CH. 28 Let it snow, let it snow ...

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Good Sunday to all of you, as I promised yesterday, here is chapter 28 :-))

I wanted to have Travis' family and Alexi's family to meet all together and enjoy a nice Christmas. I thought it was important to have them all meeting and knowing, given how much in love are Travis and Alexi ...

Hope you'll like it and won't find it lame or boring! Let me know, love to hear from you! Thank you all for you support, for reading and liking Fire and Ice :-))

Dedicated to SunajArze, hope you'll enjoy it!!

On the right, a wonderful Christmassy banner Klovis made for me :-))) Thank you darl <3

Enjoy xox



Things in the house were getting too hectic for my patience and taste and my brother kept joking around about Travis and me. He was having the time of his life today and good thing Nichole would scold him and tell him to shut up. But you know Nichole, she’s a crazy and hyper fan-girl. Shit, I even didn’t know the word before Travis called her so. My love, he just got the right word for that crazy girl.

But she was part of our family and I always liked her fathers, they were strong mind-set and grounded people, very sensitive and friendly. Shit, the idea of introducing to them Travis gave me headache. I knew I had dug my own fucking grave when I asked my boyfriend and his mother to join us for Christmas, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to have him meet my entire family. I knew they would all love him and if someone had something to say … oh, be sure I’ll make the person choke in his/her own words.

Well, honestly I was a bit annoyed at the thought of one of my cousin, he was quite an asshole and had very narrow mind and shit head. He had an argument with River and I remembered I almost broke his nose with a punch, for what he dared to say and call him. Same when he had the guts to insult Nichole’s parents. Good thing for him that time my dad was there and prevented me from smashing his idiotic mouth. Bad for me, though, because I really wanted to give him what he deserved. My dad had already told me to keep it cool with Sergei, because it wouldn’t worth it and anyway he would take care of it.

But you know me well by now and if anyone were to say anything bad to Travis, then sure as fuck I would lose my temper in an instant.

God, Travis…he knew how to calm me down, and that was amazing and it was amazing he honestly wasn’t scared of me; he wasn’t even scared or intimidated by me when we barely knew each other, you could tell by the way he looked at me.

I chuckled at the memory of our first encounter and lost myself a bit looking outside the window; it was snowing since last night, it was amazing. Well, I had already noticed him around, I had noticed him since his first days in our school; shit, it was impossible to not see Travis and not look at him.

Anyway, since that day at the cafeteria, when I punched that asshole and had Travis, Derek and Dima to pull me away and calm me down, I kept an extra eye on him and never let Travis alone. Collins was just a lame and coward bastard, that was clear, but something was wrong and sick in the way he looked and eyed my boyfriend. I didn’t like that one bit. It made my blood boil dangerously and my beast howled in anger and possession. Well, that was me growling in anger and possession. I truly cared for Travis and I didn’t want anything more to happen to him, especially after what he told me about his former two schools.

Collins said something to Travis that day and before I could punch him another time, one of his friend took him away. What he dared to utter got me so angry and defensive that had me almost burn alive in fury. If he’ll ever dare to touch again my Travis, I’ll send him six feet under. Period. Just the thought was now enough to make me tremble in rage and irritation.

I began to pace around my room to calm down, soon a big part of my family would be invading our house and Travis would be here any time. Actually, auntie Masha and uncle Fedor were already here, helping Julie with the cooking. Julie…she couldn’t wait to meet Mrs. Henderson, well, Michelle and couldn’t wait to see Travis: she loved him, which was sort of annoying sometimes, because would keep hugging him and calling him with ridiculous names. I rolled my eyes at myself. God, I really was jealous.

I paced around another bit and then sat down, breathing hard. I thought about last night.

