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The sun spilled through the curtains into Yoongi's bedroom, illuminating everything it touched. Morning had come, as always. Not wanting to get up, Yoongi pulled the blanket over his head, blocking the kiss of daylight. He didn't want to get out of bed, but he knew that he couldn't sleep in too late. He had to work today. All he wanted to do was stay in bed and cuddle with...Wait a minute. Yoongi slid a hand over to feel the other side of the bed. Where was Hoseok? Moving the blanket off of his head, Yoongi sat up and looked around the bedroom, squinting from the sunlight."Seokie!" he called out.

It was quiet for nearly a minute until footsteps approached the bedroom door. When the door was opened, Hoseok was there with a toothbrush in his mouth and just a towel around his waist. He made his way over to the bed, glad that Yoongi had started keeping his room clean to make sure he wouldn't trip on anything.

"You're up early." Yoongi rubbed his face with both hands as he was trying to adjust to being awake after sleeping quite well.

Hoseok took the toothbrush out of his mouth and shrugged his shoulders."I woke up feeling well-rested, so I didn't feel the need to sleep any more." Reaching out his free hand, Hoseok managed to find Yoongi's head, gently ruffling his boyfriend's hair."Don't you need to get ready for work, sleepyhead?"

Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's wrist and brought the handsome man's hand down a little."Yeah, I guess so. My alarm hasn't gone off yet, but it's probably close to that time."

"I wasn't in the shower long, so there should still be plenty of hot water left, babe." Hoseok couldn't help but smile when he felt Yoongi kiss the tip of his fourth finger."Want me to turn on the coffee maker?" He knew his boyfriend preferred to have fresh coffee before work.

Yoongi's mind had slipped elsewhere though, not hearing Hoseok's words. His eyes scanned over Hoseok's slender fingers. I don't own any rings. That thought pinged into his mind. I've been saving up for a while though. I might have enough now. Yoongi was definitely far from swimming in cash with his job at Burger Palace, despite being the owner, a title he didn't flaunt. He liked to just title himself as the manager. His friends all knew that, which was why it was entirely up to him that Taehyung was chosen to be the manager of the second location he had finally been able to open.

Noticing Yoongi's lack of an answer, Hoseok chuckled lightly."Babe." He only received a small hum in response, but it was the type of hum that made Yoongi's distraction obvious, so he tried again."Baby boy."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Yoongi grimaced."Oh my god. Never call me that again." His reaction earned a laugh from Hoseok.

"You weren't answering me." Hoseok stuck his toothbrush back into his mouth and resumed the brushing that had been interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Seokie. I spaced out." It was known to Yoongi that his boyfriend absolutely hated to be ignored, but he also knew that Hoseok always downplayed his annoyance."I'm listening now. You have my full attention."

While it was true that Hoseok hated to be ignored, he knew that Yoongi didn't mean it. His boyfriend was just spacey in the morning. He needed to make sure that he never allowed that to offend him."I forgive you." Hoseok needed to be patient with Yoongi in the morning. After all, Yoongi was always so patient with him. Holding his toothbrush a couple inches away from his mouth, he asked his question a second time."Would you like me to turn on the coffee maker for you?"

"That would be nice, yeah." Yoongi had a personal goal of trying not to be so spacey in the morning, but he just couldn't help it. He was groggy and needed time to fully wake up.

"Alright. I'll get the coffee ready." Sticking his toothbrush into his mouth again, Hoseok made his way out of the bedroom. He was getting so accustomed to Yoongi's house that he could make his way around easily on his own. He was also getting very familiar with where Yoongi kept certain things, like the coffee.

As he watched Hoseok leave the bedroom, Yoongi felt a tender smile take over his lips. With all the time he and Hoseok spent together, his love for the other man only seemed to grow and bloom. There seemed to be no end to the amount of love he could feel for him. Hoseok spends so much time in my house that he practically lives here. That thought made Yoongi's heart thump. He even started leaving a toothbrush here for himself. Does he want to live here? That was something they hadn't even discussed yet. It did seem like a dreamy idea to Yoongi for Hoseok to move in with him. It would be wonderful. Besides, he also knew that Namjoon might want to have the house to himself sometimes too.

Yoongi could recall how surprised he had been to take Hoseok home one morning a week ago only to find a shirtless Jimin exiting Namjoon's bedroom. No one had guessed that those two would hook up, but it happened, and Yoongi could tell that Hoseok didn't know how to respond to it.

