Chapter 7: Jay

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I woke up feeling dizzy. When I tried to rub my eyes, I found that there were shackles holding my wrists down to the ground.

Then the memories stated to flood back in, I was being held prisoner. Great.

Then I heard I small little groan come from the other side of the room, I looked up to see the source of the noise. It was Diana. 


"J-Jay, is that you?"

I sighed in relief, I found her, not how I wanted it to happen but I found her. "It's me Diana, it's me."

"Oh thank god, And I guess the lump by you is Jake?"

I looked over to see Jake lying unconscious by me, he looked so stupid when he slept. "Yep."

"Any idea where we are?" Diana asked me, "nope" I replied blankly. 

More moaning, and Jake finally awoke. We watched as he looked around, and saw Diana, "Deedee!" He exclaimed using the nickname Diana would let him call her, it was either that or 'short stacks'.

"Hey Dork" Diana replied smugly.






"Oh stop it!" I said interrupting there nickname battle. Even when we were being held hostage by some freaky German ladies who could kick ass, they could still joke around.

"I do agree with the young sir." A voice said from the cell door, I turned to see who spoke to find the leader of the German ladies standing in the entry way.

"Now," she said continuing, "Let's make this simple, shall we? You tell us how you found these caves, and who sent you. And if we like your answer you may return home forgetting these events. But, if you answer wrong, you will be executed."

She asked us how we found these caves and who sent us, but none of us said a word in fear of answering wrong.

"Very well then" the woman said, "it shall be the hard way." Then looking at each of us, "Take the girl."

"No!" The three of us said at the same time. No madder how hard we fought against the shackles, none of us came loose. Only Diana, by the German woman's doings. 

'No' I thought to myself, 'not her any one but her. She'll loose control, the place will burn down to the ground.' 

I know that you are very confussed now, well the best way to explain is from the beggining...

It started when Diana was 9, she came home after some bullies cornered her in a alleyway on her way home, I don't know what they said but it got to her. 

Her emotions became uncontrollable, and her new found abilities awakened from inside of her. They took down her home and her parents, she was left unharmed and had no memory of how it happened. 

The ability was fire, she was the reason her parents died.

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