CH. 27 Still surreal

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Hello dear all, here is chapter 27 ... which is a bit long, but probably not too much. Hope you'll not find it boring, I needed this chapter very much for the future ones...

Thank you so much for fanning, voting, commenting and msg me, love you all! Let me know what yout think of this one :-))

Btw, I'd be super happy if I could reach 2000 votes...Travis would dance for you all ;-)

Dedicated to KMarmolejo, thanx for your msg, hope you'll enjoy it!

On the right, pic of Derek --> Nate Gill


Since Alexi told me he loves me, I wasn’t anymore walking on this planet. Hell, I was completely lost in my happy Travis-Alexi dimension and I felt like floating in a happy bubble of happiness and love. We were now closer than before and I could really feel his love for me, it was palpable, my body and soul could touch it and taste it and it taste fucking fantastic, it got me drunk completely with happiness. 

Hell, this wasn’t me. I have never been in this way with anyone.

Did I really think in the past I loved someone else? Well, no, I didn’t and if I thought I did, that wasn’t love, that was nothing compared to this. I felt like Alexi was my other half, he totally completed me and changed something in me. Do I even make any sense? Hell, not sure. 

And I was so damn jealous of him. I mean, I had no reasons to be so, considering how he was jealous himself and how possessive he was … hell, I found that damn hot and arousing. I am telling you, it was a complete new feeling and it was helluva fantastic feeling. He wasn’t possessive in a freaky and controlling way, he was possessive in a caring, sweet, passionate, physical, hot, protective and lovely way. Got what I mean?

I used to get always what I wanted and didn’t care what I had to do or if it really worth it; I simply followed my whims, not giving a damn whether they were plenty idiotic or stupid. I didn’t care, there was this fire in me telling me and imposing me to give it what it wanted. Fuck, last time it really burned me badly. And it wasn’t even love, it was nothing. Just my arrogant and confident self wanting to win a challenge, without properly reasoning about it. But I sure didn’t deserve it.

Logan…that fucking sick bastard backstabber.

I left that part out with my Alexi, because I wasn’t ready yet to tell him everything. I was sure he would get quite dangerously mad and for now, I didn’t want to upset him more with my past shit.

I felt bad for not telling Alexi everything, because he had told everything about his mother. But I wasn’t ready yet, it was something it made me really ashamed, to admit how idiotic and stupid I behaved, how I let my damn whims rule over me, without actually first thinking over it.

Alexi had me change under this matter. My now boyfriend made me grow up and grow more mature.

With Alexi, I wanted him, like I never wanted anyone else. The desire and need to have him was suffocating, was almost strangling and threatened to overpower me. But I shut it up and tell it to fuck off. When I realized how Alexi really was, when I saw how he treasured his friends and what they meant for him, how caring and attentive he was with me, I threw out of the window everything. I was willing to stay at his side just as a friend, because I physically needed to stay beside him, even though it did cost me some damn hell-like effort. The attraction was killing me.

But now…nothing else mattered, that was all in the past.

Now, Alexi and I were one thing. Together. I loved him like crazy and he loved me like crazy. Even if it was still surreal.

I kept playing over and over in my head his words, his eyes telling me he loved me, his face, his touches, his kisses…everything. Hell, I was going out of mind here. Get a grip Travis. Oh for fuck’s sake, who gives a damn. I was fucking incredibly happy and so I could behave as idiotic as I wished. If anyone got a problem, bite me or kiss my sexy ass.

My sexy ass, which Alexi loved very much. Hmm…and I loved his…Fuck, he had such a firm and rock-like ass. Oh fuck, my hands and fingers got itchy and wanting only at the thought. And I got hard.

I was seriously hopeless.

“Mr. Henderson, are you here with us?” The English literature teacher interrupted my nice flow of thoughts and brought me back into this world. Err, who the hell she thought she was for interrupting my dirty daydreaming about my hot and sex-beast boyfriend?

I suppressed an annoyed snort.

“Yes, I’m here with you all and I heard your explanation about Hamlet and his craziness. If I say I don’t agree with the general and common boring opinion will I get in troubles?” It was frustrating sometimes how they simply dished you an overly munched opinion on something, without taking the fucking problem to try to really analyze it and understand it.

