BONUS #3 🔞

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Sleeping in later than usual was quite nice and refreshing. Hoseok hoped he could sleep in like this more often with Yoongi by his side. His boyfriend didn't need to work today, so it was okay for him to sleep more. Rolling over to face Yoongi, Hoseok's left hand felt its way to the sleeping man's hair, playing with the silky locks. I bet he looks like an angel while he sleeps. It was times like this that made Hoseok miss his sight. He wished he could see Yoongi sleep peacefully. He wanted to see Yoongi's smile and pout. He even wanted to see Yoongi's anger. He wanted to see it all, but he couldn't.

Hoseok's attention was pulled from his thoughts when his wrist was grabbed."Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Stop touching..." Yoongi grumbled in his deep, groggy voice.

"You okay, Hyung?" It was no mystery to Hoseok how Yoongi must be feeling right now. When he received a groan as response, he pouted."Want me to make your coffee? I know you probably don't feel like cooking, so I can order us some food if that would make things easier--"

"Hoseok, stop fucking talking..." Yoongi pulled his blanket up over his head and sighed."Please..." he added.

There was no denying that those words had hurt Hoseok's feelings a little, but he figured his boyfriend was simply feeling cranky and possibly had a headache. So he got off the bed and pulled on a pair of boxers."I'll make your coffee." he said before leaving the bedroom.

Yoongi knew that he shouldn't be so rude to Hoseok, but he just wasn't feeling up to dealing with anything today. He was in pain and didn't know why he had agreed to certain events. He had never seen Hoseok go through this. Maybe his blind lover was better at masking the pain, or maybe Hoseok was just so used to it that it no longer bothered him. Just thinking about the idea of getting used to such a feeling made Yoongi grimace. As he laid in bed alone, he could only think about last night.



The amount of surprise Hoseok felt was visible in his expression and also audible in his tone."You really want to?" This had effectively pulled his attention away from the TV.

"Yeah. I mean, why not?" Yoongi thought he knew what he was getting himself into with this agreement."You do it for me. So the least I can do is try it for you."

"Are you sure?" Hoseok knew that this had been his own idea in the first place, but he had never actually expected Yoongi to agree to it."You don't have to if you don't want to."

With a small habitual nod, Yoongi hummed softly."I'm sure." Despite being sure that he wanted to do this, he couldn't deny that he was also nervous. This was going to be a first for him.

"When?" The first time Hoseok had brought this up, it had just been a joke to tease his boyfriend. Now that Yoongi had agreed, he really wanted to give it a try as well.

Grabbing the remote, Yoongi turned off the TV."Um, now?" He wanted to do it before he would change his mind or get too nervous to go through with it.

That made Hoseok chuckle."Are you that eager for it?"

"Fuck you, Hoseok."

"Next time, babe." Hoseok loved to tease Yoongi because it always made him smile whenever his boyfriend got flustered and fell back into his old habit of swearing."Shall we go to the bedroom then?"

Not saying a word in response to that, Yoongi stood from the couch and grabbed Hoseok's hand. He knew Hoseok didn't need to be led around the house, but he just really liked to hold his hand. Heading to the bedroom with his handsome boyfriend, Yoongi gulped when he looked at the bed. It was as if all of his knowledge and experience with intimacy didn't exist right now. His mind was blank.

A knowing smile crept over Hoseok's lips."It's okay to be nervous. It's new for you." Taking the lead now, he pulled Yoongi over to the location of the bed and moved a hand down to feel the mattress. He liked to double-check and make sure he wouldn't accidentally miss.

Yoongi let out a small gasp when he was pushed backward onto the bed, his boyfriend climbing over top of him. Their lips quickly connected into deep meshing. It was so easy to feel that Hoseok was excited and eager, and Yoongi knew that the handsome man must be aware of his hesitation. Hungry lip smacks were almost enough to echo within the bedroom, as hands began to tug at clothes.