Travis and I went out for Christmas’s eve; we had dinner together, went to watch a movie he wanted to see and then went back to his place and waited for midnight. We had the same idea, to exchange presents once we were alone. I bought for him something I knew he would love: two concert tickets, one for Motley Crue (which I loved as well) and one for Green Day. Well, the latter were performing here, so it wasn’t a problem, but Motley Crue’ tickets I got for us were for Montréal in Canada…well, that was also part of his birthday present. I wanted to get a weekend away with him, once we both would turn 19.

My gorgeous boyfriend loved his presents and literally jumped on me, making it damn difficult to keep my voice down, given his mum was sleeping upstairs. Travis knew damn well how to turn on my wild and beast-like side. I mean, he turned me on and lusty every time he was around me, but sometimes it got worse and I literally had my control gone. And last night he almost got me out of control. I bit probably too harshly his shoulder to prevent my growling and I felt bad for that, but he said it was sexy and hot. God, I have no idea how I managed to keep myself under control.

I plopped back on my bed, contemplating the ceiling and then smiled. I felt Travis’ present pressing its cold surface on my skin. He got me something for my white gold neck chain: our names’ first letters tangled together to form a white gold locket; and the shirt I was wearing now, he had great taste for clothes.

My phone rang and when I saw the ID I smiled immediately.

‘Travis, I was thinking about you’

‘I was thinking about you, too…especially about last night’ He chuckled and then purred. Hmm, that aroused me and I would make him pay for that.

‘Baby, gonna make you pay for getting me already hard.’

‘Hmm…it’s a promise right?’

‘No doubt, Travis.’ I heard his mother voice telling him to stop our sweet talks and get back to business. She was a great woman, very strong and intelligent. They were very alike, actually, aside the swearing part.

‘Can we come earlier? My mum wants to help around and I can’t wait any longer to see you and kiss.. ouch mum!’

I chuckled, I guess she playfully slapped the back of his neck. Yeah, well, I knew perfectly how Travis and I were together.

‘Sure baby, come whenever you want, Julie and Nichole can’t wait to meet your mum.’ He laughed, knowing what I meant. ‘And I can’t wait to see you’

‘Hmm, Alexi, can’t wait either..’

‘See you soon, then?’

‘Hell yeah. Mum says hi!’

‘Say hi back.’

He sent me a kiss via phone and I chuckled softly.

I went downstairs and shit, our huge dining room was completely arranged and ready and looked incredible. Vanya and I had been kicked away before, being told to not get in the way. Well, I didn’t complain, it meant I had to do nothing. My dad looked sort of tired and I understood him, Julie could be a tornado sometimes, especially if pared with aunt Masha.

“Sasha son, you really want to step in the war field?” Dad asked me in Russian. His sister passed by and slapped his arms.

“Don’t get all funny, Volodya and come to help us.” Shit, she should have joined the Army, no kidding.

My dad sighed and shook his head. I chuckled.

“Sasha, when are your boyfriend and his mother coming over? Can’t wait to meet them.” But her enthusiasm was warm and contagious.

“They are actually coming earlier, Mrs. Henderson…Michelle, said she wanted to help around.”

“That’s wonderful.”

We always talked in Russian between us, it was normal for us, but when Nichole and Julie were with us, we would speak English. Julie already understood a bit, but not enough to follow an entire conversation.

After a while, the doorbell rang and I went to open the door, to face my breath-taking and absolutely gorgeous and sexy boyfriend smiling at me like a cat, followed by his mum, equally good looking.

“Alexi, merry Christmas!” He wanted to jump me, but tried to control himself because his mother was there and thought my parents were behind me.

“Merry Christmas, Travis.” I looked at him for a couple of seconds, drinking his view. He was incredible. He had my favorite jeans, a white shirt tugged in and black blazer, black Converse with spikes and winter black coat over his blazer. He looked so damn good. I had to force my eyes away from him, to greet his mother, dressed with an elegant beige dress and a darker long coat. They both had great sense of style. “Mrs. Henderson, it’s nice to see you, merry Christmas.” I stepped on the side to make them come in.

