Chapter 2: Jake

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I coudn't believe it, nope not at all. Jay was leading us towards downtown Fort Worth, not the city part the DOWNTOWN PART!!! Is Jay crazy?! We have Diana with us right now, and we are heading into hood central. Which i must say is filled with muggers, killers, pick pocketers, and did i mention KILLERS as in MURDERS!

I need to calm down now, Diana is giving me looks as if saying, "Oh no, he's freaking out again." "What is he doing?" or even, "Scardy cat, afraid of a short walk through downtown?"

After a while of walking i seem to calm down, but just to be safe, Diana is moved to be inbetween me and Jay at all times. We walk a little farther before Diana starts asking, "Hey guys, do you have some lift over water?" I shook my head when Jay says "No."I could tell that she was really thirsty, but there was no place to buy some fresh water. But as we turn a corner, there is a perfectly looking 7 Eleven. 

Without warning she runs ahead of us and to the 7 Eleven. She didn't get that far though, cause Jay had grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to face us. She was met with 2 dissaproving looks from Jay and me.

"Oh, come on Jay" She pleaded,"It looks safe, all clean, no busted lights, and they will probaly have some water there." 'Oh no' I think as she pulls on her famous puppy dog eyes. There was no way anyone could say "no" to those precious puppy dog eyes of hers, she liked to use them against us cause she knew how adorable she looked while useing them. 

Jay sighed in defeat, while i could see that Diana was doing a victory dance behind those eyes. She looked straight at me and said, "Race ya to the gas station!" and took off, i was right behind her as we raced down the sidewalk and to the 7 Eleven.

If i had only looked back into the allyway where a woman was watching our every move since the construction sight, i might have been warned of what awaits for us ahead. 

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