One against Four! A Battle Between Men and Dragon Slayer!

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Hello - Character Narration

3rd Person Pov

The sun began to rise in the city of Kuoh as the birds chirped as the city slowly began to wake up. Kuoh Academy had started the day as the girls in the school made their way to their classes or converse with each other in the hallways. Kiba made his way to the ORC building as he had not heard back from Y/n since he last saw him last night. He had ignored the messages from Rias as she asked him if he had seen Y/n or what happened to him after their assignment. Once he reaches the clubhouse, he opens the door and walks inside only to be met by Rias as she looks at him.

Rias: Kiba, it is not very kind to ignore me when I am asking something.

Kiba: I'm sorry, President. I did not mean to ignore you.

Rias: Have you seen or heard from Y/n? He isn't responding to my calls or my messages and I can't seem to open a portal to go and see him.

Kiba looked at Rias in confusion as there were never really any issues when Rias used her seal to go to anyone in her family or peerage. Rias called the rest of her peerage before they went to Y/n's apartment to check on him. Kiba walked behind the group as he kept his eyes on Rias and Issei as they talked. After seeing what Y/n saw the night before, he couldn't trust either of them, but kept his comments to himself. Asia walked with Koneko and Akeno before they reached the door to Y/n's apartment as Rias knocked on the door.

Rias: Y/n? It's me. Are you home?

The group heard nothing but silence inside the apartment as Rias looked at the door as she reached into her pocket for the spare key Y/n gave her.

Issei: Why do we have to check on this guy? He's probably fine and doing something that doesn't bother us.

Kiba: If he hasn't said anything to us when we messaged him, something is wrong. Maybe if you had a better brain or knew him better then you would understand.

Issei looked back at Kiba with a raised eyebrow since he didn't know why he was being hostile. Rias looked back at Kiba seeing how he saw Y/n as a brother. Looking back at the door, Rias unlocks it and opens it slowly as she looked inside.

Rias: Y/n? We're coming in.

Rias opens the door fully as her eyes widen in shock at what she saw before her. The others looked inside as their eyes widen in shock as they saw the entire apartment was a large mess. Furniture was broken and all over the place, pictures were broken as they hung on the wall or laid floor, the kitchen being a mess with glasses and plates shattered. Rias could only look in shock before quickly moving into the apartment and looked for any sign of Y/n while calling out for him in worry. The others walked inside as they looked around as Kiba went into Y/n's room and saw the same thing, his room was destroyed with parts of his furniture burned and torn apart. Kiba walked through the room slowly as the crunch of wood and glass was heard under his foot. Rias soon entered the room as she looked in more shock as she was worried that Y/n was attacked and maybe even killed. Kiba looked at her before looking back at the room as he looked around. Rias entered the room slowly before looking at the ground as she saw a burned photo. She would pick it up as she remembered it as the picture of her and Y/n smiling together, but the half with Y/n on it was burned away. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes as she feared the worst before she felt something on the back of the photo. Turning it over, Rias saw a message on the back of her side of the photo as it was lightly burned into it.

"If I can't have your love and trust, then I shouldn't be in your life, nor you in mine."

Rias looked at the message as she read it over and over as tears welled up in her eyes as she began to cry softly. Kiba looked at her as he said nothing as to not make a scene before the others arrived in the room as they each saw the note on the back of the photo.

Ruby: "One Against Four! A Battle Between Men and Dragon Slayer!"

In the land of Remnant

The sun shined onto Beacon academy as another school day was about to begin. Y/n found himself in his room as he was on the floor doing one handed push-ups while wearing nothing but black shorts. Sweat dripped off his body as he focused his magic to make his body feel heavy so he could build up his strength more. Y/n continues his push ups before going up one more time as he exhales and uses both of his hands to push himself up and stand up. Y/n pants softly as he ceased using his magic and grabs his towel from his bed as he began to clean himself up and wipe the sweat off of his body as he looked at the time seeing it was almost time for class. After taking a quick shower and changing into the Beacon uniform, Y/n made his way to class. His first class was Oobleck's class, but Y/n barely paid attention as he was more focused on how the skinny man was moving around at such high speed, much like a cheetah on cocaine. Once the class was finished, Y/n was the first one out as a certain blonde brawler watched him. Yang sat with her team before they all stood and left the class as Yang watched Y/n go to his next class.

Yang: Hey, you guys see that pink haired cutie?

Ruby looked at Yang before looking over at Y/n as he walked and looked at his scroll following the directions on it to find his next class.

Ruby: Yeah, is he a new student?

Weiss: He must be if he's struggling to find his next class.