Our teacher widened her eyes as if she wanted to swallow me with her glare, not sure what she wanted to say or what she could say. I had a straight A in English literature and thanks to my mum’s passion for it, I probably knew more than the teacher, standing there with confused moronic face.

River softly chuckled beside me and nudged my leg with his knee. I now sat beside him and Hayden and had to say it, it was damn fun being in class with them. We exchanged a quick and smug look and then stared again at our teacher.

Hell, snap out of it. I just said my opinion.

“And why don’t you agree with the boring common opinion?” She stressed the world boring with an irritated face. Hell, if she was annoyed and pissed, just get over it and give me a damn note, for all I cared.

“Because it fails to deeply understand Hamlet’s real craziness and mostly concentrate on the evident tragedies, without actually bothering to understand the other hidden tragedies.”

She opened her mouth without uttering a sound.

Hell, it was so damn annoying having people thinking I was a complete retarded and lazy ass just because my looks and fantastic sense of style didn’t match with the rest of the students. Seriously, get real, morons.

Hayden was visibly shaking with laugh and I heard Danny, too, Derek’s friend and teammate chuckle quite loud. At the end, they both burst out in mad laugh and River kicked his friend to make him stop.

“Mr. Holmes, Mr. Geller, where do you think you are? What is it that you find so entertaining?” She glared at me, but I shrugged. It wasn’t my fault, so bite me if you got a problem with that.

Hayden shook his head and eventually stopped his laughing.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Jones, it’s just Travis, he cracks me up any time he speaks.”

Now it was me glaring at him. Now, thank you, Hayden, I’ll make you pay for this. River suppressed a chuckle and whispered me something, while our teacher was looking at our friend.

“Don’t take it bad, Travis. It means he likes you very much, you know Hayden.”

I sighed; I was getting to know him well, a simple guy, but very easy going and laidback.

“You’re right.” I murmured back to him.

A girl looked at us in a complete awe and I could see her eyes sparkling in a fan-girl mood. Hell, I knew that River and me together were some mind-blowing and super sexy combination, but you should see me with my sex-beast, hot and perfect boyfriend. That would give you a helluva nosebleed; believe me, sweetheart.

“Well I am glad my class is entertaining you.” She snorted, grabbing back her copy of Hamlet. “Now, let’s resume class. Mr. Henderson?” She called me, fixing her eyes on me.

“Yes, Mrs. Jones?” I tried to sound polite and gave her one of my best smile, just as River did every single time.

“I hope you will share more of your opinions with all of us.” Hell, got lucky today.

I simple nodded and went back to my business.

“Travis, stop thinking about Sasha.” Teased River.

“Err, how did you even know I was thinking about Alexi?” Oh well, didn’t take a genius, right Travis? He was your boyfriend’s best friend and a smartass.

“You look like a hungry wolf and your eyes get darker.” He smirked and winked.

I smirked and stuck out my pierced tongue. I really liked River; it was easy and nice being around him.

“Can’t help it, I love Alexi like crazy.” I admitted, not caring much if I sounded cheesy, it’s how I felt.

“I know, thanks for that Travis.” I looked at him with a questioning gaze. He chuckled softly. “I do really love Sasha as a friend and seeing him this happy and free and relaxed with you, makes me happy. He told you everything, right?”

I nodded and studied his deep blue eyes. He really cared for his best friend and at first, I remembered my body reacted jealous towards their evident special bond, but now it was different. River was a damn great guy.

“He never told me everything, even if I know enough of it.” His beautiful face darkened and tensed a bit, he as well couldn’t stand the thought of that … woman. “But he said you now know everything. I can tell you it means a great deal for him, Travis.”

Hell, River was absolutely right. And that’s why I felt bad for not telling Alexi everything about Logan, but I wasn’t ready for that yet. He betrayed me in such a low and fucking sick way that I was damn sure Alexi would reach a scary level of anger.

“I know and it means a great deal to me, too.” I whispered trying to push down all the emotions now coming back to me.

“You two are amazing together. I haven’t told you yet, but we are all happy for you two.” River smiled and winked.