Hoseok could hardly wait. He wanted this so badly. It would be a new experience for their relationship, and he was sure that it would strengthen their connection to each other. He knew their connection was already so strong, even shown by the way that they could get heated and passionate on the turn of a dime. Their lips were briefly parted from each other to remove their shirts, then Hoseok's hands slid directly down to Yoongi's pants.

As soon as his pants were unfastened, Yoongi immediately grabbed Hoseok's wrists to stop him, acting without thinking."Hoseokie..." He released his boyfriend's wrists and turned his gaze to the side, embarrassed by his own actions.

Hoseok just smiled though. He understood."I'm not going to hurt you, Yoongi-baby. Trust me."

"I do trust you, but I...I'm really fucking nervous." Yoongi returned his gaze to Hoseok and pouted."Even during intimate times, we're such opposites. Normally, that excites me, but this time...It's making me so uneasy."

"Are you having second thoughts?" Shifting to lay his head onto Yoongi's chest, Hoseok wanted to give him a moment to think this through and fully make up his mind."If you don't want to do this, I won't be upset. It means a lot to me that you wanted to give this a try."

"No, no, I want to do this, Hoseok. I'm not backing out." Yoongi let his arms rest out to the sides and huffed softly."You're just more aggressive in bed than I am, and maybe I'm a little intimidated."

Lifting his head, Hoseok made a small hum."I understand. I'll go easy on you."

Swallowing his pride and nerves, Yoongi cleared his throat before speaking."So, uh, continue?"

"Of course." Sitting himself up, Hoseok grabbed onto the waistband on Yoongi's pants and pulled the article of clothing down rather eagerly. He knew it was true that he was definitely more aggressive in bed than Yoongi was, and he thought that fit their relationship well. Yoongi always treated him like a precious jewel, and in return, he poured all of his passion onto Yoongi whenever he got the chance.

Reaching over, Yoongi had to strain a little to reach the bottle of lube that was on the nightstand. He popped open the lid, knowing the small sound would be familiar to Hoseok."Here, Seokie." He lightly tapped the bottle against Hoseok's wrist to let him know where it was.

"Thanks." Hoseok grabbed the bottle of lube and grinned."Take off your underwear and turn over, babe. It'll be easier for me."

Obediently, Yoongi slipped off his underwear and dropped the clothing article to the floor then turned over onto his hands and knees. Despite knowing that Hoseok could not have any hope of seeing him like this, he was incredibly embarrassed, especially when he felt one of his boyfriend's hands start feeling his butt."Must you be so touchy? God, you're such a perv."

Chuckling, Hoseok gave Yoongi's butt a soft pat."I have to be familiar with what I'm doing, you know. Besides, you have an amazing butt, and I would be a fool to not take this opportunity to touch it."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get on with it." Yoongi just wanted it to happen already. Part of him was super nervous about this, but another part of him hoped he would end up enjoying it once it would finally get started. After all, Hoseok always seemed to greatly enjoy it.

Holding back some words that would definitely make his boyfriend feel even more embarrassed, Hoseok poured some lube into his hand and spread it all over his fingers. He smeared some over Yoongi's hole as well, feeling the other man tense a little."Try not to tense, Yoongi-baby. You'll just make this harder on yourself if you do that."

With a soft groan, Yoongi wanted to just bury his face against the mattress but resisted the urge."I'm not tensing on purpose. What else am I going to do while you do this?"

"Touch yourself." Hoseok answered factually."Get yourself more turned on, and this won't seem so bad."

Moving a hand down beneath himself, Yoongi wrapped his fingers around his own dick. Of course, this wasn't something new. Touching himself was completely normal, especially whenever he and Hoseok were about to get intimate. However, it felt different in this situation. Though, that was probably also due to the fact that Hoseok's finger soon started to push inside of him, an entirely foreign feeling.

"Relax and touch yourself." Hoseok spoke with such a gentle tone, knowing that this was very new to his boyfriend. When they had talked about this previously, it had been brought to Hoseok's awareness that Yoongi had never bottomed before. This was his first time. No wonder he's so nervous. Hoseok thought that was cute.