Mustering up the willpower to get off his bed, Yoongi let out a heavy sigh as he got a clean outfit from his closet then made his way to the bathroom. He rolled his eyes when he saw that Hoseok's clothes were still on the floor. Figuring it didn't matter, Yoongi proceeded to strip down and take his shower. It only caused him to suffer a minor heart attack when Hoseok entered the bathroom without any warning to grab his clothes from the floor and put away his toothbrush.

After his shower, Yoongi got dressed, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair before heading to the kitchen for his coffee."Thanks for getting the coffee ready, Hoseok."

Hoseok, who had seated himself at the table with a bowl of cereal, smiled happily."Are you going to eat before you leave?"

"Nah." Yoongi wasn't feeling hungry yet. He tended to not eat this early, though he knew he should have something small at least."I'll stop by a convenience store on my way for something to eat. I want to head out to have enough time to help Taehyung open up before I head back to my own joint."

"You know Taehyung can open up the place on his own. You just want an excuse to chat with him a little before work." That was obvious to Hoseok.

"Maybe." Yoongi wouldn't admit it, but he missed seeing Taehyung at work. He had hired someone new to take Taehyung's previous position at the drive-thru. It was a small change, but Yoongi knew that it was something that would happen more often once he could grow Burger Palace into a legitimate food chain. As he poured himself a thermos of coffee, Yoongi noticed that Hoseok had left a small mess on the counter from pouring his cereal, but he didn't mind. Hoseok was getting better at it, and that made Yoongi proud."What are you going to do today? Will you be here when I get back after work?"

Hoseok shrugged a little."I don't know. I was thinking of just listening to the TV for a bit then going to the park. I've memorized how to get there on my own from here, so I'll enjoy the fresh air there then come back here later."

"Sounds nice. Just make sure you lock the front door when you leave." Yoongi stepped over to the table with his thermos in his hand, ready to head to work."I'll see you later, Seokie." He pressed a quick peck to the top of Hoseok's head."Love you."

"Love you too, baby boy." Hoseok teased.

"No." Turning on his heel, Yoongi headed straight to the front door to leave.

"Legit though, I love you!" Hoseok called from the kitchen.

Yoongi just smiled brightly as he left the house. As he walked along the sidewalk, he hoped it wasn't bad of him to be dishonest with Hoseok this morning. He wasn't really going to help Taehyung open up his joint. He actually had somewhere else to go. It was a secret because it was a surprise for Hoseok.


Sitting at a table at work, Yoongi used a plastic fork to poke at his salad. He had something on his mind, and he figured he had proper downtime to think about it right now. The lunch rush was over, and business would be slow for a few hours. Burger Palace was growing more popular and had become a hangout spot for teens whenever school let out each weekday. Until that time, Yoongi could chill a bit.

"What's on your mind, Hyung?" Jimin asked as he set his own food down onto the table, seating himself across from Yoongi.

"I want to move things forward with Hoseok." Yoongi answered."I want him to live with me. Officially, I mean."

"Then just ask him to move in." Jimin didn't see why Yoongi was getting so caught up in his thoughts about such a thing. It seemed simple to him.

It wasn't that simple to Yoongi though."I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I really want to, but..." He slumped his shoulders as he sighed."I feel selfish for wanting to have him in my life every single day. I get lonely when I go a day without seeing him. I want to wake up next to him every morning and fall asleep beside him every night." Hearing Jimin giggle, Yoongi narrowed his gaze at him."What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You're just being cringy and sappy, and it's cute." It just made him giggle more when Yoongi threw a small piece of shredded lettuce at him."Anyway, if you want that so badly, what's holding you back from asking him?"

"I don't want this decision to ruin our relationship. You know what I mean?" Yoongi groaned softly when Jimin shook his head."If we start living together, it'll become more likely that we'll do things that'll get on each other's nerves. It'll increase the possibility of us having a fight over something stupid." He wanted to avoid having an argument with Hoseok at all costs.

Jimin didn't fully understand, but he didn't think it was such a big deal."You know what? Let's get Jungkook over here. He knows more about this stuff than I do." Getting up, he walked away from the table to fetch Jungkook, who was simply wiping off the front counter.

When the two came to the table, Jungkook sat down with Jimin."So what's up, Hyung?"

"Yoongi-hyung wants Hoseok-hyung to live with him, but he's worried about them having arguments." Jimin explained.

