Chapter 25: The Pain

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Chelsea's POV

It's been over a week since we all went to watch that movie. The past week has been uneventful, except for the fact that the whole school now knows about Terry and I's relationship.

Things have been going smoothly if I may add, just Diana being her bitchy self every once in a while. However not much that Uche, Rose, and I can't handle hence she's got no backing to bully me anymore because my bully turned out to be my boyfriend, how crazy is that?

Talking about Rose, she's a bit angry at me after I called Uche and her to advise me on giving Terry his diary. Rose flipped saying that was a huge invasion of his privacy. In my defense I had no choice at the time thus the Terry back then would kill me, he might still do though to an extent.

"Don't take too long," Terry groans calling my mind to the present and I salute at his posture clad in a red sweatshirt and ripped jeans with a pair of red Nike slides.

Today is Wednesday and we are currently on our lunch break. Terry suggested we go out for lunch and I was almost at his car when I realized I have to pee. Curse my stupid bladder.

Presently, I'm speedwalking to the female restroom which is an easier task because the hallway is nearly empty and I hope the restroom will be too. Reaching the door with a bold F, I shove it open, provoking a girl washing her face to turn to me in panic.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I apologize with a small smile and get into an empty cubicle. Swiftly, I lose the black leather belt on my boyfriend jeans and pull it down to my knees before sitting on the cold ceramic.

Hiking up the double strapped white blouse that is tucked into the jeans to my breasts, I let out a groan as I get rid of waste liquid from my body. The place is currently quiet and I'm a tad ashamed at the sound of my urine hence I'm pushing it out in a hurry so as not to keep Terry waiting.

Once I'm done, I stand, and push down the flush button, tugging up my jeans and tucking in my blouse, I secure the belt around my waist. I'm about to exit the cubicle when the main door bangs on the wall, the sound of heels and familiar voices ensuring.

"Damn Terry and his two-timing self," the certain voice of Diana mumbles and I retain my position so as not to be seen. "Layla shut the door."

"What's the problem now Diana?" Julia inquiries as I hear the door close.

Put in your AirPods girl, you don't need to hear this, My subconscious advises but I foolishly disregard her warnings. You are gonna regret this, just don't say I didn't warn you.

I will her to pipe down while silently contemplating if I should listen in or not. I'm not one to get involved in anything that doesn't concern me or wants to gather unnecessary information, rather, it's as if I'm compelled to.

I slightly push my door open a little and press my ear to it so I can hear Diana's response. "Imagine him taking that ugly piece of trash for lunch after what we had Sunday night."

My face scrunches at her words as I strive to recall the night she's referring to. I remember being at Terry's house when he got a call and left Rose and me in a hurry. He came back sometime past 11 pm and looked all bothered that I thought it best not to question him.

"Don't tell me what I think you did Diana," Julia who has always been the one to stand up to her blurts in what I think to be, disappointment. It seems Diana gives a silent answer because she sighs and continues, "Diana that's low even for you. He has a girlfriend for goodness sake."

"Don't let her turn you into a mushy being like herself, Layla," Diana says, mostly to the ever silent Layla and I heed a smile in her voice as she speaks. "What was I supposed to do? I mean I was horny and he is the only one who could take me to cloud 9, so I simply played my cards right."

"What did you do?" Julia interrogates and against my will, I feel my heart rate pick up as I silently pray it's not what Julia and I think it to be.

"You of all people should know me, Jules," she scoffs, maybe with a flick of her hair. "I called him pretending to be all sobbing and scared. Like a good gentleman he is, he rushed over to me and guess who was waiting in a new Victoria's Secret lingerie? Of course, me."

At this point, I can't stop the images from forming in my head as I begin to sense an invisible palm going to squeeze my heart at her triumphant laugh.

I barely hear her as she continues. "He was all angry at first but when he took in the sight of me as I sprinkled a little bit of my seductive image, he was all mine. I gave him all the positions I know he needed, that, that goody two shoes couldn't give him. So, my girls, that, is how to claim your man back."

"I'm sick of this D, you are possessed with this Terry guy, how would Chelsea feel if she hears this?" Julia almost screams out in query the moment I stumble out.

"Yeah, how would I feel Dipshit!" I shout and lunge for her throat, surprised at my strength as I pin her writhing and frightened form to the sink. "You are a heartless piece of shit D, but I won't do you the favor of ending your miserable life."

With that I push her backward and hear a smash and gasps, rather I don't care to look back as I almost rip the door from its hinges and let it slam back in place. My fingers clench at my sides while I power walk towards the culprit who deserves ten times the pain coursing through me.

"Where's my bag?" I implore in a growl reaching the one guy who has caused me immeasurable misery.

"Uh, here." He bends to the ajar door of the driver's side of his Audi and retrieves my bag, passing it to me as he scans my face. "What's the problem?"

"Where were you Sunday night?" I interrogate snatching the bag from his hold as I feel a teardrop on my cheek. Shutting my eyes, I inhale and release a sarcastic laugh. "You know what? Don't even answer that, you are just going to lie about it anyway."

"What are you even talking about?" He asks in what I deem to be pretense confusion, and I almost kick him in between his legs to make him cut off that pretentious act.

I bite my lip so hard that I taste the blood on it mixed with my tears as I'm now full-on crying, my heart, breaking every second that ticks by. "So sweet of you to deceive me. I mean I saw the bite marks that night and the lipstick smudges but I being a fool didn't want to make trouble."

"What did Diana say to you?" He takes a step toward me but I raise a palm, the action causing his expression to crumble and hurt flash in his eyes. "You shouldn't listen to what that bitch says Chels, I will never hurt you like that."

"Oh, now you know what I'm talking about?" I sniff, my shoulders shaking in sobs. "I hope she was a good fuck, and gave you in more experienced ways than I ever could or you could ever try to teach me."

"Chelsea please wait," he pleads as I turn away from him, only now taking note of the crowd that has gathered at our exchange. "You shouldn't trust her words."

"Yeah, the same way I thought I could trust yours, I guess we all get proven wrong once in a while," I blurt, my voice shaky as my throat runs dry. "You know since we are on the topic of words."

"You can trust me, babe, you know you--" he halts as my fingers shuffle in the confines of my Gucci bag and produce the thick covered book. "What's that?"

"Your diary," I swerve to give him a sick smile. "I was with it all along."

After he takes it, I begin my sorrowful walk past the driveway, students making way for me till his words stop me.

"You know? You are right." he chuckles in a dark way that brings me goosebumps but not in a good way. "This was all a lie, everything we had was all a pretense."


"Chelsea?" A little voice calls, accompanied by knocks. "Can I come in?"

In my silence, I hear the door creak, and little footsteps sound on the floor as she nears me. "Sis are you okay? Mom says you are hurt and Aunt Rose and Aunt Uche are crying on the stairs."

The tears I've been meaning to contain flow down my face as my body spasms in hurt, my heart feeling as if it's being torn into a million pieces. "Don't cry, sis, Adie loves you."

"Come here baby," I croak and absently stretch my hand to her. She gets the invite and climbs on the bed. "Sister needs a hug from her lovely little Adie."

"Okay," she says in a shaky voice and I observe her eyes to be glassy before she buries them in my chest, and wraps her arms around me just the way Terry did some days ago. "Everything is going to be alright."

"I pray so," I sob, and her arms tighten around me, the pain in my insides nearly unbearable as I feel myself going down under, the only thing keeping me sane is the warmth of Adie's body seeping into mine.


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