Chapter 24: The Movie

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Chelsea's POV

"Why the fuck is school empty today?" I ask Uche as we walk through the scanty hallway which is rare for Mondays. I know it's difficult to drag yourself to school the day after Sunday but today feels strangely different.

"I heard Scream goes to the cinema today," she replies tucking a braid behind her ear. The black 3inch heels she's sporting match smoothly with the knee-length red print skirt and white off-the-shoulder blouse.

"How do you feel about going?" A voice invites in my ear. I pause my strides to see Terry come from my back and block my vision in a long-sleeved multicolored shirt and black slacks.

"To watch the movie?" I interrogate, not getting his drift as he circles an arm around my midriff where the waistband of my red leather pants halts below a black long-sleeved blouse.

"Of course dummy," Rose pipes in, materializing from my right in a bodycon satin silver dress with thin straps.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I quiz in confusion observing her sexy look.

"We are all going to the cinema," Elvis mumbles, throwing his arm across her shoulder in a grey vest that halts at his biceps, and ripped jeans. I can't help but wonder where the fuck they are emerging from.

"Who are we?" Uche inquires speaking my mind.

"Six of us, that's if you are willing," Terry clarifies, sniffing my hair which has me smiling.

"Who made us six? We are five," Uche investigates.

"Victor is in the car, I dare say he is still much scared of you," Elvis answers, smirking a little.

"Good for him," Uche growls.

"He deserved it," Terry approves, and her eyes twinkle. "So are we going or not?"

All eyes turn to me and I break out in a grin. "Hell yeah, let's go scream our hearts out."

"No one is riding in my car apart from Chels and me," Terry announces and my cheeks heat up while the rest roll their eyes, and Uche groans.

"Quit rubbing your relationship in our faces will you?" Uche pleads sarcastically and drifts backwards to the exit, a few students stopping to stare at us as we all follow her out. "Victor better not anger me, or else I'll castrate him."

"Take it easy on him girl!" I holler as we reach the parking lot and separate, causing everyone to laugh in retort.

"No promises." She waves her finger in the air for emphasis before grumbling. "I picked the wrong day not to bring my car."

Shaking my head at my best friend, I get into Terry's vehicle as he opens the car door for me like a perfect gentleman. He joins me after and starts the engine, driving behind Victor's red Ferrari, Elvis Bentley tailing us.

"On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like horror movies?" Terry inquires, offering me a glance.

"9" I declare proudly.

"So you don't get scared by them?" He questions with a frown that indicates surprise.

"Oh I do," I argue.

"But you chose a 9," he contests, taking a turn.

"I did," I say, further confusing him. "I get scared by the horror scenes but I still love them."

"You are weird," he mutters and I laugh.

"That I am," I affirm as he finds a space to park in the driveway of the crowded cinema. "Are you sure we'll be able to get seats?"

"Babe, at times you forget who your boyfriend is," he wiggles his brows and climbs down after turning off the ignition. I push open the passenger door and alight, banging it for him to lock the vehicle.

"Rich boy vibes," I snort as he flashes two VIP tickets in my eyesight and put his hands in mine, leading me inside.

We stride hand in hand past the numerous people hanging around and it seems people tend to clear for us, or should I say, for Terry to pass hence I'm just a nobody hanging on the arm of a somebody.

Reaching the counter, we see our friends with their popcorn and drinks in their hold, we show the guy our tickets and he nods at the popcorn stand where we help ourselves and take drinks.

Uche and Victor happen to be in a heated argument as we continue to the darkroom and find our seats while Rose and Elvis appear to be in a serious conversation. We settle in our seats and luckily we are on time as the movie begins.

"I think I made a huge mistake," Terry mumbles in a shaky voice about 30 minutes later as I squeal in fear, clutching his shirt and proceeding to laugh once my heart returns to my body. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just do this most times," I swerve to him and I'm stunned to note fear written all over his face. "Are you okay?"

"I- I-" he stammers.

"Use your words," I urge, bobbing my head at him, in encouragement.

"Didn't you see how many times the monster stabbed that human?" He implores in a trembling tone. "And you laughed, how could you?"

"Okay, okay calm down," I snicker. "I didn't know I'll be saying this to you but it's just a movie."

"I know, but--

"It will soon be over okay?" I assure, and pull his head towards my breast, chuckling when he snuggles into my chest and wraps his arm around my waist.

"I like this position better," he confides, his words provoking vibrations to run through my body.

"You know what's weird?" I ask, peering down at him.

"What is?" He implores.

"The fact we are in opposite positions to other couples," I giggle at the irony. "It's supposed to be me having my head on your chest, rather it's the other way round."

"Shut up," he grumbles.


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