Travis shot me an inviting and naughty look and I bit down a groan.

“It’s Michelle, Alex.” Since a while ago she began to call me Alex, but not Alexi. She said Alexi was only for Travis and it was actually true and I loved it.

“Michelle.” I corrected myself. “Julie and aunt Masha can’t wait to meet you.” And just as expected, they both ran at the door.

I shook my head. Hyper women.

“You must be Travis’s mother, Michelle, right?” Julie was obviously overjoyed and so was my aunt. Especially her, knowing everything that happened to us and worried I would never really love someone. “I’m so glad to finally meet you, I’m Julie, Aleksandr’ step-mother.”

“And I’m Maria, but call me Masha, Sasha’s auntie.”

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you all, thank you for inviting us over today.” She smiled warm and open, like Travis. They had the same eyes, but Travis’ eyes were a constant temptation. “Could you please help me with that?” She handed over a couple of large square containers. “It’s something typical from my family.”

“That’s so nice, thank you.” Twitted Julie.

I went to help Mrs. Henderson, but got shoed away from Masha.

“Travis I’m so happy to see you today.”

“Happy to see you, too, Julie. Merry Christmas.” Julie engulfed him in a maniac-like hug and kissed his cheek. I rolled my eyes, what did I tell you before? His mother just giggled.

“So you are Travis, my Sasha’s boyfriend? I am so happy to finally meet you, I heard so much about you. I am Masha, his aunt.” I shot my auntie a menacing glare, to tell her to not say anything embarrassing and she got the hint, but she chuckled. “Ok, I’m not allowed to say anything embarrassing, so I’ll leave it for now.”

I snorted and shook my head. God, today will be a real pain in the ass, no joking here. Travis smiled at me and winked. Couldn’t wait to be alone with him.

“It’s very nice to meet you … err, Masha?” I knew he wasn’t at ease to call my relatives and parents with their first name. He still called dad with his surname or sir.

“Of course, you have to call me Masha or you can call me auntie.” Oh God, she was just crazy as Julie, no wonder they got on well at first.

He casted me quite a look and I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Masha.” He said, going to shake her hand.

Good luck with that, baby.

Differently from me, my relatives were very open and friendly people and liked to hug and kiss. So, she obviously hugged him and I could see he first stiffened in surprise, but let go immediately and hugged her back.

Did I already say how much I loved him? Well, I fucking loved him like crazy. It was amazing the way he immediately relaxed with my family and bounded with them and vice versa. You have no idea what it meant for me.

Same thing happened with dad, Nichole and her fathers, and Vanya and then later with all of my and Julie’s relatives. Needless to say, Nichole’s parents loved Travis at first. Shit, who wouldn’t? Well, my cousin wasn’t here yet, I damn hoped he’ll keep quiet, for his own safety.

When they all disappeared in the kitchen and living room, I finally snatched my boyfriend away and kissed him senseless, shoving immediately my tongue in his mouth, to drink from him and taste him. He responded at once, and melted in my arms and wrapped his around me, pulling me closer, softly moaning. Shit, I already wanted Travis.

“Hmm…Alexi…” He purred on my lips. He deepened the kiss and teased me with his piercing. I growled low in my throat and grabbed him stronger.

“Baby, let’s go in my room till they are ready.”

His black pearls danced with desire, love and temptation. No doubt, they reflected my icy eyes in everything.

“You look fantastic in this shirt.” He murmured, brushing his lips on my weak spot on the neck. I dug my fingers deeper in his sides and then travelled down on his firm and mind-blowing ass. I loved to grab it with my full hands.

“I really like it.” I pulled him away, to look his eyes, and then dragged him upstairs.

My brother saw us and came over to annoy me.

“Sasha bro, don’t tell me you are going to get some right when our family is here?” He joked.

“Ha, you’re just jealous that Nichole dumped you now for all the preparations.” I smirked and he snorted, knowing I was right. He was bored without her.