Hell, my heart jumped in my mouth for his words. I knew they were fine with us and liked me, that was crystal clear and even a moron would have grasped it. But another thing was hearing that, word after word. That changed everything, it made it official and made me like them even more. Alexi was right: they were the best friends you could ever ask for. Like my cutie, Jasper.

“Thanks River..” I smiled back and then rolled my eyes. “Hell, but don’t make me blush, I’m not a giggling girl.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Asked Hayden, popping his head in our way.

“Nothing much, just telling Travis how much we all like his sexy ass.” He winked at me. Smart sexy ass, he wanted to tease his friend.

“Yeah, mate, you crack me up every time, but Diane’s ass is sexier.” I almost choke on my bursting laugh. So did River.

“Hey, my ass is sexier.” Now it was my turn to tease him. River faked a sudden fit of cough.

“Nah, Diane’s is.”

“Should I show you?”

“Shit, no man. Plus Alex would rip my head off.” Other fake fit of cough. Seriously, Hayden was completely hopeless.

Mrs. Jones glared at us three, but didn’t say anything.

When the bell rang River and me burst into a savage laugh and Hayden looked at us not understanding what was going on. Hell, he was priceless.

I wanted to ask River about that Sunday; I saw something was going on there, but it wasn’t my business and I let it go.

Finally, it was lunchtime and when I saw Jasper walking towards my class I jumped on him. He giggled and hugged me back and then snuggled my neck. I laughed, it was ticklish.

Dima and Alexi joined us and I saw how Jasper blushed and immediately answered to Dima’ greeting. I let it go for this moment, because I couldn’t wait any longer to be in Alexi’s arms and kiss him. I missed my boyfriend the entire morning.

Got a problem with my being fucking in love? Bite me.

“Alexi!” I grabbed his sweater and pulled him down, melting my lips with his. He growled and immediately shoved his tongue inside. I almost moaned, he was so hot and demanding.

“Baby, I missed you, too.” He breathed in my mouth, sliding his strong hands down on my ass and pulling me closer. That was soooo hot.

We deepened the kiss and for a long minute, I forgot we weren’t alone. That was how crazy he always drove me.

“Argh, guys, you’re getting me hard with your heavy making out.” Dima joked, patting Alexi’s shoulder. He growled annoyed and broke the kiss.

“Why don’t you go to lunch and leave me and Travis alone?” He snapped. I loved how he really had a short fuse.

“Because we are in school and it’s PG ground.” He laughed and Alexi rolled his eyes.

Jasper chuckled and shook his head.

I whispered something to Alexi, he smirked and gave me another quick kiss and then I went to drag Jasper away. When I was sure we were far enough from Dmitri, I fired my question.

“Jas, do you have a crush on Dmitri?”

“Wh-what?” He asked, blushing mad and widening his eyes in obvious embarrassment.

“Boy, Travis..I mean, uhm…”

“Relax cutie, it’s me, I won’t say a word to a soul. I swear it.”

He sighed.

“Uhm, I don’t know really now. Uhm..I like to be with him, boy, he’s so funny and…” He fidgeted a bit and blushed even more, now to the root of his hair.

He was funny and …???

“And?” I encouraged. He gulped.

“And … uhm.. hot.” He looked away from my face, clearly embarrassed.

Now it was me widening my eyes in surprise. Did I hear well?? Jasper just said that Dima was hot. Well, that was true, but that wasn’t the point here. I mean, Jas just admitted he found a guy hot. Oh…hell…that was fantastic. And no sarcasm here.

I pulled him apart from the queue and stared at his sweet dark chocolate eyes.

“Jas, you have a crush on him. You like him.” I murmured quietly.

He studied a bit my eyes and then smiled. Aww…he was so cute when he smiled like that.

“Boy, yep, I really like him.” He shot a look in his direction and when their eyes met, he blushed immediately. Bear-like Dima grinned at him.

Ok, I knew Dmitri was straight and messed around with girls, but hey, he anyway had a soft spot for Jasper, which I am sure he didn’t realize himself.

Someone pushed me forward and I stumbled on Jasper.

That irritated me immediately, because I knew it could be only that peanut-size-brain-issues of Collins.

