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A surge of emotions swept through Lily as she stared at the place she had longed to go for so long. After a minute or so Lily realized that a bit of Ingrid's light blonde hair was in her mouth. She giggled and released the strand of hair right as the train came to a stop. Lily was out the door faster the both of her cousins and her new friends. She ran straight up to Hagrid and thrust herself in his arms.

"Firs' years o'er--oof--" Hagrid grinned,
"You mus' be 'ily." He smiled from beneath his beard.

"And you're Hagrid!" Lily smiled giddily.

"Better make yer way 'o the boats, hm?" Hagrid pushed her in the right direction and Lily found a boat in no time. Soon, Roxy and Hugo approached and settled themselves in the boat with Lily.

"What happened to the other three?" Lily inquired.

"We decided to split up, an equal number of people, so we know people on our boats!" Hugo explained. Right before Lily was going to tell Hugo that was a good plan, there was a disturbance in the boat. All three heads turned to the new comer.

"Um, hi." The little girl greeted them.

"Hi!" Roxy responded, "I'm Roxy and this is Hugo and Lily!"

"I'm Emmaline, but you can call me Emma." The little girl smiled shyly. She had long, dark golden curls, and grey-green eyes. She bit nervously on her lip.

"You have short hair!" She blurted out. "I-I like it." The girl stuttered.

"Thank you!" Lily grinned. She always found her hair was a mess, like her father's. Because of this, she cut it like her father's. It was a bright red messy mix of curls and cowlicks.

"N-not like I-I don't like yours," she gestured to Roxy's thick locks that were pulled back in a flowery head band, "I'll just stop talking now." The girl frowned and blushed before turning away from the cousins.

Roxanne smiled sympathetically before putting her hand on the girls shoulder.

"I like your hair too." Roxy gave the girl a bright and genuine smile as the boats began to move slowly across the Black Lake.
Lily entered the Great hall in a state of awe. The floating candles cast an unearthly glow over the room, and alit on Lily's pale face. Lily was in a stupor the first few names of her peers passed by her without a second thought. She started paying attention at- Dellington, Amelia: Ravenclaw. She was followed by Grace Ellis and Vincent Enid who shared Hufflepiff house. After Anna Grant and Finnigan Gamire, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, came Ingrid Heartland. Lily stared at Ingrid's wispy, pale hair and nervous honey eyes. After another moment the hat confidently called out GRYFFINDOR! Lily clapped along with the rest of Gryffindor for her friend. After what seemed like a few moments it was Lily's turn.

"Potter, Lily." Professer Longbottom's called out. Lily cringed, regained composure, and confidently walked up to the stool. The hat was placed on her head, and Lily closed her eyes.

Ah another Potter. The hat began.

"The last one actually." Lily responded.

Let's see, strikingly loyal, wants to be equal to her brothers, ambition, and a desire to learn. You would succeed in all three houses implied, but it is your need for justice and all the traits combined to make a confident and courageous girl that puts you in :


There was a roar from the table of red and gold, but it was only a buzz in Lily's head. She sat between Ingrid and Rose. By the time she could comprehend what was going on, three or four students had been sorted and she smiled widely. Soon, Lorcan was called and placed in Hufflepuff, while his brother resided in Ravenclaw.
Trusey, Emmaline. Lily immediately became more interested. After a few minutes there were whispers about a hatstall. Soon enough though, the hat gave its answer.
Lily patted the seat beside her As Emmaline made her way to the Gryffindor table.

The two watched as Hugo was called and sorted to Ravenclaw. Lily was surprised Hugo didn't usually take learning as seriously as his mother or sister. And yet, she could see him fitting in with witty remarks and elaborate plans, and she smiled.

Weasley, Roxanne was called and Lily smiled encouragingly at her best friend. A few minutes later, the hat called out:
SLYTHERIN! It was a surprise, but after Albus, she wan't completely shocked.

Lily was happy for both her cousins, but sad they hadn't been in the same house. All the same, Lily was looking forward to her first school year.

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