New World, New Life

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3rd Person Pov

The city of Kuoh, a place full of innocent people that do not know about the true evil that roams around in the dark and in plain sight. Devils, beings from Hell, move among the people of the city in order to protect them from the Fallen Angels. One of the many families  from Hell that lives in the city of Kuoh, The Gremory family, works at night to find any Fallen Angels that could be a threat. In the ORC building near Kuoh Academy, Rias Gremory, president of the ORC club, sat at her desk as she looked over the latest reports of Fallen Angel sightings as she thought about what to do. The door opens to the club as Kiba and Y/n walk in and towards Rias's desk as they were both in their Kuoh uniforms. Rias looked up at them as a smile came to her face as she saw Y/n as she stood up and looked at them.

Rias: Y/n, Kiba, I was just about to send for you two.

Kiba: Is there something you need, President?

Y/n: Yeah, need us to go kick some ass?

Rias: Precisely that, Y/n. There is a report of Fallen Angel's near the edge of the city in a construction yard. The report says that there are about ten of them and I need you two to go and take care of them.

Y/n: Only ten? I love a good fight, but this doesn't seem like anything that can give me a good challenge. Why not just give it to Kiba and Issei?

Rias: Issei is on another assignment with Koneko and Akeno at the moment. I'm sure they will call more for you to get the challenge you would like, my dragon.

Rias smiles as she places her hand on Y/n's cheek as he smiles putting his hand on hers as he nods. Kiba smiled at the two seeing how they were the perfect match for each other as he went to go get ready leaving the two. Once he left, Y/n smiled and put his free hand on Rias's hip and pulled her close putting his lips on her as she smiled into the kiss and put her free hand around his neck. The two continue to kiss as they part only for a second to breathe before pulling away as they both smile.

Y/n: Are we still on for our date tonight?

Rias: If I can get all this paperwork done before you get back.

Y/n: *smiles* Then I'll be sure to take my time burning these Fallen Angels to a crisp.

Rias smiles as she looked at her boyfriend before pecking his lips softly and pulls away from him slowly.

Rias: That would be appreciated.

Y/n nods as he smiled at her before going to his room in the clubhouse and puts on his combat clothes as to not dirty his uniform. Once he was dressed, Y/n looked at himself in the mirror and smirked before punching his palm with small flames bursting out. Kiba waited downstairs for Y/n before the dragon slayer came down and looked at his best friend with a smile.

Y/n: Let's go kick some ass.

Kiba: *smiles* Sounds like a plan to me.

The two fist bump before leaving the clubhouse as Rias watched them from the window with a smile. Kiba calls his devil wings and takes off into the air with Y/n right behind him propelling himself with flames under his feet. The two make their way to the construction yard near the edge of the city as night fell upon them, making it easier for them not to be seen. Once they were near, the two land on the third floor of a building that was under construction and hid behind the pillars before looking over the sides. The Fallen Angels stood around a large fire as they talked to each other while Y/n and Kiba watched them. Y/n looked at the fire with a smile as he licked his lips as he was hungry seeing how the fire could also boost his magic. Kiba summons his sword as he looked over to Y/n, but saw he was gone. Looking back at the Fallen Angels, Kiba saw Y/n walking towards them while cracking his knuckles. The Fallen Angels turn as they heard Y/n's knuckles crack as they looked at him.

Fallen Angel 1: What do we have here? A punk kid coming into our territory?

Fallen Angel 2: He looks strong, but against all of us, he'll be dead in a minute.

Y/n: You really want to bet on that? You punks really don't know who I am, do ya?

Fallen Angel 3: Your about to be good target practice!

The Fallen Angel yells out with a smirk as he conjures a Light Spear in his hand before throwing it towards Y/n. The dragon slayer looked at it before disappearing within a second as the spear shoots past Kiba and hits the wall on the other side. The Fallen Angel looked in shock before a fist slams into the left side of his face as he blown away and crashes into a brick wall as the falling rubble falls upon him. The other Fallen Angels look in shock Y/n stood with flames covering his fist while he smirked and looked at them.

Y/n: Well, by the time with all of you, I'll have enough time to go and spend time with my girlfriend.

The Angels look at him before Y/n charged forward and punched one of them directly in the chest causing the angel to groan and cough up blood before being sent flying towards Kiba. The swordsman come out from behind the pillar and slashes his blade across the angels back and watched as the body fell and hit the ground. Y/n smirked before looking at two Fallen Angels that were running in order to escape as another two covered them and conjured more Light Spears. Y/n smirks as the flames on his hands disappeared before he turned and faced them as he inhaled deeply and reeled his head back.

Y/n: Fire Dragon Roar!!!