And I was right.

“Hey fag, you still around?” His other friend laughed, the second had a bored look.

“You are still a moronic and retarded asshole?” I retorted back, instinctively pushing Jasper on the side. He kept anyway straight and calm.

“Watch your fucking mouth, Travis.” I didn’t like one fucking bit the way he said my name. How the hell he even knew my name? It sort of freaked me out, but I kept anyway my cocky and sexy face. “You’re alone now…” He glared Jasper and sneered. Fucking asshole.

“I can take care of a piece of shit like you alone.” I challenged, feeling the taste of bile in my mouth.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexi marching towards us with a madly enraged face. I didn’t want him to get in trouble for this moronic brainless asshole.

“Get the fuck out of here, Collins.” I hissed, now getting quite enraged myself.

He leaned closer and I stepped back, hating his proximity, but he grabbed my arm. That was getting me really mad and freaked. I shoved his hand away, but he grabbed back, almost painfully.

“Or what, you going to call your Russian dog?” He mocked.

What the hell did he just say? He dared to insult my Alexi?

I saw red.

“What the fuck did you just say, asshole?” I spat, not caring I was attracting attention and not caring he was bigger than me. No one can insult my Alexi and just walk away. “Get the fuck out of here or I’ll kick your fucking ass.” I threatened, now spitting venom.

Someone broke us apart harshly and growled dangerously annoyed.


“Get your hands off him, Collins.” He snarled, now towering him with a glacial angered glare.

The jockass’ friend with the bored look now got uneasy and nervous.

“C’mon man, let’s go. I don’t want to get in troubles.” He said, seizing Alexi with a fucking worried face.

“Mind your business, Xander.” He barked back.

Somehow, he managed to snatch again my arm and I flinched at that in disgust. What the hell was wrong with him?

Alexi growled viciously and lost it. He punched with insane force, like a madman, that asshole, sending him against an empty table. I stood there a second in shock. I never saw him that mad and never saw him beating someone. He had wild force. Collins landed like a sack of shit and crushed against the table, he then cursed, spitting blood.

“You, Russian..” He spat another bit of blood, visibly shaken.

He went to get up and react, but Alexi moved faster and in a flash was on him and grabbed his collar shirt, lifted him from there and shoved him back harshly on the table. Another crush between the surface and that asshole.

I felt like being inside an arena. Alexi was scary; he looked like a crazed and blood-lusting beast. I mean, I wasn’t scared of him. I honestly wasn’t, but I understood why no one ever dared to piss him off. He was merciless.

Then I snapped out of it and ran to stop him, before someone would call the teachers and guards. Derek and Dima ran as well and it took three of us to stop him.

“Alexi, stop, he doesn’t worth the troubles.” I told him. Collins was smashed on the table and his two friends helped him to get up.

“Let me go, Travis. Get the fuck off me.” He groaned. Derek and Dima strengthened their grips. He was impressive.

People had gathered around, curious to see what was going to happen, but no one dared to take part or say anything. Damn cowards. I hoped for their sorry ass they would keep their mouth shut.

“Dude, calm down. Travis is right, you’ll get in trouble.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.” He roared.

“Stop it, Alexi.” I ordered, almost growling.

He glared at me first furious, his eyes a burning inferno of ice and anger, and then he shook his head and calmed down. Dima and Derek let go of him, sensing he was now fine. He breathed deeply and glared dark at Collins and his friends.

“Consider yourself lucky, today. Now piss off.” He snarled, with a menacing and growling voice.

Hell, if I say that he looked hot, would you think I’m sick? But he damn looked hot and arousing to me.

“You bitch, you gonna pay for this. Watch your back.” Collins sneered; flinching for the pain Alexi inflicted him. That fucking asshole. Alexi went to say something, but one of that moron’s friend spoke first.

“C’mon John, I don’t want to get in damn troubles and you as well don’t need more pain in the ass. Let’s just leave it for today.”

“That’s smart of you.” Threatened my god-like boyfriend. The two idiots took their piece of shit and beat it.