That was enough for Jungkook to understand."You two haven't had your first big argument yet, have you?" he asked Yoongi. When the manager shook his head, Jungkook hummed softly."I see. It's a big step for every couple to have to their first argument. No one wants it to happen, but having an argument is inevitable. Overcoming that argument though will help you two understand each other more and grow closer." A wide grin spread over his lips."I can say that from experience. Chaeyoung and I had our first fight a couple weeks ago. It was nasty. We both yelled and lost our tempers. She didn't talk to me for three days. We used that time to reflect on the argument though. When we were ready to talk to each other again, we came to an understanding and worked it out. I feel like it strengthened our relationship because we didn't let that argument defeat us."

"You're probably right, Kook." Yoongi knew that he needed to stop stressing himself out over this. Still, the possibility of having a fight with Hoseok worried him. As Jungkook had said though, it was inevitable. It was a normal thing for people in relationships to have arguments."When the day comes that Hoseok and I have our first fight, I'll do my best to understand his viewpoint and find a common ground with him."


As he walked home after work, Yoongi thought about what Jungkook had said to him. He needed to get over his fear of fighting and just ask Hoseok to live with him. It was a big step for their relationship, but it was something he really wanted. Sticking a hand into the right pocket of his jeans, he smiled as he felt the small items in there. They were special items. He had bought them before work with the intention of surprising Hoseok tonight.

When he reached his house, he noticed that all the lights were off. That didn't mean anything though. Hoseok could be there and just wandering around with no lights. After all, the blind man didn't need them. To Yoongi, that seemed more like a superpower than a disability. If Yoongi ever tried to walk around his own house in the dark, he always managed to kick every piece of furniture he came across.

Yoongi unlocked the front door and entered the house, immediately removing his shoes."Hoseokie?!" he called."You here?!" He closed the front door and locked it before turning on the light in the entryway.

"Bedroom!" Hoseok called back, letting Yoongi know where he was.

Going to the bedroom, Yoongi found Hoseok sitting on the bed with his headphones on, phone in his hands."Watcha listening to?"

"Audiobook." Hoseok paused the audiobook and took off his headphones.

"Oh? What's it about?" Yoongi wasn't really interested in audiobooks, but he knew Hoseok enjoyed them.

Lifting a hand, Hoseok scratched the back of his head."Incubi from space."

"Sounds dumb as hell, not gonna lie." Sitting on the bed beside his boyfriend, Yoongi pulled the two small items from his pocket."Hoseokie, I have something very important to ask you."

"What is it?" Hoseok truly hoped nothing was wrong. He set his headphones aside, wanting Yoongi to have his full attention.

Yoongi took a deep breath then let it out slowly, calming his nerves the best he could."You spend a lot of time here, you know. I love having you around, and I want more of that. I like eating my meals with you, falling asleep with you, and waking up with you. So will you please move in with me? I want you to live here officially."

"You're serious?" This made Hoseok really happy."Of course I'll move in with you, Hyung. I love being here. I want to spend more time with you and make your coffee every morning. Oh my god, just imagine how much more cuddle time we can have."

With a warm feeling in his chest, Yoongi grabbed one of Hoseok's hands."Now that it's decided that you will move in with me, I have something to confess. I lied to you this morning. I didn't really help Taehyung open up. I went to the store to buy a surprise for you."

Hoseok couldn't even think of being mad at Yoongi for lying to him. Since Yoongi had done it in order to go to the store for a surprise, he understood that his boyfriend had simply needed to make an excuse this morning."You got me a surprise? You're so sweet."

"It's nothing super fancy because I can't afford ultra nice stuff, but I hope you like it." Yoongi gulped quietly as he slipped a ring onto Hoseok's finger."It's just silver, but--"

"You bought me a ring?!" Hoseok was ecstatic."Yoongi-hyung, that's so sweet of you!"

"Actually, I bought two rings. One for you and a matching one for me." Putting on his own ring, Yoongi felt embarrassed, but this was something he had wanted to do for a while now.

Wiggling around happily, Hoseok could hardly contain his excitement."You're the best boyfriend ever!"

"For you, I try to be." Yoongi pecked Hoseok's cheek then put an arm around the handsome man's shoulders."Now, can I listen to that audiobook with you?"

"Of course!" Grabbing his headphones, Hoseok was ready to enjoy the audiobook with his wonderful boyfriend.

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