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"Damn it. I'm really sorry, Hoseok." Yoongi felt like such an idiot. Why did he keep screwing things up? Why did he keep making a fool of himself?

"It's okay, Yoongi-hyung. Really." Hoseok thought it was funny that Yoongi kept messing things up by accident. However, he also thought it was a bit sad that Yoongi felt like he had to apologize all the time."I'm fine. I'm not hurt, so it's okay."

Yoongi had misled Hoseok when they had gotten to a restaurant. He wanted to help Hoseok get seated, but he ended up just causing Hoseok to miss the chair and fall down onto the floor."Are you sure? God, I feel like a fucking moron."

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry so much." Hoseok smiled and felt around a bit. He managed to find the chair and got seated."I just hope people aren't staring at us. That would be embarrassing."

With red cheeks, Yoongi knew that some people were indeed looking at them. Though, he was sure that their attention was more drawn by his foul language than Hoseok's fall. After all, this was a pretty nice restaurant. Most people didn't cuss or speak inappropriately in such a place."No, no, don't worry about that." Yoongi stepped around the table to his own seat and sat down. He hung his head low. How was he supposed to do this? It was beginning to feel hopeless. He liked Hoseok. He was starting to grow closer to him, but he kept doing things wrong. Maybe Hoseok would be better off with someone who would be better at taking care of him. That was a depressing thought.

Hoseok noticed that Yoongi got quiet and hoped nothing was wrong. Well, maybe his date was just busy looking at the menu."Hyung, do they serve green tea here?" he wondered.

Yoongi felt like smacking himself. Why didn't he think to tell Hoseok the types of drinks that were served here? He knew the blind man couldn't just check the menu."Fuck..." he cursed quietly to himself. Looking at the drinks on the back of the menu, he sighed."Yeah, they do."

It was easy for Hoseok to pick up on Yoongi's tone. He sounded upset or down."That's good. I like green tea." He placed his hands onto his lap, fidgeting with his fingers. Their date had started so sweetly, but now, it just felt awkward, like things had taken a turn and begun to go badly."Yoongi-hyung, are you okay?"

"Of course I am." Yoongi lied. He held such a grumpy expression, mad at himself. He was so disappointed in the way he was handling this date. Why couldn't he just be a helpful, considerate boyfriend? Wait, he wasn't Hoseok's boyfriend. They hadn't made anything official yet.

Hoseok could tell by Yoongi's tone that he wasn't telling the truth."Do you want to talk about it? Talking might help." He really wanted to try to make Yoongi feel better, whatever was making him unhappy.

"There's nothing to talk about, Hoseok. I'm fine." Yoongi said with a cranky grumble."Everything's fine."

"Okay. If you say so." Hoseok didn't want to pressure Yoongi into talking about whatever may be bothering him. That could just make things worse. Maybe he would simply ask him again after dinner. He was alerted to the sound of someone approaching the table. Most likely their server.

"Good evening. My name is Yuri." the waitress spoke sweetly with a beautiful smile."I'll be your server this evening. Would you two like to start with something to drink?"

Hoseok thought the server had a very lovely voice. He imagined she was quite pretty."I would like green tea." he said with a soft smile.

Yoongi did his best not to grumble as he stated what he wanted to drink."I would like sweet lemon tea." Despite his effort, there was still a slight grumble in his tone.

Yuri wrote down their drinks on her little notepad."Do you two know what you would like to order, or do you need a few minutes to decide?"

"We need a few minutes." Hoseok told her. He had no idea what types of food were served here. Though, he could smell lots of delicious aromas.

"Alright. I'll get your drinks while you decide." That said, Yuri walked away.

Yoongi's fingers fumbled with the bottom right corner of his menu. He felt awkward and like he was being nothing but a disappointment. He highly doubted Hoseok could actually be enjoying this date."D-do you want me to read the menu t-to you?" He mentally cursed himself for stuttering. He couldn't help it. Whenever he felt nervous or uneasy, he always ended up cussing a lot or becoming a stuttering mess.

Hoseok was surprised to hear that stutter. He thought it was cute. But he was also aware that it was unusual for Yoongi to stutter. At least, he had never heard Yoongi sound this way before. It worried him."No, it's okay. I'll just get the same thing as you. It'll be easier for both of us that way."


Needless to say, Yoongi felt like shit for the rest of their date. Why was he so bad at this? Why did he feel like such a failure? He really hoped Hoseok wouldn't hate him after how disappointing this date had been. Yoongi was quite sullen by the time he got Hoseok back home."Sleep well, Hoseok." he told the cute male before turning to walk away.

"Yoongi-hyung, wait." Hoseok really didn't want the night to end like this. He wanted things to end happily."Please talk to me." He held a hand out in Yoongi's direction."I know something's wrong. You've been sad since we got to the restaurant."

Yoongi had hoped Hoseok wouldn't notice the way he was feeling, but he supposed it was rather obvious. He peered at Hoseok's extended hand for a short moment before gently grabbing it."It's nothing."

"Don't lie to me, Hyung." Hoseok's tone switched and became just a little stern."Tell me the truth. Why are you upset?"

"It doesn't matter, okay?" Yoongi didn't want to say this because it made him feel stupid. He didn't want Hoseok to think he was stupid.

"It does matter." Hoseok gave Yoongi's hand a light squeeze."Tell me."

Yoongi jerked his hand away from Hoseok and narrowed his eyes."Why do I have to tell you? It's fucking stupid." Here came the cussing. He didn't know how to express himself well, so this was what happened."This date was complete bullshit because I'm such a dumbass."

"Hyung--" Hoseok tried to speak, but Yoongi interrupted.

"This is so fucking stupid." Yoongi clenched his hands into fists down by his sides."I'm such a little bitch for being upset by this, but I can't fucking help it. Damn it, Hoseok." He blurted the next words without thinking."I want to be your boyfriend, but I keep fucking everything up. You deserve someone who can help you and take care of you. I can't do that shit."

Hoseok reached both hands forward and felt around until he found Yoongi's shoulders."Hyung, shut up." he said with a forceful tone that was unusual for him to use. And it was effective. Yoongi stopped talking."I may need help with a lot of things, but what I don't need help with is knowing who can help me. You can help me. You've been doing fine so far." Hoseok pulled Yoongi close, wrapping his arms around him. Even now, he was surprised by how small Yoongi was. His attitude made him seem much bigger than he actually was. Hoseok liked that about him."And if you want to be my boyfriend, all you have to do is ask."

Yoongi's cheeks heated up as he was being hugged."Hoseok, do you...D-do you really mean that?" He shyly wrapped his arms around Hoseok in return."Be my boyfriend."

Hoseok giggled softly."I thought you were going to ask."

"I'm not asking." Yoongi tightened his arms around Hoseok just a bit."That's too embarrassing. Just be my boyfriend."

Hoseok tightened his arms around Yoongi as well."Okay. I'll be your boyfriend."

"So, uh, are you going to come inside, or are you two going to fuck on the sidewalk?" Namjoon's voice interrupted the moment.

Yoongi quickly pulled away from Hoseok, breaking the warm embrace."Fuck off!"

"Which one?" Hoseok asked with a chuckle.

"Both of you!" Turning, Yoongi stormed away, feeling completely embarrassed.

Namjoon just laughed as he got Hoseok inside. 

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