Yoongi tried so hard to only focus on stroking his own dick, but his mind couldn't let go of the way it felt for Hoseok's finger to start wiggling around inside of him. It was uncomfortable. As of this moment, he didn't like it. While Hoseok fingered him slowly, Yoongi slid his own finger along the slit of his dick, making himself shiver in delight. He loved that feeling. It felt so good. He would need to do that whenever the fingering became too uncomfortable.

Working his way to two fingers inside his boyfriend, Hoseok followed suit with touching himself as well with his free hand."You're doing so well~" he cooed, figuring Yoongi needed some encouragement.

That was definitely right. Yoongi needed and appreciated the encouragement."Fuck--" Biting his lip, Yoongi choked back a whine when he felt Hoseok's third finger ease its way inside. How does he always handle this when I do it to him? He couldn't fathom how Hoseok always seemed to enjoy being fingered. He sure wasn't enjoying it.

"I know it's uncomfortable since it's your first time." Hoseok pressed a light kiss to Yoongi's left buttcheek."The magic word is moon. Okay? If you ever want to stop at any moment, just say that, and I'll stop."

As much as Yoongi trusted Hoseok and knew that his loving boyfriend would stop if he ever said so, he didn't want to stop. He wanted to go through with this. He was so embarrassed, but he knew that it would be even more humiliating if he backed out. He also wanted to give himself fully to Hoseok in this way. It seemed fair enough. Yoongi pressed his face against the mattress and bit the bed sheet to keep himself from whining as he was stretched further.

Hoseok only needed to prep Yoongi a little more before he felt that it was enough. Pulling out his fingers, he spread some lube all over his dick then moved himself up a small bit to lean over Yoongi."Are you ready for me, Hyung?"

Releasing the sheet from his teeth, Yoongi knew that he could easily back out now, but he had no intention of doing so." gentle, Hoseokie..." He knew he needed to request gentleness. His boyfriend was the aggressive one in their relationship, after all.

"I'll be gentle. I promise." Using one hand to align the tip of his dick to Yoongi's stretched hole, Hoseok had his other hand on his boyfriend's hip."Remember. Moon." With that said, he began to slowly push inside.

"Fucking hell--" Yoongi tightly gripped onto the bed sheet with both hands. Why did Hoseok's dick have to feel so much bigger just because it was entering him? He knew his boyfriend's dick size, but at this moment, it felt larger. Sure, he knew Hoseok was moving slowly, but he wished he would go even slower. He wouldn't say that though. He wanted to do his best to handle it.

While pushing inside at a slow pace, Hoseok began to rub Yoongi's hips, hoping to soothe him."You're doing such a good job." He could hear tiny whimpers and whines that Yoongi struggled to hold back. Those sounds made him feel special because Yoongi was putting himself through discomfort to do this for him. Hoseok really wanted to try topping, so it meant a lot that Yoongi was willing to bottom for him like this. Once he was fully sheathed inside his boyfriend, Hoseok halted, giving Yoongi a chance to adjust."When you're ready for me to move, let me know."

"Just...give me a minute..." Yoongi kept a tight grip on the sheet, doing his best to steady his breaths. This was the most uncomfortable thing he had felt in a long time. Of course, it took closer to two minutes instead of just one for him to adjust enough."I, um...I-I'm ready..."

"You're so cute when you stutter." Carefully pulling mostly out, Hoseok held onto Yoongi's hips as he thrust back into his boyfriend. He repeated the motion, starting a gentle rhythm. As he thrust into Yoongi, he could hear more whimpers and hoped he wasn't hurting him."Baby...You okay?"

Yoongi was gripping the sheet so tightly that his knuckles were fully white, but he refused to let the discomfort stop him."I'm...fuh-fine..." Besides, as Hoseok's thrusting continued, the discomfort was beginning to decrease.

Taking Yoongi's word, Hoseok didn't relent. In fact, he picked up the pace but only a small bit. It felt rather good to be thrusting into his tight boyfriend like this. It became obvious that Yoongi wasn't feeling as much discomfort when a cute sound emitted from him, a soft moan.