Blake: He wasn't here when the Initiation started.

Yang: He looks so cute, plus I wonder what he looks like under all those clothes~.

Ruby: Yang!

Ruby looks at her sister in annoyance as Yang only laughed softly as she looked back at her sister. Weiss looked at the as Blake was more focused on her book, before looking up from it as she looked at Y/n while finding an interest in him and wants to know who he really was. The group went to their next few classes before it was lunch time as Ruby and her team sat with team JNPR. The group talked to each other as Blake didn't pay much attention to the conversation as she continued to read her book while stealing glances over at Y/n. Y/n sat by himself near the end of the cafeteria as he wanted to be away from all the other students. Blake looked at him as she had no idea what it was, but something about him made him intriguing to her. Y/n looked at his food as he ate slowly, he still couldn't get the images of Issei and Rias kissing out of his head no matter how hard he tried to forget and move on. Y/n pushed his tray away as he sat and looked at the table while going over everything in his head, even though he felt eyes watching him, he didn't pay much attention to it. Blake took one more glance at Y/n before Yang noticed her as she smiled and leaned on her arm just coming into the corner of Blake's vision causing the faunus to look at her.

Yang: Whatcha' doing there, Blake?

Blake: *looks at Yang* Nothing. I was just reading my book.

Yang: Oh, yeah? Cause to me it seemed like you were looking at the new guy. You see something in him you like?

Blake looked at Yang before looking back at Y/n who continued to look at the table.

Blake: Maybe. He seems like he's fighting something inside him.

Yang looked at Blake before looking over at Y/n not only seeing he was thinking about something, but could only focus on his looks for the moment. The blonde brawler turned her head back to her teammate only to see she was gone as she looked back towards Y/n and saw Blake walking over to him. Y/n looked at the table before hearing footsteps coming towards him as he looked up and saw Blake walking towards him before sitting in front of him as she looked at him.

Blake: Hi.

Y/n: Hello.

Blake: My name is Blake, Blake Belladonna.

Y/n: Y/n Dragneel.

Blake nods as she looked at him as Y/n looked back at her.

Blake: You're new here, aren't you?

Y/n: You could say that, but I could tell you had your eyes on me ever since we left Oobleck's class.

Blake looked at him in shock as she thought she was being sneaky with her glances, but somehow was discovered. Y/n looked at her as he crossed his arms.

Y/n: You could have came to me sooner to introduce yourself than look at me.

Blake: *nods* Sorry about that.

Y/n: It's fine. Now you know.

Blake nods as she looks at Y/n as they begin to talk, meanwhile, Yang watches them from her team's table. Weiss looked at Yang before following where her eyes were as she now found herself looking at Blake and Y/n before looking back at Yang and nudges her with her elbow causing the blonde brawler to look at her.

Weiss: It's not nice to stare, Yang.

Yang: Oh, come on, Weiss. You can't say its not weird to see Blake talking to someone she just met. Plus, she barely talks to anyone or says anything to us, we just see her reading most of the time.

Weiss looked at Yang seeing her point before looking back at Blake and Y/n before seeing something that was unprecedented to her, Blake laughing with Y/n. This surprised Yang as well as the two looked at them before looking at each other. Blake and Y/n continued to talk as Y/n had a small smile on his face as he looked at Blake.

Blake: So, where are you from?

Y/n: Uh...not anywhere around here, I can tell you that much.

Blake: So Vacuo or Atlas?

Y/n: I don't know where either of those are.

Blake raised an eyebrow in confusion as Y/n looked at her before sighing softly.

Y/n: Let's just say I'm not really from this world.

Blake: This world?

Y/n looked at her as he was about to explain what he meant before the bell rings for the next class to begin. Y/n looked up before looking at Blake as she looked back at him.

Y/n: We can pick up this conversation later, if you want.

Blake looks at Y/n and nods before the two stand up as Blake went back to her team and Y/n went to his next class, which was indeed the same as team RWBY, combat class. The students take their seats as the class begins with Glynda holding a tablet in her arms before looking at the students.

Glynda: Today, we will be doing a one vs four match, this match has been requested by Professor Ozpin as he himself will watch this fight with a guest.

The students talk among themselves as they never thought that Ozpin would watch their matches.
Y/n looked at the students before looking forward as he crossed his arms and leaned back in the seat. The monitor above them activates as the match appeared on the screen.