“Seriously guys, I know what sort of horny dogs you two are.” What a clown he was.

“Then we’ll just keep it quiet, if I can…” Travis laced his fingers with my own and snuggled his white head on my chest. “You know, Alexi is a real beast in bed.”

He said that to tease Vanya, he liked to provoke and joke with him, but I knew he also really meant it, and I felt a dark and wolfish smirk form on my face.

“Shit Travis, don’t wanna hear that.” He whined, sticking his index fingers in the ears. Travis chuckled and I grinned at my brother. “Sasha is my brother; I don’t wanna know how he fucks around.”

“Alexi doesn’t fuck around, he screws only me.” I had to repress my laugh, because Vanya’ face was priceless.

“Argh, just leave me alone, I’ll go and look for Nichole, I already miss her.” He looked at Travis and then smiled. “Hey, we got a present for you, know that?”

“Really? Thanks Ivan. I’ve got something for you and Nichole, as well.”

“Should I worry about that?”

“Nah, you’ll like it.”

I already knew what he got for them, he actually asked me for an advice.

“You done with the chit-chat, Vanya?” I sort of growled, wanting nothing more than be alone a bit with my hot boyfriend.

“Yeah, yeah…just keep it low.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted something in Russian. Then we climbed the stairs and closed the door behind us, locking it.

I turned on a Motley Crue CD, one of my favorite.

I scrolled away Travis’ blazer and chucked it on my desk chair and then pushed him down on my bed and let my lips and tongue travel and taste his neck, jaw and mouth. He shivered and ran his fingers in my hair, tugging them strongly. We didn’t have much time to spend alone, but I had to have a bit of him; I never had enough of him.

Travis slipped his hands down on my back, feeling his fingers through my shirt wanting to scratch my skin. I moved to his tempting and sweet mouth and kissed him hard, rubbing his pierced tongue and teasing it, with soft bites. He moaned in my mouth and untagged my shirt, wanting to get rid of it. I felt then his hands on my bare skin and I groaned, loving the sensation; he thrust his hips on mine and felt his hard-on brushing my own. We both were already hot and lusty.

I returned to his neck, while he arched his back and his nails scratched me deeply, making me growl in pure and wild pleasure. Damn, we had to keep it low and quiet, but it was a hard task.

“Baby, you’ll drive me insane and we need to keep it quiet.” I murmured in his ear, licking his earlobe and nibbling it.

“Alexi…this is not helping a fucking bit.” He panted, grinding again on me. That wasn’t helping a fucking bit, feeling his hard cock didn’t help a fucking bit.

“Travis, how about a quickie?” I suggested.

“Hmm, fantastic..I’m already bursting.” He purred in my ear.

I smirked and got on my knees, popping open his jeans and tossing them on the floor, along with his black boxers. Shit, he was such a mind-blowing view, that just a quick one wouldn’t satisfy me.

“Travis, after this and when lunch will be over, I’ll need to really get you hard and long..”

He moaned and passed the tip of his tongue on the lower lip and then played with his piercing. Shit, I already felt my control shredding in pieces.

Travis shot me a dirty and amused look and then went to pop open my jeans, pulling down the zipper. When I felt his hands on my member, I had to repress a loud groan. What a teaser he was. He pulled lower jeans and underwear and wrapped his damn tempting lips around my shaft, teasing the tip.

“Fuck, Travis…this will get me out of mind and you know it..”

He smirked and drew my entire length, taking me deeper. Shit. I felt something clicking in my head and I knew it was my beasty side wanting to take control and possess my boyfriend in the most wild and rough way. I first grabbed his hair and thrust deeper in his hot mouth and then shoved him away, pushing him down on my bed.

Now it was me smirking dark and lusty.

He responded the smirk and sucked one of his fingers, provoking me even more. I kicked away jeans and boxers, grabbed his arm and turned him to face my bed sheets. He moaned, loving when I was aggressive. I rolled up his shirt and passed my tongue all over his firm and muscular back, teasing his hips.

