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Taehyung did his best to clear his mind of any worry as he approached the cafe. He had felt so confident about this when he left his apartment. That confidence was starting to dwindle as he was getting close to the front door of the cafe. He knew Jin was most likely already inside, just waiting for him. I should have asked Yoongi-hyung to get Jin-hyung to meet me somewhere else. What if Jin-hyung doesn't want to be here on his day off? As far as Taehyung was aware though, Jin could have been the one to suggest this place since it was familiar for both of them. Perhaps that was best.

Getting up to the door, Taehyung took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm himself. Then, he opened the door and stepped inside. Glancing around, he saw that he was right to assume Jin was here before him. Sitting at a table to the right side, Taehyung spotted Jin with his hands placed neatly on his lap. Jin must have been watching the door for him to get there because they had already locked gazes. He's smiling at me! That charming smile on Jin's lips always made Taehyung's heart do backflips, but he did his best to remain composed. Duh. Of course. He smiles at everyone. Jin-hyung's super nice like that.

Making his way over to the table, Taehyung smiled at Jin in return."Thanks for meeting up with me, Hyung."

"It's not a problem." Jin was a little confused as to why Taehyung needed to speak to him, but he was definitely not opposed to it. He thought Taehyung was a sweet person, and he genuinely enjoyed his presence. Of course, this was only the second time that they were together for any reason without Yoongi being included."Yoongi said you want to talk to me about something. Is everything okay?"

This was one of the things Taehyung loved about Jin. He was so caring. He was like a big brother."Everything's okay. I just really want to tell you something."

Jin cocked his head a little to the side with curiosity."Oh?"

Being here right now with Jin sitting in front of him, Taehyung finally felt ready. He had been nervous before entering, but he knew what he wanted to say now. Seating himself at last in the chair across from the handsome older man, he just knew that this man was the one he wanted, the one he needed."Jin-hyung, you're a great person. You're so caring and friendly. You're understanding and patient."

A hint of pink came over Jin's cheeks at the unexpected compliments."Oh, uh..."

"You're as beautiful on the inside as you are handsome on the outside." Taehyung grinned from ear to ear as he spoke."You take care of Yoongi-hyung and show him the kindness of a big brother. You're always there when he needs you. That's amazing. I know we haven't spoken to each other a whole lot, but I've seen the way you help out in any way you can. I've seen how much you care and show your heart to everyone you meet."

"Taehyung..." Jin didn't really know what was going on right now. Why was Taehyung showering him with compliments and such kind words all of a sudden?

"Jin-hyung, you're not perfect. You make mistakes like we all do." A fire was burning in Taehyung's chest, keeping him going. He needed to say this. He wanted to say it."Even with your imperfections and flaws, your great qualities outshine them, and I really like those things about you. What I'm trying to say is..." He hadn't taken his gaze away from Jin this entire time."Jin-hyung, I really like you, and I would be honored if you gave me the chance to date you."

Jin's heart did all sorts of things in this moment. It dropped. It flipped. It roundhouse kicked his stomach and assaulted his ribcage. He didn't know what it was doing. It was so confusing. Was he happy? Was he scared? Maybe both?"Taehyung, I..."

Seeing Jin's little struggle, Taehyung chuckled lightly."You don't have to answer right away. I'm patient. There is no pressure, and I won't die if you don't want to date me. I will be just as happy with being your friend."

That actually made Jin feel more comfortable."Taehyung, I think you're a great guy. I really do." He lowered his gaze just a little as he knew Taehyung's eyes were still glued to him, giving his full attention. He felt like he was super important, and he loved it."I just don't think I'm ready yet."

"That's fine." Taehyung had no intention of pressuring Jin. That wouldn't be right.

Lifting his gaze back up to Taehyung's face, Jin felt hopeful."Can we get to know each other better first? I feel like you know more about me than I know about you."

"Of course." Slipping a hand into his pocket, Taehyung pulled out his phone."I have an idea. Can I have your number? We can meet up for coffee or to hang out sometime. Any day you don't want to hang out, we can both just send a fact about ourselves to each other."

Jin pulled out his phone as well."A fact?"

"Yeah. It doesn't have to be anything big." Taehyung opened his contacts."Just something small. Like your favorite snack or what song you have stuck in your head."

