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Yoongi sipped a bit of iced coffee through the straw sticking out of his plastic cup as he made his way to Taehyung's apartment. He wondered what Taehyung wanted to discuss. He had said that it was important and sounded bummed when he thought Yoongi wasn't available to talk. Reaching the apartment building, Yoongi entered and made his way to the second floor. He knew Taehyung could afford a better place than this old apartment, but he remembered Taehyung telling him before that he'd just lived there for so long that he became attached to the place. It wasn't much, but it gave him the feeling of home that he liked.

Once he got to the second floor, Yoongi approached Taehyung's door and gave it a couple simple knocks. Taking another sip of his iced coffee, he waited for the door to be opened. It took a minute, but he soon heard the quick thumps of Taehyung basically running to the door. When it was opened, Yoongi cocked his head a little in question."Everything okay?"

Taehyung had been wracking his brain throughout the entire past hour, trying to think of what he should say to Yoongi."You're here! But-but-but!" Why did he feel so panicked? He just had to speak to Yoongi about this and accept his answer."I'm not ready yet! Hang on!"

And just like that, the door was shut in Yoongi's face."Kay. Take your time." It almost made Yoongi chuckle. He had never seen Taehyung panic like that. It was cute. Shifting a little to the side, Yoongi leaned a shoulder against the wall near the door and waited patiently as he kept taking sips of his iced coffee. What has got him so worked up? he wondered. Yoongi hoped he could help Taehyung with whatever had him in such a panic.

This made him think about the progress Taehyung had made ever since he first started working at Burger Palace. At first, Yoongi hadn't been able to stand him. Taehyung had been too noisy and childish. However, as he got the hang of his job, he calmed down. He still joked from time to time, but his level of maturity was steadily growing. When Taehyung started acting more mature, Yoongi had seen potential in him and started training him to possibly be promoted someday soon. During that training, they ended up becoming close friends. It brought a small smile to Yoongi's lips as he was fully sure in this moment that he had made a good choice in choosing to train Taehyung for the promotion. We're just a single burger joint, but I know Taehyung can help us grow enough to open a second location.

After about ten minutes, the door was opened again."Yoongi-hyung?" Taehyung was nervous, and it was audible.

Yoongi moved a step away from the wall."You ready to try this again?" He wasn't going to rush Taehyung. If he needed a few more minutes again, he wouldn't mind.

Taehyung nodded and stepped aside."Please come in." He watched Yoongi enter his apartment then closed the door."So, um, this is really, really important, and I hope you won't hate me for it."

"Tae, the only thing that could make me hate you right now would be if you shot my cat." Yoongi said rather nonchalantly.

"You don't have a cat." Taehyung had utter confusion in his tone.

Yoongi lightly tapped his fingers on his plastic cup."Exactly. You're one of my best friends, Tae. Just relax. I promise not to hate you."

That actually made Taehyung feel just a little better. He knew Yoongi wasn't going to hate him, but it was just a little irrational fear. After all, he was about to ask for something really big."Okay. I guess I'll just get right to it then." He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants to try to keep himself from fidgeting, but his nervousness must be so obvious."Yoongi-hyung, I really want to ask for your approval."

"My approval for what?" This took Yoongi off guard. For what could he need to give Taehyung approval?"Is there something you need from me?"

Taehyung really didn't know how to say this. He hadn't practiced enough. How do I ask this? His gaze flickered to different corners of the room as he tried to put the words together in his mind. Unfortunately, his brain and mouth didn't quite sync up in time."Jin-hyung. I need."

Well, that didn't make sense to Yoongi."You need something from Jin-hyung?" he guessed with such uncertainty in his tone.

Pulling a hand from his pocket, Taehyung slapped his palm to his forehead."No." He let out a small huff."I need Jin-hyung." Why couldn't his brain and mouth cooperate?

"You need Jin-hyung?" Yoongi was so confused."I can call him if that's what you need."

Shaking his head, Taehyung just blurted it out."Yoongi-hyung, I really, really, really like Jin-hyung. I want to date him." Those words came out of his mouth with such speed that it was amazing that he managed to not stutter.

It did take Yoongi a few seconds to process what had just been said though."You like Jin-hyung?" Seeing Taehyung nod with a subtle hint of pink in his cheeks, Yoongi felt a smile spread across his lips."You're a great person, Tae. I trust you. I know you'll never hurt Jin-hyung, so you have my approval." He saw Taehyung's eyes light up, like a child on Christmas. However, he held up his free hand to stop him from talking just yet."Be prepared for possible rejection though. Nothing against you. I just think it might be a little soon for Jin-hyung. After the fiasco with Jimin and shit with Jackson, I don't know if he's ready to give dating another try."

This was it. This was exactly what Taehyung sought. He got Yoongi's approval."Thank you, Hyung!" Stepping forward, he pulled Yoongi into a joyful hug."It's okay if Jin-hyung isn't ready. It's okay if he rejects me." Taehyung was so happy right now that he didn't even know if words could express the feeling properly."I just want him to know how I feel. I'll be happy to just be closer to him as a friend."

Though he wasn't much of a hugger, Yoongi couldn't possibly be annoyed right now. He could tell Taehyung was really happy, and that in turn, made him happy as well."Would you like me to text him to meet you somewhere?" He knew Taehyung didn't have Jin's number.

"Yes, please, Hyung." Taehyung wanted to talk to Jin as soon as possible now. Just getting Yoongi's approval was enough to give him the courage to confess his feelings to Jin.

"Okay, you need to release me from this death trap first though." Yoongi chuckled when Taehyung released the hug and took a step back. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he sent a text to Jin.


Yo, Hyung, you free right now?



Something up?


Can you meet up with Tae somewhere?

He wants to talk to you about something.



Does he have someplace in mind?


The cafe should be fine.



Will you be there too?

Yoongi glanced at Taehyung to see him waiting with such giddiness in his expression.



I am actually going to be heading out for dinner soon.

Don't want to be late.


Don't want to be late?

A date?


Of sorts.


Tell Taehyung I'll be at the cafe soon.

Have fun.

Putting away his phone, Yoongi gave Taehyung a smile."Jin-hyung will meet you at the cafe. He said he'll be there soon."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, Yoongi-hyung!" Taehyung was ecstatic. This didn't even need to end with Jin agreeing to date him. That wasn't the goal here. Taehyung's goal was just to make his feelings known and grow closer to Jin, either through dating or through a more open friendship.

"I hate to just chat and bounce, but I really have to go now." Yoongi didn't want to be rude by leaving so soon, but he needed to get ready."I have dinner plans and don't want to be late."

Taehyung didn't know how he felt about Yoongi having dinner plans. Whether Yoongi was trying to move on or not wasn't his personal business though, so he just hoped it was something that would make him happy."It's fine. I guess I should head out too."

Taking one final sip of his iced coffee, Yoongi flicked his gaze around."You mind if I throw this away here? I don't need any more of it."

"Sure." Taehyung turned and pointed toward a trashcan across the room."Just toss it in there."

 After throwing away his plastic cup, Yoongi stepped back over to Taehyung and gave him a small pat on the shoulder."Good luck with Jin-hyung."

"Thanks, Hyung. That means a lot." They exchanged smiles before Yoongi headed out, and Taehyung grabbed his shoes to get ready to head out as well. It was finally time to make his feelings known to Jin.

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