“Alexi…you said we would have a quickie..” He groaned.

“Baby, we gonna have a quickie, don’t worry.”

My tongue went lower; my hand slipped on Travis’ erection and stroked it. He bit the bed cover to mute his moans. It was annoying to not hear him, but I knew we couldn’t be loud. When I reached his perfect and round ass, he gasped and shot me a dark look.

“You’re playing dirty…”

“You can get back at me later.” I smirked.


“You’re playing dirty…”

Fuck, he was nibbling and teasing my ass with his hot and wet tongue and I couldn’t cry, scream or moan normally. I bit again the cover of the bed.

“You can get back at me later.” I felt his smirk on my skin.

You bet my sexy beast that I’ll get back at you later.

His tongue went lower and stroked hard the line between my ass cheeks, making me crazy with pleasure and desire, feeling like exploding. He pulled away his hand from my member and concentrate only on my ass. Fuck…how was I gonna keep quiet? I had no fucking idea. I snatched a pillow and buried my face there. He chuckled, the evil sexy beast.

Alexi stroked my back entrance. Fuck, fuck, fuck…this was new, and drove me insane, I loved it and gave me so much pleasure, that my entire body trembled in excitement. His strokes went harder and deeper and I shoved the pillow deeper in my mouth to suppress a scream. Hell, I was so going to pay him back for this.

But it was so hot.

His tongue invaded me deeper and more possessive and I heard him growl.

“Travis, you feel fucking awesome, I wanted to try this for a while..”

“Alexi…you’re about to make me come.” I wasn’t joking or exaggerating. Hell I was about to burst any time.

“Great to hear that.”  He stroked me and licked me more and harder and then stopped.

I whined in annoyance, because I loved it, but instead he shoved his huge and hot member inside me, deep and hard and I bit again the pillow to not scream in wild pleasure. Alexi pulled back and slammed again inside, deeper, a couple of times, feeling him as well trying to contain his groaning.

Then he grabbed my arms and pulled me up, having me riding him backwards. Fuck, this was super hot and erotic and fucking insane, because I felt his shaft deeper than normal. I threw my arms back and clutched his neck, pulling him closer. Alexi sunk his teeth in my shoulder to now growl loud and I threw my head back, my mouth wide open in a mute cry.

Alexi was driving me out of mind. He was fucking amazing.

He thrust hard and deep, and I had to fist his hair to keep me from getting more feral than I already was.


I filled Travis completely, feeling my pleasure running all over me and my inner beast growled in pure ecstasy. My gorgeous boyfriend was always so hot and amazingly tight and so ready for me.

Shit… I was about to lose control.

I grabbed his arms and pulled him up, so that he was now sitting on my tights and shaft, me fucking deep buried inside him. Ahh…it felt insane, I went even deeper and felt him squirm around me in pleasure. He pushed down on me and thrust harsher, his walls swallowing me completely.


A loud and strong growl formed in my throat and I bit again Travis’s shoulder, to prevent it to come out. He arched his back even more and threw his head back, probably his mouth wide open in a soundless moan. His hands slipped from my neck to my hair and gripped me almost painfully…ahh…that was so damn arousing, so fucking hot.

Travis on me, arching his back, pulling my head to his and moving up and down on my member with a feral and wild pace, was a mind-screwing erotic view and feeling. Another growled form and I sunk teeth in his shoulder another time and my fingers gripped his sides hard and crazy.

“Alexi..” He whispered..

I thrust inside harder, his breath grew heavier and faster, his grip stronger.

So mine.

We were both at the edge.

Another rough and full thrust, I wrapped my hand around Travis’ member, because I wanted to feel him completely and we both came like insane, in a mute and silent crazy scream of love and pleasure, our orgasms making us tremble. My boyfriend fell on my chest, breathing hard and heavy, still trembling from the climax.

