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To say Yoongi was at a loss for words would be an understatement. He had zero clue of what he should say to Hoseok. The blind man just held his hand and walked closely by his side. It was so quiet between them as they got to the park. Yoongi found himself staring at Hoseok as they walked along, which was dumb. He really should watch where he was going. That was important, especially since Hoseok was trusting Yoongi to lead him along. Still, despite that, Yoongi couldn't help but peer at the attractive male walking with him.

"I bet the stars look really pretty." Hoseok said with a soft smile spread across his lips."Are they pretty tonight, Yoongi-hyung?"

Hoseok's voice broke Yoongi away from his staring. Despite not being caught, he felt embarrassed that he had been staring so much."They're stars, Hoseok. Of course they're pretty." His tone accidentally came out sounding a bit sarcastic. Wait, wasn't he supposed to try to flirt? How was he supposed to do that? Maybe he really should have allowed Jimin and Jungkook to help him.

Wanting to be a little closer to Yoongi to enjoy their date, Hoseok interlaced their fingers together. However, this did the opposite of what he wanted. A pout overcame Hoseok's lips when he felt Yoongi's hand quickly jerk away from his own."Sorry, Hyung."

Yoongi had reacted without thinking. He wasn't used to holding hands with anyone. So it took him by surprise when Hoseok had interlaced their fingers together."No, no, don't apologize." He scratched the back of his head and sighed."Shit, I didn't mean to do that." Yoongi sure felt stupid for jerking his hand away from Hoseok's like that.

"I just wanted to hold your hand more." Hoseok felt his cheeks heat up just a little, having no idea that Yoongi's cheeks were pretty hot as well."If you don't want to hold my hand, it's fine. I can try to follow along if you make a little noise. I know it must be weird to hold my hand and lead me around all--"

"Shut up." Yoongi interrupted Hoseok's babbling."Fucking hell, Hoseok. I'll hold your hand." He grabbed Hoseok's hand and frowned deeply, feeling embarrassed and a bit shy.

"You don't mind?" Hoseok didn't want Yoongi to be doing anything he didn't want to do.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, even though he knew Hoseok wouldn't know it."I wouldn't have come on this date if I didn't want to hold your hand, loser."

Hoseok's lips formed his sweet smile again."So I'm a loser?"

"Yeah." Yoongi bit his lower lip when Hoseok giggled, not knowing if the cute male was happy or laughing at him. It made him feel frustrated because he didn't know how he was supposed to react. Why did dating have to be so hard for him?

Interlacing their fingers for the second time, Hoseok was pleased when Yoongi didn't pull away this time."You have really manly hands." he commented. He loved the way Yoongi's hands felt."They make me wonder how you look." He wished he could see Yoongi, but it was simply due to curiosity. He didn't really care much what Yoongi looked like.

"I just look like an average person." Yoongi didn't ever think of himself as handsome or attractive."Maybe I'm lucky that you can't see me. I've been told that I'm intimidating."

"Intimidating? Really?" Hoseok didn't seem to understand that."You're so nice. How are you intimidating?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders out of habit before answering."I guess it's because I don't smile much, and I use a bit of foul language. But that's just the way I am."

"Well, I don't think you're intimidating at all." Hoseok stopped walking, glad to feel Yoongi stop as well."I think you're really sweet, Yoongi-hyung. It's okay that you don't smile much, but I do hope that I can get you to smile when we're together."

"But does my foul language bother you?" Yoongi didn't want to make Hoseok uncomfortable. He was trying to be considerate."If you want me to stop cussing, I'll try."

Hoseok shook his head."It doesn't bother me." He inhaled deeply then let the breath out slowly through his nose, like he was about to say something really important and wanted to calm his nerves first."Yoongi-hyung, I think our friends did well when they set us up for that first date."

Yoongi smiled just slightly and only for a second."I think so too. Honestly, I was opposed to it. I have been set up on numerous blind dates, and none of them went well. I always end up offending my date or just pissing them off completely."

That made Hoseok chuckle."That's actually kind of funny."

"No, it's not." Yoongi groaned."Why is dating so hard? I kept thinking I was just better off alone. Each time a date went badly, I felt like there must be something wrong with me. Something about me keeps driving people away."

Hoseok noticed the change in Yoongi's voice. The older male sounded a little sad."There's nothing wrong with you. And you haven't driven everyone away. I'm still here." He was really starting to like Yoongi. He hoped they could continue to go on pleasant dates and get to know each other better."Now I have a problem."

Yoongi slightly perked an eyebrow at Hoseok."What's the problem?" He hoped nothing was actually wrong.

"I want to kiss your cheek, but I don't know where it is." Hoseok thought Yoongi was a really sweet guy and wanted to express it. He wanted to show Yoongi that he liked him.

Yoongi nearly choked on his breath. Did Hoseok seriously want to kiss his cheek? He hesitated then shyly leaned in close to the attractive male's face. He turned his head to put his cheek right in front of Hoseok's face, feeling the other's breath on his skin."It's right in front of you."

Hoseok puckered his lips and cautiously leaned forward until his lips came in contact with soft flesh. He really hoped he was kissing the right spot. Giving a light kiss, he pulled back afterward."Oh boy. That was a little awkward, but thanks."

"Just a little awkward?" Yoongi felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest."Maybe next time I should guide you or just kiss your cheek instead. You came dangerously close to my mouth."

That definitely caused Hoseok to blush."Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Yoongi used his free hand to fan himself dramatically."Man, fuck this awkwardness. Let's just get some food."

Hoseok couldn't help but laugh as Yoongi began tugging him along. He really loved the way Yoongi reacted to everything. He could imagine that Yoongi probably had the cutest expressions.

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