Y/n throws his head forward as a torrent of flames shoots from his mouth as it throttles forward towards the Fallen Angels who look in shock before being engulfed in the flames. The screams coming front them echo around the building before the flames reach the ones that had just jumped in order to fly as their bodies caught on fire and they plummet to the ground while being burned alive. The flames die down as Y/n stood up straight and wiped his chin as he smirked watching the Fallen Angles burn before turning to Kiba who had cut down the the remaking four Fallen Angels as he slashed the last one across the chest and slashed his sword to the side removing the blood from the blade. Y/n smirks and chuckles as Kiba looked at his friend and smiled.

Y/n: This is why we rule.

Kiba: Indeed.

The two high five each other before Y/n sets the bodies of the Fallen Angels on fire before they make their way back to the clubhouse. The two walked towards the clubhouse as they crossed over the small bridge that led to and from Kuoh academy. Y/n looked at the clubhouse as he smiled as Kiba looked at him with a smile on his face.

Kiba: Any where special that you and Rias are going tonight for your date?

Y/n: I was thinking I would take her back to my place and do a nice dinner date. I already had some roses picked out and everything for her.

Kiba: *nods & smiles* That sounds like a wonderful idea, I'm sure Rias will love it.

Y/n nods as he smiled as the two continued to walk, once the window to the clubhouse came to view, Y/n looked through it with his enhanced sight. He was expecting to see his girlfriend finishing up her paper work and getting ready for their date, but he saw something that broke his heart in two and caused him to stop walking. Kiba stopped a little bit ahead of him as he turned and looked at his friend.

Kiba: Y/n?

Y/n remained silent and in shock as he looked to the window of the ORC building. What he saw was Rias and Issei as they were both kissing each other and holding each other close. Y/n only looked in shock as a tear fell down his eyes before he looked at Kiba who looked at Y/n in confusion and nod concern. Kiba turned towards the window and looked and saw exactly what Y/' was seeing and couldn't believe his own eyes. Rias and Y/n had been together for almost four years and always loved each other, but this was something he could not expect. Ever since Issei joined the peerage, he and Y/n saw the girls take a liking to him, but would never expect something like this to happen, and to his friend no less. Kiba turned back towards Y/n only to see that he was walking away from the clubhouse with his fists clenched. Kiba followed after his friend as he walked up behind him.

Kiba: Y/n, wait. I'm sure it's not what it looks like.

Y/n: *angry* Really?! Because it looks to me like the girl I love is kissing someone who isn't me!

Kiba: I'm sure Rias can-


A short burst of flames pushes Kiba back as he covers his face as he looked at Y/n who looked back at him with tears running down his face and anger as his only expression. Kiba looked at him in shock seeing his friend being this upset before Y/n looked away from Kiba.

Y/n: Just stay away from me for a while.

Y/n propels himself back in the air with flames shooting him into the air as he took off back to his house. Kiba could only watch him from the ground before looking back at the clubhouse. Y/n flew through the air at top speed as his tears fell from his face and down to the ground. His apartment comes into view as he descends and lands on his porch before going inside. Y/n's apartment was full of new furniture and electronics as well as a few weights and a punching bag hanging from the roof. His dining room table was set up for his dinner date with Rias as he looked at it before grabbing the vase with roses he got for her and throws it towards the wall as he yelled out in anger. The vase shatters on contact with the wall as Y/n yelled out in anger slammed his fists on the table snapping in half with his strength.


Y/n looked towards his punching bag as he walked up to it and engulfed his right hand in flames. Once he was close to it, Y/n punched it with enough force as it blew the bag out of the apartment as the flames set it ablaze and turns it to ash. Y/n looked at it with his arms still thrown out from the punch as a tear fell down his left eye as his right eye was shadowed by his hair and glowed red as he looked out the partner in rage.

Y/n I'll make you pay, that I promise.

Y/n begins to tear up parts of his apartment in a fit of rage as images of Rias and Issei kissing each other played in his mind over and over. Y/n continued his angered fit for a few hours before finishing as he sat in his room as his beard was torn and burned with his mirror broken in the corner and his desk in pieces. Y/n sat on the floor as he looked at the floor as he fell into a depressed state as his phone chimes with multiple messages popping up on his screen. Many of them from his friends he had aside from Kiba and those he made in the Sitri peerage, and only a few were from Rias as she wondered where he was. Y/n looked at his phone before holding up his hand and engulfed it in flames before it burns out once the phone exploded as he looked back at the floor. All Y/n wanted to do now, was to just sit and let the darkness consume him. However, before that could happen, the Gremory insignia appears in his room as Sirzechs and Grayfia appear as Y/n slowly looked up at them. Sirzechs looked around the room seeing what happened with Y/n's rage before seeing the young boy sitting on the floor against the wall.

