I'm... Alive?

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Your POV

I wake up and seem to be in a bright room. I blink the strain away from the lights and rub my eyes. When my senses tune into the noises around me I hear the beeping of a heart monitor and a for whoosh open.

"Ah! You're awake!" I hear. I look to see a burse in light purple nurse scrubs. She has a kind face. With green eyes and black rimmed glasses. She has freckles and pale skin. She looked at me and her nude lipstick covered lips spread to show pearly whites. I can tell you know if I was male my heart would have melted a thousand times over. She wasn't thin but also wasn't bug either. She was more curvey.

"My name is Iris, and I'm your nurse! Your doctor will be here shortly." She said and grabbed the charts as she logged my status. "Heart rhythm is stable, white blood cell count is normal, red blood cell count is also normal." She mumbled as she looked back up to me. "Everything checks out fine. When Dr.Mariano gets here he'll run a few more tests and you can leave in the next few days." She said and smiled at me again.

"I'm...Alive?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "It would appear so." She said. I nodded and sighed. "What is it?" She asked. I looked st her and her haply bright smile had faded into a concerned frown.

"My parents are dead and I have no one else to live with." I said and sighed. I must have started to dry because her pale hands with black nail polish covered nails made their way to my cheeks.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure there is an orphanage that you could stay at. How old are you?" She asked. I looked at her. "I'm (y/a) (your age)." I said. She nodded and was about to say something. The door once again wooshed open. I looked to see a man with a lab coat and dark blue scrubs. He had deep blue eyes and a bit of stubble with his jet black curly hair. "I'm Dr. Mariano. I'm happy to see you awake." He said. I nodded and he smiled. "I'll take you for an MRI now and make sure everything has healed nicely and you can go home. Sound good?" He asked. I nodded and Iris helped me into a wheel chair where I was wheeled away to the MRI room.


After I got back to my room there were some officers waiting to see me. "Hello Ms. (L/n). I'm officer Kyle and this is officer Andrews." He said and motioned to the one next to him.

Officer Kyle hand blonde hair that was cut short but not balled. It was kept under his hat he had a round face and fairly built body. He had pale blue eyes.

Officer Andrews had medium length hair similar to Dr. Mariano's and had a pair of pale yellow green eyes. He had a smile similar to Iris'. They smiled kindly at me.

"We were wondering if we could ask you some question about your parents' murder. " officer kyle said.
I gave a nod and they let out a sigh. "I'm sorry but can you tell us what happened in full detail?" Officer Andrews asked. I gave a shaky sigh.

"Well that night after I had my chores and homework done. I took a nap at about seven or so. I slept until a bit past midnight and was awoken by a crash i got up to investigate. I made it to my door before I heard my mother scream and then my father in reply. I grabbed a pistol I had under my desk and my heavy aluminum baseball bat. I made my way out of my room to see a man holding a knife my Father's throat.

He bad a white hoodie that was stained with red. He had black dress pants that could have been said equally stained with blood. He even had black converse that were covered in mud and dries blood.

When I got down stairs through a hidden passage my father installed. I went to hit him with the bat but before i could he saw me and elbowed me in the face. My mother had yelled at me to run but I didn't listen. I was to mesmerized by his face. He had leathery white skin. Charred black hair and black rings around his blue insane filled eyes that appeared as if he had applied too much eyeliner. He had a carved smile that stretched from ear to Ear. Soon he started to advance to me slowly. He had reached out to touch me when I hit him with the bat. He fell and dropped his knife. I went for it but he grabbed my ankle making me trip as well. He tried to crawl over me but I kicked a var stool at him and it fell on him. I crawled to the knife and stepped on it. He stood and pulled another one out of his hoodie pocket. He went over to my mother and grabbed harm she whimpered and my father had yelled at him. Soon after that he stabbed my mother in the stomach and my father went to hit him but he got stabbed in the heart. Soon he turned to Mr and started walking over I remembered the pistol and cocked it I held it up and told him I'd shoot he protested that I was shaking and wouldn't i took it off safety and told him to try it he heard the sirens and threw the knife at me and hit me in the side. I remember crying after that and the pain of my wounds soon i. saw you both come in followed by paramedics and I I passed out after collapsing soon after. " I said when I finished Iris handed my a tissue and tubbed my shoulders.

I cried a bit and they told me his name. "The man that did that is a infamous killer known around this state. His name is Jeff The Killer." Officer kyle said. I nodded and they stood to leave. I was allowed to leave and some people from orphanage cane to get me.

Life after that was dull and boring I was just a mere shell of myself. At least that was until I remembered the woods next to my house. I grabbed my phone and left soon after.

Next one is about the woods and the mansion. See ya later TCCL out! (1114 words)

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