Chapter 14: The Party

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Chelsea's POV

"I'll be hosting a party on Saturday," he says as I shut the book after a successful two hours of teaching and learning.

"Have fun." I give a small smile and get off the bed to head to the couch where my bag is resting, but his next words stop me in my tracks.

"You are invited," he states. Slowly, I do a u-turn to offer him a bewildered expression.

"What?" I query in disbelief as he stands too, coming close to my position.

"I'll appreciate it if you come." Does he scratch the back of his head in what I think to be nervousness? No, it can't be, Terry cannot be nervous.

"You are serious?" I interrogate, letting out a shocked laugh.

"As a heart attack," he asserts, dramatically using his left hand to place on the right part of his chest. Yep, Terry is left-handed though it's barely noticeable as he uses both hands the same way, a skill I never knew people had.

"Why do people use that as an answer?" I question in a scoff, securing the book in the blue Teflar bag and zipping it up.

"Because nothing is as serious as that?" He says in more of a question. "So are you coming?"

"I don't know." I shake my head, avoiding eye contact. "Parties are not really my scene."

"I know, and I promise you won't have to party," he murmurs and again I award him a questioning glimpse. "You can bring another textbook and we can come up here so you can tutor me again."

"Yeah, as if the noise from downstairs won't be loud and clear," I snort, snatching up the blue strap and crossing the satchel across my shoulder.

"Trust me Chels, this room," he gestures with his arms. "Is soundproof."


"I can't believe we are actually attending Terry's party on a personal invite," Uche muses as I help her tighten the strings on the yellow crochet blouse she's wearing above thigh-length jean shorts.

"Technically, he didn't say I should bring company," I murmur making sure the knot is secured behind her back. "Plus I'm not even going to party if his words are true."

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I'll seal it for you." She glares at me through the mirror and whirls to see the artwork I did with the strings. "Good job."

"You are welcome." I grin and this causes her to roll her eyes. "Time for my makeup."

"Yes," she accepts and pulls the chair for me to sit on. "I'll use pink and silver eyeshadow with a thick winged eyeliner to go with your black wraparound blouse and pink mini leather skirt."

"That's fine," I agree and get seated while she does the same on the vanity table. She proceeds to unveil her toolbox, yeah that's what I call her makeup box as it's filled with all kinds of brushes, shades of powder, colors of eyeshadow, every length of eyelashes, and other unmentionables.

"I can't wait to see the interior of that magnificent building," she sighs, her eyes going dreamy for a second before snapping out of it.

"Rose lives there," I tell, coming to terms that I haven't let her in on that information yet.

"What did you just say?" She implores, quitting her sweep of the brush on my cheeks to stare into my eyes.

"Rose is Terry's cousin, she lives in the house," I explain, praying she'll get over her surprise and continue with my makeup.

"And when did you acquire this information?" She investigates and I can sense her growing anger as her finger tightens around the object in her hand.

"Wednesday?" I squeak, my eyes shifting frantically as I ponder on how to escape from her presence.

"You knew this 3 days ago and didn't care to leave me a text?" She investigates, her eyes widening.

"I'm sorry," I apologize praying she doesn't flip.

"One, day Chels, I'm going to squeeze out this attitude and mindset of maintaining ignorance from you, mark my words," she growls and I nod hastily in fear. "Good, now sit still while I finish this."

I adhere to her words and in less than five minutes, she's done. Granting me space, she lifts her weight from the vanity table and comes to stand behind me as we both peer at my reflection. "What do you think?

"I love it. Thank you." I beam, clutching her palm on my shoulder in gratitude, and rise.

"Put on your shoes let's get out of here." She motions to the sock knee-length leather black heels I choose to wear for today.

I grab it and get settled on my bed where I do the needful and get up to admire my full outlook in the mirror. "I look hot."

"Certainly," she agrees with a flick of her hair that has me chuckling, and saunters to the door in black Dior boots. "Let's get going."

"After you," I say and yank the pink Louise Vuitton bag that contains the small chemistry pamphlets for Terry as we walk out of my room and I bang the door, making our way downstairs. "So sleepover at your place after?"

"Of course, I don't want you here alone," she winks, gesturing to the empty living room. "When did they leave anyway?"

"They boarded their flight around 3 pm, they'll be back same time tomorrow," I inform locking the front door hence no one will be home till tomorrow. Mom, Dad, and Adie went to Disneyland, I would have gone, but, curse Terry!

"You'll be fine, you know my parents don't mind." She tosses her hand over my shoulder as she sees me start to fidget. "We have a party to attend."

Smiling in appreciation at the way she lifts my mood, I accompany her to her car and get in the passenger side, closing the door. She starts the engine and reverses, driving towards the gate that is opened by the gateman.

"See you tomorrow Ricky." I wave as we pass him, Uche getting us to the freeway as we cover the little distance to Terry's house. Arriving, we see cars lined up from two blocks over, meaning the vast compound is already filled with cars. "It's not even 10 pm yet."

"That's because his parties are known to be legendary," Uche conveys as she packs the car behind a random Toyota and cuts the engine. Together, we alight, she locks it and secures the key in my pink bag. "It's safer with you."

"Going to get wasted I see?" I state and she winks in return. We waddle side by side to the opened gate, go past it, around the fountain, and now at the front door which can merely be seen from the number of people scattered in front and corners around the compound.

Pushing between sweaty teenagers, we finally get into the house and I have an immediate urge to disconnect my ears from my brain thus the volume of the music is 100x louder than the simple vibrations outside.

Colorful lights flash in and away from our faces as my heart thumps to the beat provoking me to feel uncomfortable. My palm firmly secured in Uche's, we make it to the constructed bar that wasn't here on Wednesday.

Like a miracle, I catch sight of Rose who waves us over. Uche and I exchange a look and do her bid. She crosses the table in red stilettos once we attain her location and engulfs me in a hug, her nude furry top grazing my chin.

"Uche girl," she grins and lets go of me to embrace her, the Ankara-designed shorts complimenting her figure. "You two stay right here while I go call Terry, oh here he is. Terry!"

I shield my ears as she continues to scream till Terry notices, whirls around, his eyes meeting mine. He trudges to us, Elvis and Victor flanking either side of him as usual. The crowd paves way for him as a few stare at his movements.

"Hey," he breathes, as he stands close to me, his hand going around my shoulder and the soft cotton of his white shirt enveloping me with his wood pine cologne. "Can we go up?"

"Yeah yeah," I choke out, entranced by his handsomeness. I give Uche a 'call me' sign and roll my eyes at Rose who smirks as Terry clamps his palm on my wrist and gently drags me across the room.

"You remember the way?" He queries in a smile as he climbs the stairs in jean-clad muscly legs.

"Maybe." I shrug and ascend with him, and like the other day, we take a corner and he opens the second door. "Proceed."

I nod and enter, he comes in after me, shutting the door. The thought enters my head that surely the room is soundproof as I feel only vibrations, not the noise of high and drunk teenagers screaming the lyrics of the ear-piercing music.


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