Chapter 1

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8 Years Ago

A girl was playing with her older brother, while their older sister watched them. The oldest sibling was a girl of 10 years old, 11 today, and a letter arrived for her, causing this whole mess. She had her fathers black hair, and her fathers green eyes, she had a heart shaped face, and delicate features. Her name was Lexi. The second child was a boy, at 8 years old, and was fiercely protective of his siblings. He looked exactly like his father. With his sharp, mysterious features, his hair as black as night, and eyes that were as green as the forest. The youngest was a girl of 3 years old. And she was a mini version of her mother. She had honey blonde hair, and ice blue eyes. She has this aura of innocence, and playfulness, so no one could get mad at her. She was also, a total Daddy's girl, and the baby of the family, Eila.

"John? Lexi? Come here you two," Their dad called.

They both gave the little girl a hug, and a quick kiss on the head, before leaving for the kitchen. A scream ripped through the air, followed by whimpers and sobs. Eila spent to the kitchen as fast as she could, and the next thing she saw would scar her for life. Her siblings were bleeding out, slowly and painfully, while her Mum was being held back by her father, his hand wrapped around her throat.

"Johnny? Lexi?" The three year old cried and ran to her siblings, "Did you get a paper cut?" She asked, her eyes full of innocence, oblivious to the knives sticking out of them.

"Yeah honey, we got cut," John murmured, "Eila, we love you very much. I love you, Lexi loves you, and Mummy loves you,"

"What about Daddy?" She asked.

"Eila, stay away from Daddy, Daddy will hurt you," Lexi told her firmly, "Daddy hurt us, and Daddy hurt Mummy. We have to go okay?"

"Where are you going?" The three year old asked, "Can I come with you?"

"No baby, you have to stay here," Lexi rasped to her baby sister.

"When will I see you again?" The little girl asked.

"Not for a while," John told her.

"Why not? Can't I come with you?" She asked.

But they were dead before they could answer.

"Johnny? Lexi? Don't leave me, please! Please!" The 3 year old blubbered.

A rough hand grasped her shoulder, and she was turned around to see her Father.

"Daddy, why did you do this?" She cried.

"They were too corrupted. But, but I can save you," He growled, "Your Mother is a deceiving liar. Now, let me see your wings,"

"Daddy, I don't have any wings," She sniffed.

"Because they haven't been activated yet," He growled.

He turned to his wife, "Activate her wings, now," He growled, "Or it'll be her death as well,"

Sirena Moody looked at her husband in fear. The man was bitter, he was a wizard, a wizard who was expelled from Hogwarts, and was forbidden to do magic. She was a fairy, one who left her home, and her family.

"But she's too young," She cried.

"Activate her wings," He growled.

The woman slowly walked over to her daughter. She kelt down and grasped Eila's hand.

"Mommy loves you Eila, Lexi loves you, and John loves you. We all love you very much sweetheart. Be strong, and be brave. You are beautiful baby, I love you," She whispered.

The woman took off her necklace with shaking hands, it was a golden heart shaped locket. The engravings in the locket were blue, and there was a small golden butterfly resting on the locket.

"Open the locket, and you will learn everything," She whispered.

She slipped the locket onto her daughter and turned to her husband. "I won't do it," She said.

"Oops," He said pushing a long knife into her chest.

Blood soaked her pink t-shirt, and Eila could see the tip of the knife through her chest.

"I love you Eila," She whispered, before falling to the ground, dead.

The husband chuckled, "Well, isn't that a tragedy. Oh wait, it isn't That bitch deserved her death, she deserved everything that came to her, for lying. You know what she is? She's a Fairy! She's a Fairy and she never told me! I ran away from that magic, ever since I was expelled from Hogwarts. Ever since my wand was taken from me. She was angry that I never told her that I was a wizard? Well, she's a fairy, a Goddamned Fairy!"

Eila whimpered, and shrunk away form her father. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her Mother and Father were so happy together. But secrets killed them. Literally.

"Eila, my beautiful daughter," Colin Moody whispered walking over to his youngest daughter.

He knelt down, and looked into her eyes, and reached a blood covered hand to stroke her daughter's blonde hair. Anger flowed through Eila, her Father murdered her siblings. Magic pulsed through her veins, and ice enveloped her Father, he was frozen, preserved in the ice. And then, he was dead. The ice melted away, leaving no trace of it ever being there, and it left her Father, dead and frostbitten. Auror's arrived on the scene, including her Uncle Alastor Moody. And the girl promised herself that she would be like ice, mysterious and dangerous. Nothing will melt the ice barriers that distanced herself from everyone else.

Eila's PoV

"Eila! You've got a letter!" Jessie called.

Jessie is my care-taker, basically my Nanny, and my Uncle hired her to care for me, since he couldn't. My Uncle is an Auror, so he's out a lot. But he leaves plenty of books around, they have a lot to do with the Dark Arts, and how to defend yourself. He wants to make sure that I'm prepared for the real world, and he yells "CONSTANT VIGILANCE" a lot. She walked into my room with a letter with a red seal. Hogwarts. . . .

"It's a school for magic," She said smiling at me.

"Why can't I just be homeschooled?" I asked, frowning.

"Because, this is going to be a whole new experience for you! It'll be so much fun! You'll make so many friends," She said.

Sometimes Jessie is very annoying, who am I kidding, MOST of the time. She's so happy and bubbly, and optimistic all the time. And that is VERY annoying.

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