"That's a great idea." Exchanging phones with the younger man, Jin smiled to himself as he entered his contact information into Taehyung's phone. He felt like a high school kid, giddy with a crush. It was childish, but there was nothing wrong with it.

After putting his contact into Jin's phone, Taehyung was happy when they swapped their phones back."Shall we ge--"

"Jin-hyung! I'm so glad you're here!"

Jin and Taehyung both looked toward the entrance to see who had entered and called out so loudly. It was Namjoon, and he was accompanied by Hoseok."Uh, do you need something, Namjoon?" Jin asked as the two approached the table.

Namjoon was holding Hoseok's hand as they stepped over to the table, making sure his friend stayed nearby."Yeah. Do you know where Yoongi-hyung is?"

"He's, um..." Jin glanced at Hoseok then Taehyung before looking at Namjoon again."He's kinda on a date." It was important to be honest.

"A date?" Well, that was certainly not what Hoseok had wanted to hear. He came here with Namjoon in the hopes of finding Yoongi to make things right. He wanted to correct his mistake of leaving, but what if that couldn't happen now?

Taehyung was at a loss. He wanted Yoongi to be happy. If this new date could lead to Yoongi being happy, it should happen, right? But Yoongi had been so happy with Hoseok."You need to go to him." Taehyung told Hoseok decisively."He was happy with you. Make him happy again."

"But we don't know where he is." Hoseok squeezed Namjoon's hand as his other hand balled into a fist."Can you tell us where he is?"

"Just a moment. I'll text him and find out." Jin immediately texted Yoongi. As much as he hated to interrupt a date, he knew this was worth it. This was something that needed to be done.


Yoongi, where are you?

It's super important.


Just waiting at Golden Dragon.


Your date hasn't arrived yet?


Not yet.

I'm a little early.

Is something wrong, Hyung?



Just stay there.

Coming to you.

"He's at Golden Dragon." Jin slipped his phone into his pocket."His date isn't there yet. Do you two need a ride?"

Namjoon shook his head."No, but thanks. We got this." Quickly yet carefully, he pulled Hoseok along, taking him out of the cafe.


"Namjoon, drive faster." Hoseok was anxious. He was so nervous but also in such a hurry. He needed to get to Yoongi. He needed to give this his best shot to get that wonderful man back into his life.

Namjoon huffed as he drove."I'm going as fast as I can, Hoseok. If I go any faster, we'll be speeding. Getting pulled over will make this take even longer than just going the speed limit."

"I need to be there. I need to be there now." Hoseok knew this was all his fault. If he had never left Yoongi in the first place, he wouldn't be racing against the clock to reach him now.

"We'll get there. I promise." Going just a little faster, Namjoon was determined to get Hoseok to Golden Dragon before Yoongi's date would arrive.

Hoseok was tense during the whole ride. He was antsy and couldn't think about anything other than getting to Yoongi. As soon as the car stopped, and the engine was shut off, he knew they were there."Get me inside, Namjoon-ah!" Fumbling with his seatbelt, Hoseok got it off then got the door open. Getting out of the car, he heard Namjoon rush to get over to him.

"Let's go. You can do this." Namjoon grabbed Hoseok's hand and walked into the restaurant with him. The place was nice but not over-the-top. He wondered if this was a simple date or a trying-to-get-laid date. Nah, that didn't seem like Yoongi's style. Looking around, it took Namjoon a few minutes to spot Yoongi, who was sitting alone."His date isn't here yet. Come on."

Being pulled along, Hoseok did his best to follow Namjoon without tripping or bumping into anything. I can do this. he told himself. I have to.

When they got to the table, Namjoon cleared his throat, which effectively got Yoongi to look up at them. The look of shock in his eyes said everything. He's definitely not over Hoseok. There's no way he's already moved on."Yoongi-hyung, you and Hoseok need to talk. Like, right now."

"Hoseok..." Yoongi was at a loss for words. What could he say to the man who left him? He wanted to say something, anything. He wanted to spill out all of his feelings, but he was frozen.

"Yoongi-hyung..." Hoseok was finally here, in Yoongi's presence. He was ready to speak to him and let out everything that needed to be said, but...

Someone else spoke behind them."Is something going on here?" came the voice of a woman.

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