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Lily eagerly followed after the prefects, Annabelle Fletcher and Joseph Werner. Lily was barely listening to the instructions, but as she saw people begin to move, she rushed up the stairs to the girls dormitory. She found four beds, other than her own on the far left(near the door). She knew two belonged to Emma and Ingrid, but she didn't know her other dorm mates. Two chatty girls joined her in the room. Lily smiled brightly, these must be her other house mates. One was tall and dark skinned with skinny braids gracing her shoulders and framing a classically gorgeous face. She had light hazel eyes, and her face looked like it was carved from dark stone. Her friend looked almost opposite. She was pale and freckled with mousy brown hair and dark grey eyes.

Lily went to introduce herself, "Hi I'm-" She was cut off.

"Ya we know your Lily Potter," their smaller girl said with a great roll of her eyes.

"I'm Lucy Jeane, but friends call me Lucy or C. You can call mw whatever is easiest," the tall girl smiled politely.

"And I'm Dannica, friends call me Dan, so I guess that means you'll be pronouncing all 3 syllables." She flipped her hair and made her way to the second to last bed. Lucy timidly came to rest beside Lily's bed.

"Sorry about her," she began, "She's just jealous, her Mum was too young to fight in the battle of Hogwarts, and her dad was a Slytherin." Lily smiled knowingly.

"It's alright," she said, "Just tell her that she should be proud of her parents, what they did and didn't do in the past doesn't effect her." Lily smiled.

"Thanks," Lucy grinned, " Will do." 

Soon after, Emma and Ingrid made their way into the dormitory. 

"You didn't stay for the end of the prefects rules, and you didn't say hello to any of our new house mates either," Ingrid scolded as the three girls dressed in their pyjamas. 

They climbed silently into bed as Lily sighed, "I'm just glad to Finally be here." She smiled and drifted off to dreams filled with quidditch, potions, spells, and more.

Sorry for the late update. I had to delete my Wattpad.

Ily ma stars.


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