Chapter 2

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Charlie's PoV

I was so excited to start my First Year at Hogwarts. My Older brother Bill was going into his 3rd year. But he left with to go sit with his friends, and me to find my own. Feeling the love bro... Anyway, I crashed into this nice girl named Tonks, well Nymphadora, but she would kill me if I called her that. Her hair turned red and everything! But now it's a vibrant pink, so oh well. We journeyed for a compartment, but all of them were full, except for one. The last one, had one person in it.

"Come on, lets go!" Tonks cheered and opened the door, but fell through the door.

The girl inside looked at us, her face emotionless, and her blue eyes cold. She was as pale as snow, and her hair was a light blonde at the roots, but gradually became silver at the tips. She was small and had this aura of innocence around her, this magic around her. And all I wanted was to get closer.

"Do you need something?" She asked coldly.

A golden locket hung around her neck, and a cute little rodent thing was around her neck.

"Can we sit here with you?" Tonks asked.

"Is there any option?" She asked, her voice void of any emotion.

"Nope!" Tonks cheered, "Everywhere else is full!"

"Fine," She said curtly.

"Thank You," I said and helped Tonks up before entering the compartment and closing the door.

"I'm Charlie Weasley, and this is my friend Tonks," I said, "Well it's actually,"

"Nymphadora," She hissed, "But don't call me that!"

"What's your name?" I asked the silent girl.

"Eila Moody," She said curtly.

"Is it because you're very moody?" Tonks asked.

"No," She snapped.

Well, isn't she a ray of sunshine.

"Ooh! She's so cute!!!!" Tonks exclaimed at the little rodent, what is it?

"She's a Chinchilla, her name is Winter," Eila said, a little bit of warmth entering her gaze, before freezing back into it's cold stare.

"Is it even allowed to have a Chinchilla at Hogwarts?" Tonks asked.

"Probably not," She said, "But I don't care. If I'm going to be forced to this school, I'm going to bring Winter,"

"Forced?" I echoed, "Don't you WANT to go?"

"No," She said curtly, "And you're being very nosy,"

"Sorry," I said.

She didn't respond, and stroked Winter.

"Is your Dad the famous Auror who've filled half the cells in Azkaban?" I asked her.

"No, that's my Uncle," She said.

"What does your Dad do?" Tonks asked.

"What does yours?" She shot back.

"He's a Hit Wizard," She said beaming.

"Mine works in the Ministry, he works in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.," I said proudly, "Your turn!"

"I don't feel like sharing," She said stiffly.

"Come on, we did," I coaxed, "We won't judge you,"

"Why should I tell two strangers that I just met?" She asked coldly.

"Because we're your friends," Tonks said.

"We are?" I asked.

"You are?" She asked at the exact same time.

"Yeah!" Tonks said cheerfully, "You look like you need a good douse of Happiness, so Charlie and I are going to give it to you!"

"I'm perfectly fine," She said,"I don't need friends,"

"Yes you do! Everyone needs friends," Tonks said, "Now what is your Father, an Obliverator? An Auror? A Teacher?"

She went on and on and on about different jobs, and Eila looked very annoyed.

"Will you shut up?" She hissed, "You're so annoying,"

Tonks gave her a hurt expression, "Why are you so mean?"

Her eyes hardened even more, and I didn't think that it was even possible!

"We didn't do anything wrong!" Tonks exclaimed, "We were nice and friendly to you! So why are you being like this?"

She turned her gaze, onto her ice blue converse, and rubbed her locket.

"Because I don't like Happy-Go-Luckies that think that everything in the world is made of happiness, rainbows, and unicorns. I hate to break it to you but its not, its a big bad world out there and if you don't toughen up you'll be eaten up, not even a chunk of your ugly hair left to remember you by,"

"Hey! Don't speak like that to her!" I exclaimed.

"Protective over your little girlfriend?" She asked coldly.

"I'm not dating Him/her!"

She gave us both a disbelieving look. Her ice blue eyes narrowed and annoyed. She brushed her platinum blonde hair away from her pale face and we locked eyes.

She was beautiful.

"What happened to you?" Tonks asked her frowning, "I already know that you're going to be our friend. But why are you so mean? Did we do something wrong?"

"You were born," She said her tone frigid.

Bill entered the compartment.

"Hey Charles," He said.

"Hi Bill," I said smiling at my brother.

"Who are your friends?" He asked.

"This is," I began.

"Nymphadora Tonks, but call me Tonks or I'll murder you," She said, "And I'm a metamorphagus! I'm also a half-blood,"

"Eila Moody," Eila said curtly, "And I'm not his friend, I don't have any friends,"

"Well then you should make them! Friends are good," Bill said.

"Well, you're our friend," I said.

"No I'm not," She hissed through her teeth the temperature lowering in the compartment, "I don't have friends, and if I did somehow obtain them you two would not be them,"

She left the compartment, Winter in her arms.

Tonks and I looked at each other.

"She's so gonna be our friend," She said her face breaking into a large grin.

"Definitely," I agreed wholeheartedly.

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