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Your POV

I sigh as I flop on my bed after a long day of school and chores. school came easy to me. I've always had amazing grades without really trying. I don't study either. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me at all. I sigh and look at my clock to see it to be already almost seven at night. I take off my glasses and plug my phone in. I roll over to my side and nuzzle my face into my pillow. I fall into a deep sleep soon after. But that didn't last long.


I woke up sometime later to a loud crashing sound. I looked at my clock to see that it was already past midnight and into the wee hours of the morning. I rub my eyes and grab my glasses and sigh.

I put them back on my face and my dark room becomes a little bit clearer. I stand slowly and make my way to my door. I stop at the sound of my Mother's voice shouting which is something she never does because she's normally very gentle.

   "No! Please don't hurt him!"

I stop to listen and hear my Father's voice ring out in disagreement.

"Kill me! Leave my Wife be!" I heard. At that I grabbed my pistol and my heavy aluminum baseball bat. The pistol is loaded and I had it in my room just for this reason. I am a dead shot but I doubt I would ever have to use it on anyone. So for now it's going to be for a back up. And I hope I don't have to use it tonight.

I crept down the hall and to the stairs. Over the balcony I could are everything. My Mother was on the ground with her arms raised and she seemed to be crying.

My Father was being held by the throat with a knife. I could see the clothes of the person but not his face. But from what I  could tell he took a liking to killing.

He had a stained white hood that was most likely covered with blood. He had black dress pants that seemed to be just as covered in blood and black converse that had both mud and blood on it.

I walked by the scene and to the other side behind him where the second stair case was but it was hidden. I opened the bookshelf and sighed. I walked through it and closed it behind me. My Father had a safe room built for this reason. But that was only because he used to be a cop.

I walked through it in the dark and since I used to play back here often I knew where I was going. I made it to the other side which was more of a fake wall than a book shelf.

I pushed it open slowly and saw the man and my Father. My Mother glanced at me and loomed at my Father. The man holding my Father had long black hair that seemed as if it was charred that way.

I closed the door gently and turned and lifted the bat over my head. I was ready to swing and forgot that we had a mirror on a wall of the living room. The man saw me and elbowed me in the face. He dropped my Father and turned his attention to me. "(Y/n)! Run get out of here!" My Mother said. The man smiled. I saw his face as I looked at him. He had once most likely beautiful blue eyes. But now they were winged in black as if he put on two much eye liner. And the pupils them self were very small like you would find on an insane person.

He had leathery looking snow white skin. I can be sure that his skin was fair toned and as beautiful as his eyes. Last but not least there was that smile. You know that saying that you're smiling from ear to ear? Well he was. Literally.  He had a jagged smile that had shown his cheek bones and all of his teeth. I could have gotten sick at the sight of it but since I didn't eat all I could do was deal with it.

He had a stained knife that has probably the same amount of blood on it as the clothes he wore. I had the bat in my hand as he approached me. "(Y/n) is it? Beautiful name!" He said with a raspy voice as off he never talked. That followed with a crazy laugh that would be enough to make a cringe master cringe.

I was backed to a wall by time he got to me. He went to raise a hand to my fave but I was quicker. I hit him with the bat and he hit the floor and dropped the knife. I dropped the bat and went to grab it but only for him to grab my ankle and trip me.

I fell and the noise of skin on tile rang through the house. Since we were in a kitchen we were shielded by the island counter. He tried to crawl over me but I kicked him off and used a bar stool and knocked it over on him. He groaned and I managed to get away from him. I crawled back wards to the knife and stood. I had it firmly under my foot with all of my weight on it. He stood and chuckled. "I hope you realize that I've learned a thing or two. And one if them would he to being a second knife." He said and pulled it out of his hood pocket. My heart sank because I had thought I had won and he would leave.

He walked over to my Mother and grabbed her arm. She whimpered and I gritted my teeth. He kisses her cheek and smiled. My Father yelled at him.

"Keep your hands off her you animal!" He said. There are so many other word s he could have called him. But alas my father is not much of one to swear.

He held the knife to my Mother's throat and fresh tears fell. I gulped and yelled at him. "Don't touch her!" I said she liked at me. "Its fine dear don't worry." She said. I shook my head. And the man smiled. "Is it really? You're scared and I can see it in your eyes. So how about you show me how scared you are!" He said and stabbed her dead center of the stomach. She screamed and clutched the wound. My Father stood and went at him. He couldn't get a lunch in before he stabbed him in the heart. My Father slid off his knife and the tears fell.

He looked at Me and smirked. "Would you look at that. Mommy and Daddy are both dead. That leaves you! " he said and walked to me. I stood there and sighed. I reached and grabbed the pistol. I brought it in front of me.

I cocked it and listed it to him. "Leave you've done enough!" I yelled. He chucked. "Please you won't do a thing. Not with how much you're shaking." He said. I took it off safety. "Try me." I said he frowned. Or at least tried because of the smile he carved on his face.

"I'll see you soon dear." He said and threw the knife at me hitting me in the side. It took me a minute to hear the sirens and feel the pain. I watched as the door flew open and a police officer came through. He had his gun drawn but put it away. He saw me and came over.

At this point I collapsed and coughed. Blood ran down the sides of my mouth as I shook.  Paramedics came in and ran to me. But by time they got to me I passed out with one last look at my now deceased parents. But one thought crossed my mind as my eyes closed slowly. I'm...alone..


Hey o the names Trendycupcakeslover but you can call me  TCCL for short. I hope you like this so farrrr. It was really long holy crap but let me tell ya. There will be more. Yay rightSo we just met Jeffy into he next chapter it will be mainly about the hospital and what not. But! It dies not stop there. See ya soon TCCL  out! (1439 words)

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