Chapter 15: The Kiss.

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Chelsea's POV

"Will you like a drink?" He invites, latching the door. I stare at him in confusion as I drop my bag on the bed. "I can pour you a glass."

He motions to a bucket I didn't see on the couch, filled with ice cubes, the tip of a bottle peeking out from its folds. My chest constricts at the conclusion that he did this for me.

"I'm sorry if it's too much." He scratches his hair in that manner which shows his nervousness. "I knew you won't want to drink the crap that's downstairs so I decided to set something up for you."

"Wow," I gasp wandering to the bucket and retrieving the chilled bottle of what I see to be a white wine.

"Do you like it?" He gifts me a tiny smile.

"I do," I affirm, replacing the bottle in its former stance and like the other day, taking a seat on his fluffy mattress.

He breaks out in a full smile at my response and strives to bring out the bottle from the bucket and slowly uncock it. It produces a shooting sound once he's done and he winks at my slight jolt.

I observe him as he pours the liquid into one of the glasses sitting beside the bucket. For a moment, I speculate on why he's currently acting so different to the Terry I know of, who a few days ago hated my guts.

But you know he doesn't really hate you, my subconscious clarifies and I suppress the need to groan.

Yes, his diary says he doesn't but his actions prove otherwise, I argue back with the voice in my head, blushing at Terry as he offers me the half-filled glass.

But his present actions are different, the other me defends and I choose not to respond to it and instead gawk at Terry discreetly when he sits opposite me on the bed, a small happy glint in his blue eyes which is barely noticeable.

The words Messed-Up Feelings from the diary come to mind and though I don't like it, it helps me understand what's happening at this moment as it shows Terry has a hard time understanding his feelings.

No matter how hard my subconscious tries to hide it, I can't help but notice the inkling thought that this might be a trap. Maybe this is how he seduces other girls who appear hard to get.

The wine might also be drugged, and maybe he merely wants to have his way with me. Come to think of it, I'm alone with him in this room, the door is locked and the key in his pocket, there's a party downstairs and the room is soundproof, no one will hear my pleas for mercy if it comes to that.

Okay calm down, you are overthinking things again, my subconscious comes to the rescue and speaks to my overactive brain. He hasn't made a move yet, he won't do anything to hurt you.

Yes, he won't. I am fine, I am fine, I chant in my head, inhaling a deep breath that has Terry peering at me skeptically.

"Thank you for the wine," I force out a smile, contemplating if to drink it or not. "But we shouldn't be drinking before reading."

"Did you think I invited you here just to study?" He queries, provoking my eyes to widen at his bluntness. "You need to loosen up Chels."

"I am well loosened up thank you very much," I contest and take a sip of the wine, the grin materializing on his face indicating this is the reaction he's looking for. "Damn!"

"You can thank me later," he shrugs sliding closer to me on the mattress and pointing at my glass. "How is it?"

"It's good," I agree and sip it once more, reveling in the chill, fruity but slightly salty taste with a little burning on the throat that comes with a touch of alcohol.

"You need to get out of your comfort zone sometimes," he mutters in a rough voice that sets up tingling in my spine as his blue eyes stare into my lavender ones, his thumb and forefinger gripping my chin.

I swallow and nod, averting my eyes from his as I wonder if he's giving me the kissy face. His fingers remain on my face as I gulp another volume of sparkling liquid from the glass. "I love my comfort zone."

"Do you?" He quizzes as I turn back to him, our nose nearly brushing which has me thinking, when did he get this close?

"Yes," I voice, sensing the tension crack in the air as I hold in my breathe. His eyes dart between my eyes and my lips, the beat of my heart increasing as I realize he definitely wants to kiss me.

His head slowly dips and I keep my eye open. The instant his lips are about to touch mine, I swerve my face, his lips meeting my cheek and inciting me to shoot up from the bed at the electricity they carry as my cheeks buzz at the contact.

This is truly a trap I say in my head as my back is now turned towards him. Embarrassment threatens to swallow me at my behavior especially as I hear the bed creak and he walks past me to the half-empty bottle on the couch.

"We need to get on with chemistry," I speak with the tiny amount of dignity I have left and gobble the remaining liquid down my throat. He silently watches me as I return the tumbler to its spot and wipe my lips with the back of my hand.

"The only chemistry we are getting on," he replies, positioning his glass aside mine and walking towards me at a painfully slow pace such that I step back till my legs touch the bed. "Is the one between us."

I can't explain the feeling as he bends his head to my eye level and in less than a second crashes his lips down on mine. His right-hand goes to grip my neck as he presses his lips hard on my moving ones.

With an impatient groan, his left grasps my waist, his teeth nibbling my lower lip and this does the trick as my mouth opens to grant his tongue inside. I let out a moan of mine as my tongue touches his, a shiver rippling through me that has him smiling into the kiss.

Our faces move in synchronize, wanting to have more access to each other's lips. His left-hand shifts lower to squeeze my ass and my mouth falls open in ecstasy at the command in his fingers.

Before I know what I'm doing, I turn us around, now he's the one backing the bed and I'm the one caging him. With a smirk on my lips, I move downwards and nip at his smooth-shaven jaw.

He grunts at this, his hold slacking. I use this little moment of weakness to push him on the bed. He bounces at the force of my push, his eyes going large as I straddle him.


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