Y/n: Let me guess, your bitch of a sister sent you to come and find me?

Sirzechs: Actually, Kiba told me what happened when I went to go see my sister. After hearing what he had to say, I came here and wanted to see how you were feeling.

Y/n: Well, now you see how I am. Now get the hell out of my home.

Sirzechs: Before I do, I wanted to see if I could offer you something.

Y/n: What's that? A bullet to put in my brain to end the pain I feel?

Sirzechs: No, a new life in a new world. Seeing how my sister betrayed your love for her, I am willing to give you a way to start anew and make a better life for yourself instead of wallowing in your own despair.

Y/n looked at Sirzechs seeing how he was trying to help the young dragon slayer. Seeing how it was one option to get away from all the pain, Y/n sighs as he stands up and dusts himself off before going into his closet as he grabs a duffel bag and starts to fill it with clothes.

Y/n: I have only one condition.

Sirzechs: Of course, what would it be?

Y/n: *looks at Sirzechs* You don't tell anyone where I went. I don't want them coming after me and being back all this pain.

Sirzechs looked at Y/n and simply nodded with a small smile on his face. Once Y/n finished packing his duffel bag, he throws it over his shoulder and holds it by one of the straps as Sirzechs looked at him before the Gremory seal appears under them as well as opened a portal through the multiverse. Y/n took one last look at his room as he looked over at his broken dresser seeing a photo of him and Rias as they hugged each other as kids and smiled together. Y/n looked at the photo before holding up his free hand and set the photo on fire on his side of the photo and burned a message into the back of it in Rias's side. Y/n lowered his hand before looking down as he closed his eyes as the seal transported them leaving the room in total silence.

In the Land of Remnant

Beacon Academy, one of four Huntsmen Academies that train young men and women in order to protect their land and people from the creatures of darkness, The Grimm. In the Headmasters office, Ozpin sat at his desk as he looked at a few files of the students he had taken in during the Entrance Exam. Seeing how there was much potential in the new students, Ozpin smiled softly as he grabbed the mug on his desk and sipped from his coffee. A red circle appears in front of the desk with the Gremory symbol as Y/n, Sirzechs and Grayfia appears as Ozpin looked up at them. Sirzechs had once visited Remnant before and knew a secret about Ozpin and saw him as a ally. Ozpin looked at Sirzechs as he set his mug down and stood up slowly.

Ozpin: Sirzechs, what a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting to see you after the last time we met.

Sirzechs: it is good to see you as well, Ozpin. I am actually here to introduce to you someone who could be a great asset as a student. I'd like you to meet Y/n Dragneel.

Sirzechs turned as he looked over at Y/n as Ozpin did the same seeing the boy stand as he held his duffel bag over his shoulder. Just by looking at him, Ozpin could see great strength in him.

Ozpin: What is his story, if you do not mind me asking.

Sirzechs: *looks at Ozpin* Y/n was born from one of the dragons that once roamed and ruled over our world before they were defeated. The Flame Dragon King, Igneel, found him wandering the forest alone and took it upon himself to raise Y/n. After seven years of raising him and training him to use dragon slayer magic, Igneel left him to me. Since then, I have helped raise Y/n in my family along with my sister. However, after what he has gone through in the past few hours, I wish to give him a new life here.

Ozpin: Well, after hearing a story like that, how could I refuse. I will admit him into the academy, but he will have to show what he is capable of in a trial tomorrow.

Y/n: As long as I get to punch something, that's fine with me.

The two look back at Y/n as he looks at them.

Y/n: I just want to forget my life and start fresh. I don't care if I have to prove myself in order to be here.

The two look at Y/n before looking at each other as they nod. Ozpin looks at Y/n as he walks over to him with a smile and holds out his hand.

Ozpin: In that case, I would like to see what you can do in the morning. Welcome to Beacon.

Y/n looked at Ozpin before looking at his hand as he took it in his hand and shook it. Sirzechs smiles as he looked at the two before he walked back over to Grayfia.

Sirzechs: This is a chance for you to start anew,
Y/n. Don't go and waste it.

Y/n looks at Sirzechs and nods before the two leave to go back to their Earth. Ozpin led Y/n to a empty dorm and gave him a scroll to use for communication and to open his dorm before bidding him good night. Y/n watched him leave before going to his dorm and saw how spacious it was as he sets his bag down and walk over to the window and looks out to the night sky.

Y/n: This is my new life now, but I will make Rias pay for betraying my love.

Y/n continues to look out the window as he slowly crossed his arms and leaned on his desk as he looked at the shattered moon as his new life began tomorrow.

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