to Yoongi then back to Jin. He was definitely not looking forward to this. Despite the fact that Jimin was usually quite confident in one-night stands, his drunken night with Jin had messed things up. He knew it was a mistake, so talking to Jin alone made him a little nervous. Depending on how this went, he might lose some friends.

Jin made a small motion with his hand for Jimin to follow him then headed outside. He led the way around to the side of the building then stopped and turned to face Jimin. This spot meant something to him. This was the same spot where Jimin had asked him to go on a blind date with Namjoon. This spot was where it was driven into Jin's heart that he was never going to have Jimin, and his crush was pointless."Jimin, about that night, we need to set some things straight."

Jimin completely missed the significance of this spot, not knowing why Jin led him directly here when they could have spoken in the bathroom or just been alone in the corner of the dining area. It was a little cold outside, a soft breeze blowing and dark clouds hiding the stars. It smelled like rain."I know, Jin-hyung. We need to get past this."

"I just need to know..." Jin was afraid of the answer he may receive. He knew that his crush was pointless and that he would never have Jimin, but he still hated being rejected by him."Did it mean anything to you? Anything at all?"

Jimin had been afraid of this question. Though he already knew that it hadn't really meant anything to him, the reactions he had received from his friends really showed him that he was in the wrong. He had made a very bad decision, and his way of using others and viewing hookups was terrible. He had to be honest. He had to own up to his mistake."No." Jimin saw the pain in Jin's expression, and that was when it hit him for the first time. How could he be so blind?"Jin-hyung, I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Jin couldn't take that apology. He couldn't accept it."Do you even know how much you hurt me? How much that meant to me? What I would have done to have you if it meant something to you?" Just as tears began to impede his vision, the first droplets of rain were felt.

"Jin-hyung, I really am sorry. I mean it." Jimin knew he had been wrong, and he was finally seeing just how bad this must be for Jin. He finally saw the other man's feelings."I messed up. It's all my fault, and I completely understand that you probably won't forgive me."

"You're right." Jin stiffened up and refused to cry."I won't forgive you. At least, not for now. I don't know if I ever will. For the time being, I think it's best for you and me to not see each other. I need to work through my feelings, and I can't do that around you."

Jimin lowered his gaze and nodded."I understand." As the rain started to come down more, he turned his gaze to the building, wanting to go back inside."I'll stay away from you."

Jin watched as Jimin turned to head back inside. However, he said one last thing to him."You should apologize to Jackson. I have already spoken to him about that night. You should too."

"I will." Jimin sighed heavily and headed back inside, greeted by the sight of the others, who had all been apparently waiting to see the outcome. Meeting their gazes, he just shook his head and sat at a table, putting his head down to think.

"Where's Jin-hyung?" Jungkook wondered as the older man didn't return.

Yoongi peered toward the door and knew the answer. He knew Jin well enough to know that he wouldn't want to come back inside after that talk."Most likely walking home." He cocked his head slightly to the side when he saw Taehyung head to the door with his jacket in his hand."Taehyung, it's raining. You should put your jacket on before heading out."

Taehyung didn't say a word though. He just went outside with his jacket in his hand. His eyes scanned the area before he spotted Jin, walking away with his arms wrapped around himself."Jin-hyung!" he called as he jogged after the older man.

Hearing his name being called, Jin stopped and looked back. He was confused when he saw Taehyung. He knew Taehyung, but they weren't really close. They didn't know each other very well, only speaking to each other whenever they would both sit with Yoongi to hang out."I'm sorry, Taehyung, but I really just want to go home right now."

A soft smile came over Taehyung's lips when he caught up to Jin."I'll walk you home." Reaching around, he placed his jacket onto Jin's shoulders, much to his hyung's surprise.

"You really don't need to." Jin didn't want to be an inconvenience to someone he didn't know very well.

"I want to." Taehyung's heart melted when Jin smiled at him, accepting his company for the walk.


Jungkook seated himself beside Jimin and lightly placed a hand his back. He didn't say anything, just offered a little emotional support. As they all sat in silence, he looked over toward Yoongi. The manager needed to be the last to leave, so he was actually stuck there until Jimin and Jungkook would head home. However, the silence of the place was soon broken by the sound of ringing.

Yoongi glanced toward the direction of the ringing before looking at Jungkook."Take Jimin home, okay? It's late."

Jungkook gave a nod then watched Yoongi head toward the back to answer the phone."Hyung, you heard him. Let's go."

When Yoongi got into the backroom, he was rather confused."Who the hell is calling us this late? Don't they know we're closed?" He grabbed the phone and sighed before answering."Hello, you've reached Burger Palace. How may I help you?"


That voice... "Hoseok..?"

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