“I loved it, Alexi. Hell, it’s been fucking quick, but fucking intense.” He murmured, now tangling his fingers with mine.

“I know, I loved it, too. You were really sexy like this.”

Travis turned around and hugged me tight.

“I really love you, Alexi.” He whispered in my ear.

“I love you, too.” I whispered back. We kept in each other arms for a couple of minutes, only listening to our breaths and inhaling each other scent. “Baby, we better get ready and go downstairs.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

We fixed our clothes and washed our faces with cold water, adjust our shirts and then we were fine, just like before.

Vanya and Nichole met us in the living room, they were cuddling on an armchair and when they saw us, Nichole shot us a knowing smile.

“You two together look so hot!” She giggled.

The minute my eyes looked around, they found and met that asshole of my cousin Sergei staring at Travis and me, our fingers laced together, with a disgusted face. My other cousin, Daria, his sister, was there as well.

“You are here already.” I said, with a dry and cold voice, staring him back with icy look, to warn him. Then I turned to her. “Dasha, how are you?”

“Sasha, hi. Is he Travis? I heard from Julie.” She was really nice and spontaneous and went immediately to meet him.

“Hey, I’m Dasha, Sasha’s cousin and that grumpy bag over there is my brother. Don’t mind him, he’s always been a pain in the ass.” They never really got along well. Sergei snorted at that, but kept silent.

“Nice to meet you, Dasha.” Travis flashed one of his best smile, and I could see my cousin staring at him in awe and almost blushing. Yeah, my baby was breath taking, I knew it perfectly.

“Wow, you really are hot and handsome…you two guys are one of the hottest couple I have ever seen.” She blurted, making Travis grin like a Cheshire cat. Hmm, my love was irresistible.

“See, I told you sweety that you’d love Travis.” That was Nichole.

“Yeah, but they are such horn dogs…” I slapped hard Vanya’ neck and casted him a shut-up look.  Travis stuck out his tongue.

Sergei kept staring at him and that pissed me off, then he snorted.

“You got a … boyfriend? What a bad joke.” He sneered.

“Drop it, Sergei. You’re already getting on everyone’s nerves.” Said Nichole, who couldn’t stand him at all.

“I didn’t talk to you.”

“Hey, you little bastard, mind your words when you speak to my fiancée, got it?” Growled Vanya. On this side, we were very much alike.

“Are you Alexi’s cousin?” Asked Travis, studying that dickhead with a curios and cocky look, already sniffing he was a pain in the neck.

“And you are what? His … fag boyfriend? What the hell is wrong with you, Sasha? Your other queer friend turned you in one? Who’s the bitch, you or him?”

“Shut up bro, you’re being nasty and rude.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.” He was such an asshole.

Boiling blood immediately shot in my brain and I marched to punch him, because he dared to insult River once again and then my Travis, but Travis grabbed my arm. I peeked at him and he was livid.

Not a good sign.

“What did you just say?” He hissed and pounced forward in a fluid and elegant movement, now grabbing his sweater. “Did you just dare to insult my Alexi and our friend?”

It was amazing to see Travis go all crazy and mad when someone insulted me or one of our friends, he looked like a wildcat, baring claws and fangs.

“Take your hands off me, you..” before my cousin could continue talking, I snatched Travis back and I grabbed him, lifting him on his tiptoes. I could see the reason why he got so well with that sick bastard of Anatoly.

“Another wrong word about my boyfriend or River or anyone else and not even my dad will stop me from smashing your shitty face.” I growled in his face, freezing his blood in the veins. He gulped, because he knew I wasn't joking.

“Sasha is right, another word and I’ll join gladly my brother.” Vanya had joined me and was now standing beside me. Our cousin paled down to a greenish degree and I felt like smirking.

Dad and uncle Kirill entered the living room to call us to lunch and when they saw what was going on, they both sighed deeply.