Was this actually starting to feel good? Yoongi didn't know. It was still such a strange feeling to him, but his body seemed to be taking pleasure from it. The discomfort was no longer only fading. It was being replaced by pleasure."Ahh..." The breathy moan slipped out from him without a thought. The pleasure began building up as Hoseok increased the pace of the thrusts again."Ah...shit..."

Each moan that came from Yoongi pleased Hoseok. Tightening his grip on Yoongi's hips a tad, he got faster but tried to not be rough. For Yoongi's first time, he didn't want to be too aggressive for him to handle. Maybe if Yoongi liked this, they could do it again sometime. If not, Hoseok would not mind if this was just a one-time thing.

Yoongi's mind contained no thoughts as he was getting blown away by the pleasure he was beginning to feel. He hadn't known that it would feel this good."M-mo--mo--" He was having trouble getting the word out.

Hearing Yoongi and not knowing what he was trying to say, Hoseok slowed down a little."Baby..?" Moon?

"Mo-more..." Yoongi was never going to live this down. Begging was not something he normally did in any situation, but he was willing to do it right now."Please~"

"Anything for you." Picking up the pace again, Hoseok smirked at the sound of his boyfriend's moans growing in volume."You like that, baby?"

Yoongi arched his back and allowed his chest to press against the bed."Fuck~ Yes~"

To help Yoongi enjoy this even more during his first time, Hoseok slipped a hand around and wrapped his fingers around his boyfriend's throbbing dick. He began to pump Yoongi's dick, doing his best to be in sync with his thrusts. Though he could not see what he was doing to the other man, he could hear Yoongi devolving into a moaning mess beneath him.

How could Yoongi possibly hope to handle this? He couldn't. It was blowing his mind and filling his body with heat and pleasure. During all of their other intimate sessions, Yoongi always did his best to allow Hoseok to release first, but in this instance, he couldn't do that. He couldn't hold it back."Ho-Hoseokie~!" Squeezing the bed sheet with both hands, Yoongi's hips jolted as he climaxed. It was only now that it hit his mind that he was about to feel another new thing.

Grunting and moaning, Hoseok loved that tight heat around his dick, squeezing him after Yoongi's climax. It brought him to the edge. Giving a few more thrusts, he released inside his boyfriend before slowing his movements to ride out the orgasm. Once he came to the stop, he was still for a couple seconds then carefully pulled out of Yoongi. Hoseok shifted to lay down beside Yoongi, feeling a bit tired.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was completely drained of energy. He just flopped down the rest of the way against the bed, lying on his stomach. He closed his eyes and panted, not knowing how Hoseok ever put up with this.

"Get some nice rest, Hyung. You need it."


Just thinking about last night made Yoongi feel like there was a fire within his cheeks. It was so embarrassing to remember that he actually let that happen. He had agreed to it. Thinking back on it, Yoongi knew that it had all gone quite well, despite how sore he was this morning. Hell, he was miserable, but he shouldn't let that make him act so rudely toward his caring lover."Hoseok..!" Yoongi called out, definitely not wanting to get out of bed to go to the kitchen.

Of course, it never bothered Hoseok to be called like that. He simply returned to the bedroom and stood in the doorway."Your coffee is almost ready, Hyung." he said with a tender smile.

"Hoseok..." Yoongi peered over at his handsome boyfriend and pouted."I'm sorry for telling you to stop talking...I shouldn't have been rude."

"It's okay." Hoseok understood that Yoongi was just feeling miserable this morning. That was expected."You're lucky I love you so much. Otherwise, I might have been offended."

With a sigh, Yoongi knew he never wanted to offend Hoseok."I love you."

To lighten the mood, Hoseok chuckled."You'll love me even more when I bring your coffee. I'll do my best not to spill any of it."

"Be careful. Don't burn yourself." A fond smile spread across Yoongi's lips as he watched Hoseok leave again to get his coffee.

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