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Jimin wasn't really sure of how he felt about this. Here he was, at the mall with the guy he liked and said guy's girlfriend. Was this even a good idea? Could he get along with her? Was he okay with this? He was having second thoughts. His initial thoughts of Chaeyoung were that she was untrustworthy and evil. Those thoughts were created by jealousy though. For all he knew, she could be completely different than what he thought.

As his thoughts swarmed around inside his head, Jimin didn't notice that he started walking a bit slower. He was falling behind. How could he fit in with them while shopping? He looked at their connected hands. I'm a third wheel. He looked down at the floor as he thought that.

"Jiminie-hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he stopped walking, noticing that Jimin was lagging behind."Are you tired?" He knew the issue, but he didn't want to embarrass Jimin by publicly bringing up his feelings about Chaeyoung.

"We can all walk slower or find a spot to sit for a few minutes." Chaeyoung suggested helpfully.

Jimin sighed softly, not wanting to admit in front of Chaeyoung how he was feeling. He knew it wasn't her fault."Can we sit down for a minute?"

With a smile of understanding, Jungkook glanced around the interior of the mall until he spotted the perfect thing."Let's sit at the ice cream shop. We can get some ice cream and relax for a few minutes."

"That's a great idea, Oppa." Chaeyoung loved ice cream and figured that would be the perfect spot for them to relax for a few minutes."Don't you think so too, Jimin-oppa?"

Being asked directly, Jimin lifted his head to peer at Chaeyoung's pretty face. How could he have ever hated such a sweet person?"Yeah." he answered with a small smile of his own."Ice cream sounds great." He walked with Jungkook and Chaeyoung to the ice cream shop and wondered silently if he could just pick a spot and sit down while they would get the ice cream. He just wanted a small break from being the third wheel.

Jungkook seemed to have noticed Jimin's gaze as it swept over the empty chairs in the shop. Pulling out his wallet, he held some money out to Chaeyoung."Do you mind getting the ice creams while Jimin-hyung and I have a seat?"

"Of course." Chaeyoung accepted the money."What flavors do you two want?"

Jungkook stated that he wanted chocolate at almost the same time as Jimin said that he wanted mango."Mango?" That caused Jungkook to change his mind."That sounds good. I want mango too."

"Two mango ice creams. Sounds yummy." Chaeyoung walked away to get in line, happy to be getting ice cream.

"Come on, Jiminie-hyung. Let's have a seat." Leading Jimin over to a small corner table, Jungkook seated himself and placed his hands onto his lap, lightly tapping his fingers on his thighs. He waited for Jimin to sit down before speaking again."Are you okay? Is this too much?"

Hearing the questions, Jimin didn't want to lie. He needed to do his best to be a better person, and that included telling the truth and being open with his feelings."I'm trying, Jungkook. I really am. I feel bad about the way I thought of Chaeyoung before I even tried to get to know her, and, well...I guess it just sucks to be a third wheel."

The honesty made Jungkook feel like Jimin was definitely showing improvement and growth as a person. It was impressive."I understand, but you can get to know her now. Besides, being a third wheel isn't so bad. You know what else has three wheels?" When Jimin looked at him with a perked eyebrow, Jungkook chuckled."A tricycle. All three wheels support each other. Someday, we all outgrow tricycles and move on to bikes. Chaeyoung and I are like a beginner's bicycle. We're just starting out on two wheels, and we've got a lot to learn. You're still in the tricycle phase, but you'll be ready to create a bicycle with someone special someday. Until that happens, Chaeyoung and I will gladly be a tricycle with you whenever you need us."

Jimin lowered his gaze and poked at the table's surface a little with his index finger."That's actually a really cute analogy, Kook."

"I love you, Jimin-hyung." Those words came out so easily for Jungkook, like he was talking to a brother."You're one of my best friends, and you mean the world to me. I can't return your feelings, but I can support you and be here for you."

Maybe the coolness in the air of the ice cream shop was the only thing that kept Jimin from melting as if he was made of ice cream himself."Those words mean so much to me, Kook. I bet you're a wonderful boyfriend."

"I try to be." Glancing over toward the counter, Jungkook saw that Chaeyoung was paying and might need help carrying the three ice cream cones."I should help Chaeyoung with the ice cream."

But Jimin held up a hand to stop Jungkook when he had started to stand."I'll help her. Wait here." That said, Jimin stood and made his way over to Chaeyoung. She indeed needed the help."Let me help you with those." Jimin grabbed two of the cones, leaving Chaeyoung with just one."Oh? They're all the same."

Chaeyoung smiled sheepishly."Well, you both got mango, and I thought it sounded good, so I got it too."

As they walked away from the counter, Jimin stayed right beside Chaeyoung. He wanted to say something. He needed to say it."Chaeyoung."

They both stopped walking."Yes, Oppa?"

"I just need to tell you something real quick." Jimin gulped quietly as he tried to get his thoughts straight."I'm sorry."

"For what?" Chaeyoung didn't know the reason for the apology. To her knowledge, Jimin had done nothing that warranted an apology to her.

I'm here. I have to say it. I have to be better. I can do this. Jimin encouraged himself in his head."I thought bad things about you before. I thought you were a bad person. I thought you couldn't be trusted. And I...I hated you." He didn't really know what type of reaction he expected, but it wasn't the reaction he got. Instead, Chaeyoung was peering at him with her pretty brown eyes, waiting patiently for him to finish what he needed to say."I can see that I was wrong though. I see now that you're nice, and I was wrong for judging you that way because of my own jealousy."

"You know, Kookie-oppa has always had such good things to say about you." Chaeyoung spoke with such a calm tone."He was right. You're a good person. Everyone gets jealous sometimes. It's natural. I admit that I was a little jealous at first too because Kookie-oppa talked about you so much, but I can see that he really treasures your friendship. It's a beautiful thing, and I hope you can accept me as a friend too someday."

How could I have ever hated such a nice person? Jimin asked himself with a smile."I do. We're friends now, Chaeyoung. At least, I hope so."

Chaeyoung's lips spread into a beautiful grin."Definitely. Friends." With a mutual agreement of newfound friendship, they made their way to the table and seated themselves with Jungkook, who had a knowing smile on his face.

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