Down With The Sickness

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Your POV

After a long day of playing with Sally. I was finally saved by the Slenderman when it was time for her to go to bed. I crawled up the stairs and flopped on my bed. I groans as I rolled off knowing I had to get ready.

I stood and threw my leather jacket on the hook and my boots sat under it. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out after ten minutes and found out that I had no clothes. I muttered a swear word and walked out.

I went to my dresser and grabbed shorts and a tank top. I got changed and sat on my bed. I flopped back and sighed. I stood again when I realized the light was still on. I turned it off and dove into my bed. I fell asleep into a deep slumber.


I woke up panting. Every time I sleep I the same thing over and over. My parents getting murdered before my eyes by Snow White. I have hated him with a passion since that day. I have yet to get back at him.

I could always bring up his brother... No that wouldn't do much. I stood and walked to his room and grabbed his own knife. I walked over and took the covers off him showing his bare chest. I began to carve my name along his chest. I smirked and walked out.

I can't wait for the morning now. I went back to my bathroom to get the blood off me. I looked in the mirror to see it change. I jumped and smirked. About time. I smirked and waited until the sun rose. That was until I heard it.

"(Y/n)!!! Why the fuxk is your name on my chest?!"

I hit the floor and laughed so hard before I burst into his room.

"Why the fuck did you kill my family?" I asked.

"Its my fucking job!" He yelled.

"Well starting today. I'm now (y/n) the carver." I said. I heard him growl and chase after me. I ran to Slender's room and dove onto the bed with him. He sat up and grabbed Jeff. He growled at me.

"Child, what did you do?" He asked.

"Look at his chest." I said and chuckled. He sighed and Jeff growled.

"Do something! Why does she get away with this?" He asked.

I grabbed Slender's arm. "He likes me more than you jackass!" I said.

Slender sighed and patted my head. He stood and walked over to Jeff. He opened the door and threw him to the hall. I laughed and fell on his bed again.

"Child, you must not do that" he said. I stopped laughing and sighed. "You know what he did." I said. I felt his weight on the bed and he pulled me to his lap.

"Yes I know. But you still shouldn't do that. It isn't good for your sanity. Or anyone else. You're fights will put others on edge. I know you hate him dear but you must try to calm yourself." He said.

I sighed and nodded. "All right. If you say so. Can I hunt with you today?" I asked. He nodded and stood. He put me down and knelt down. "If you'll allow me I'd like to get dressed. I will meet you in the front yard." He said. I nodded and ran off. I hit Jeff with the door and ran to my room. I got dressed and smirked. I ripped my shirt and used my knife to get a bunch of wounds. I then jumps out of my window and got a head wound. I stood and met Slender outside.

I watched as warning signs went up in his head. "Child what happened?" He asked. "I have an idea." I said. He nodded and we went to the area. He his in the trees while I roamed around. I began to dry as k found someone. I walked over slowly.

"E-excuse me." I said. The man spun around and dropped his hunting rifle.

"Oh god..are you alright what happened?" He asked.

"My family... We were camping when we got attacked by wolves...I barley made it out alive." I began to dry harder.

"I'll take you to a hospital." He said. I stopped crying and laughed.

"You know you shouldn't talk to strangers." I said. Tentacles went to him and I chuckled. He was ripped in half and slender knelt by me. I high fived him and we went around. We did the same only I changed my story each time. From animal mawlings. To car crashes. To fights. A anything that made me hurt and alone.

After the night was over Slender and I walked back inside. I chuckled and yawned. He picked me up and teleported to my room. "I had fun slender." I said he nodded. "As did I child." He said.

I smiled and kisses his cheek. He blushed lightly and I smiled. "Goodnight dear." He said. I nodded and he teleported away. I took a shower and went to bed soon after. Its weird. Turning into something you hate. Yet you love it at the same time. Life never makes sense does it?

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