Chapter 6: Jake

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"Diana!" Jay and I scream at the same time as Diana is pulled into the darkness.

Without hesitation, we run after her. The thing pulling her away is just to fast for us, once we lost her at a fork in the tunnels. Then a scream is heard not to far away from us.

'We're coming Deedee' I think to myself, useing a nickname that I liked to call her, 'We're coming."

We turned one more corner, to find 6 German woman waiting for us. They each had a different weapon one was a sword with a long blade, another had a riffle, and the last one had her hands ready to fight.

"What did you do with her?" Jay asked, with a cold harsh voice. "Oh, the little girl?" The one with    the riffle asked us mockingly, "Sorry, you took a wrong turn. Did our scream fool you?" I looked over to see Jay, he was filled with anger.

"Don't worry sweat hearts," The one with the blade said, "You'll see her shortly." Jay and I ran forward, we were filled with anger, no one messes with our little sis.

While Jay took on the women with the sorwd  and the riffle, I had the hand to hand combat lady. While he put up a good fight, I rememberd that I wasn't good with hand to hand combat. So I had the lady chaseing me the whole time, of course I was hit a couple times, but that's not the point!

Finally, I ran behind Jay, who saw the lady, and gave her one good punch in the face, and she was out cold. Now it was only me against the sword lady, bad choice.

After a while of dodging that blade of her's, I saw Jay's lady drop her riffle. I quickley ran over there and picked it up. Then I turned to the woman I was fighting, and shot at her feet making her do some really weird dance.

Then when I got close enough, I took the stock of the gun and hit the back of her head with it, knocking her out.

I turned around to see Jay had already taken care of his lady. He smirked at me then we had to retrace our steps.

As we ran down the tunnels, we ran into one more group of Germen women. They each had weapons of their choice, guns, swords, their own hands, and other things that I do not know what they are. 

"Drop your weapon now, or the little girl will pay for your actions." The Woman in the front said, probally their leader it thought. Well I knew one thing for sure, we had to surrender to them, cause we had no idea what they would do to Diana.

The only thing that could be heard in the uncomfortable silence was the rifle that I was holding, clank onto the ground.

Two woman came up behind us and shoved us into a kneeling position, and tied our hands to our back. "Wise choice." The Lady said to us.

Then I felt so,ething cold hit the back of my head, then the darkness consumed me, and i fell into unconsciousness.

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