“Sergei, you’re my nephew and the son of my brother, but I will not tolerate today any of your comments.” My dad’s voice was serious and warning. He liked Travis very much and considered him already as part of the family, so he wouldn’t tolerate a wrong word against him. “Sasha, let him go.” He ordered me. I snorted annoyed and then let him go.

“You must be Travis, right?” Uncle Kirill went to meet my love. “Nice to meet you, I’m Sasha’s uncle, Kirill Lebedev.”

“Sir, nice to meet you, too.”

I grabbed Travis’ hand and marched to the dining room, having to cool down my annoyance, but as soon as I sat beside him, I forgot about everything.


We had an incredible Christmas, one of the best I ever had. Alexi’s family was fantastic, aside that moronic asshole of Sergei.

Julie’s parents and sister were good persons, too and if at first they were a bit stiff and uneasy for the entire gay thing, then they relaxed down and became quite nice and sociable.

Hell, my mum got on well at first with Masha and Julie and also with the other Alexi’s aunt, and they talked together all the time. I was glad they avoided stupid and moronic comments about Alexi and me together; even if they kept saying how happy they were that we found each other. Hell, you’ll never be happier than I am. Plus, mum really liked my sexy beast, basically loved him and the more when I told her how protective he was of me. She was happy every time Alexi stayed over my place and never bugged me about sex. I mean, she obviously knew we weren’t fucking platonic; she just had to see us together to guess it.

The cousin-moron kept quiet the entire lunch, shooting once in a while glares at us; whenever I caught him doing that, I would roll my eyes or stick out my tongue. He would make a sickened face and turned away. I had fucking fun in pissing him off like that and Alexi chuckled every single time. As long as he kept his trap shut, I didn’t give a damn about his faces and his thoughts. He could go fuck himself, for all I cared.

On the other side, his sister, Dasha, was a real sugar. And hell, she was a sort of beauty, but I could see they all were good looking. Well, my babe was the most hot and sexy looking, hmm…if I think about before lunch…fuck, I wanted him again.

Now we were all full, we ate quite too much and I was feeling sleepy and content. Mr. Lebedev and Julie insisted for us to stay over for dinner, as if I would be able to eat something else. But we stayed, mostly to be with my Alexi.

Now we were lazing down on a couch in the living room, watching something on TV with his brother, Nichole and Dasha. Also Nichole’s fathers joined us for a bit; they were amazing, it was easy to talk to them and when they learnt at lunch that I dance as well, they asked me many questions.

Then Ivan got all fired up about a new DVD he had bought and made us all watch it. It was good, but I was too sleepy for the food and so I dozed a bit in Alexi’s arms, both stretched long. He kept brushing my hair with his strong fingers and I felt like a cat, I was almost purring in my doze.

“Travis, do you want to go rest a bit?” He whispered in my ear. I stirred a bit and snuggled closer on his chest, breathing his scent.

“Yeah, maybe a bit.” Even my voice was sleepy.

Alexi stood up and so did I.

“Where are you going, you two?” Asked Ivan.

“Going to sleep a bit, Travis is tired.”

“I wonder why…” He joked, winking at me.

Alexi snorted and told him something in Russian, which I’m sure as hell it meant “shut up”.

Once we both fell on his bed, I think it’s needless to say the first thing we got wasn’t sleep at all. We actually didn’t get any sleep. Good thing his house was very big and my mum and his family were still talking in the dining room or in the kitchen.  

In a week mum and me were going to look for my car and order it, I couldn’t wait any longer, even though Alexi said he would still come to pick me up some mornings. He liked the car I wanted and said it suited me perfectly.

Hell, I loved him so much.

These were really the best Christmas holidays I have ever had, and the snow outside, whitening the entire New York, made it even more magic.

Author's chit-chat:

Hope you had enough fun meeting more of Alexi's relatives and the whole the Henderson meet the Lebedev :-)

Travis blows a kiss to all of you xox

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