Hell, now I couldn’t wait to be alone with him. It was crazy and insane, I knew it, but the way he reacted and defended me, it made me realize even more how much I loved him and how much he cared for me, how much I meant for him. I never had anyone really caring and loving me that much, aside my mum. Hell, it was completely intoxicating and addictive.

Alexi took my hands and smoldered his icy-blue eyes with mine.

“Sorry baby, didn’t want to scare you, but when he touched you I lost it completely.” God, I loved him so much. I simply let go of his hands to hug his neck and kiss him, hard and lost. He immediately wrapped his hands around my waist, drawing me closer. 

“Alexi, you didn’t scare me, you never will. I was worried for you, that’s all.” I whispered to him, this was only for him to hear. No-fucking-one else business.

He hugged me tighter and murmured in my ear.

“Thanks Travis, I love you so much.” His lips brushed my earlobe and I shivered. In dangerous pleasure.

“Love you, too.” I purred back.

I pulled back, because I remembered we were inside the cafeteria and jumping Alexi there wouldn’t be the smartest thing.  

Dima asked him something in Russian.

“Sasha, vseeyoh kharashò?”

“Da, da.”

Derek snorted and shook his head.

“Dude Travis, you ok?” I let pass the “dude” thing and nodded, smiling. He grumbled something about that asshole and swore under his breath.

Japer, that witnessed the entire clash, with widen shocked eyes and pale face, had now relaxed and came to hug me.

“That..that Collins has for sure brain issues. Boy, you’re completely right and so glad Alex kicked his butt.”

Alexi and Dima roared with laugh and all the tension washed away. The other students went back to their business as nothing happened and I was damn glad for that. I doubted anyone will report anything, they were too intimidated by Alexi and I’m sure didn’t want to get involved with that fucking bastard of Collins. He sure was a royal pain in the ass.

Hayden and River joined us and Hayden was fuming he lost the chance to beat the shit out of Collins. Dmitri took Jasper to grab something to eat, and so did the rest, leaving my god-like boyfriend and me alone.

“Alexi love, I can’t wait to be alone with you.” I breathed in his ear, sitting right beside him at our table. He softly groaned.

“I like you calling me that.” His voice was husky and inviting. Travis, get a grip horn dog and remember you’re in school.

“You think I’m sick if I tell you that earlier I thought you were fucking hot and got me hard?” I asked, playing with his short black hair. I loved to feel them between my fingers.

He turned his head to me and his eyes froze me there. They were burning with lust and love.

“Travis, you didn’t think I was scary, you thought I was hot?” Now he was enjoying himself with one of the hole in my jeans. “My favorite jeans..” He murmured to himself.

“I know it’s crazy, but when you got mad and beat that asshole, because he touched me…I don’t know how to explain it, it made me happy and aroused me. Am I sick? Hell, I mean, you looked like a crazy hot beast and when you’re so protective and possessive, I love it. Hell, it’s just the hell do I explain..” He cut my blabbing off.

“Travis, I know what you mean. I felt the same when got mad for how he called me, you’re crazy baby.” He softly brushed my lips and then he went serious and dark. “But don’t you get again in trouble with him; I don’t care what he says about me.”

Damn stubborn sexy beast.

“But I do.” I said now pissed. He growled slightly annoyed.

“Travis, I’m not joking. I don’t like the way he looks at you, stay clear from him.” It was impossible to question and argue against his firm and burning stare. “I love you, Travis and I don’t want anything happening to you. Do you understand?”

I sighed, I understood what he meant.

“Ok, I promise.” He smiled satisfied and tugged me in his muscular arms.

“Shall we get something to eat now, baby?”

I nodded and licked playfully his lips.

“Oh Travis, you’re staying over tonight, right?” His family invited me for dinner and being Friday there were no problems with that.

“Hell yeah, can’t wait to be alone with you.” I purred for him.

“Hmm…and I can’t wait to love you and fuck you damn hard and senseless the entire night…” 


Now I couldn’t wait any longer to be alone with my sex-beast Alexi.

Author's chit-chat:

Alexi's fans, did you enjoy the last scene? I think many of you couldn't wait to for at least a punch to jockass Collins...

Lets get ready for more chapters...someone more is revealed of Travis's past, since I decided it would be better have chs about it. 

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