Y/n Dragneel Vs CRDL

Y/n looked at the board before hearing a chuckle as he turned towards it to see Cardin looking at him with a smirk with his team. The other students look at them as they all made bets on who would win with many going toward team CRDL as they didn't know Y/n's ability and only thought four on one would make them the victors. Y/n let out a sigh as he stood up from his seat and went to change into his combat clothes while Cardin and his team did the same. After a few minutes, team CRDL were the first to be in the arena as they all had their weapons ready and smirks on their faces. Y/n walks into the arena as he fixes his combat clothes as Glynda looked at him and did not see a weapon on him.

Glynda: Mr. Dragneel, where is your weapon?

Y/n: My body is my weapon.

The students murmur to themselves as they look at him as team RWBY look at him. Y/n walks forward as he stands across from Cardin and his team as they begin to circle around him. Y/n looked at the four as they surrounded him in a square formation as the young dragon slayer watched them before simply closing his eyes and crossed his arms. Cardin looked at him and swung his mace in his wrist as he looked at Y/n and chuckled softly with a smirk on his face.

Cardin: Check out this punk. He thinks he can take us on with his eyes closed.

Russel: He must be really confident or really stupid. Let's make sure he learns his place.

Y/n listened to their comments but kept his eyes closed and arms crossed. The classroom doors open as the students in the gallery turn to see Ozpin walk in with Sirzechs and Grayfia entering with him as they stand in the very back while looking at the arena. The students whisper among themselves as they peeked back at Ozpin shocked that he would actually come to watch the match. Ozpin looked at the arena, but his gaze was more on Y/n after hearing how Sirzechs complimented on how Y/n would be an asset to him and wanted to see how strong he was.

Ozpin: I do hope that this boy is as strong as you say, Sirzechs. I do not want my time going to waste for this.

Sirzechs: *looks at Ozpin* I assure you, Ozpin, Y/n is strong and will be a very valuable ally for you in any attempt you have against your worst enemy.

Grayfia: Young Y/n  was able to take on a large force of fifty Fallen Angels and came out with only one scratch. He can do things that no other human can do in their own lifetime or improve with lacking training.

Ozpin looked at the two seeing how they knew what Y/n was like and how strong he was before his gaze returned to the arena. Glynda looked up towards Ozpin as his gaze fell upon her as he gave a simple nod to start the match. Glynda nods as she looks back at the arena with a large monitor appearing showing the photos of team CRDL and Y/n as well as their aura bars as they were all green. Glynda looked at the group of students as she held her tablet as she said the one word everyone was waiting to hear.

Glynda: Begin!

Cardin smirked and was the first to charge as he raised his mace above his head and yelled out as he ran towards Y/n. Once he was close enough, Cardin swung his mace down towards Y/n head, but before the weapon strikes, Cardin is sent flying back at a high speed as his body slammed into the wall at the edge of the arena with a large smoke cloud. The rest of team CRDL as well as the other spectators watching in the gallery looked in shock as Y/n's right hand was in front of his chest with a fist clenched and flames engulfing it before they disperse. The minute that Cardin's mace was about to hit Y/n's head, the young dragon slayer had slammed his fist into Cardin's stomach with enough force from his own strength as the vibrations from his attack blew Cardin back. the smoke clears from where Cardin was sent as his eyes were rolled to the back of his head and his mouth hanging open as his mace slowly fell out of his hand before falling face forward towards the ground. Y/n opened his eyes as he looked at Cardin before looking back at the rest of his team who looked in shock and slight fear as they backed up a small bit. Blake looked at Y/n before looking at the monitor as her eyes widened more in shock.

Blake: Guys, look at Cardin's aura.

The other students look at Blake before they look at the monitor before their eyes widen as much as Blake's after seeing what was on the monitor. What they saw was that all of Cardin's aura was gone from Y/n's single attack. Ozpin spit out a bit of his coffee as he looked at the monitor as Sirzechs looked at it with a smile on his face knowing Y/n wouldn't disappoint. Russel and Sky looked at Y/n in fear as they held up their weapons as a way to defend themselves while Dove looked at their leader as he was baffled on how one blow could deplete aura so fast. Y/n watched them back away in fear before punching his left palm with small flames bursting out as he walked towards them slowly. In his mind, Cardin and his team were nothing more than punching bags for Y/n to hit to get rid of his anger. Dove looked at Y/n before holding up his sword and grew pissed off as he yelled out and charged towards Y/n thrusting his sword forward towards Y/n's chest. The young Dragneel looked at the attack before grabbing the sword by the tip of the blade and held it while Dove struggled to push it towards Y/n's chest.

Y/n: Seriously? Is this really the best you can do?

Y/n tightens his grip on the sword and pulls it out of Dove's hand before throwing it to the side. Dove looked in shock as he looked toward his weapon before looking towards Y/n, in doing so he received a flame fist to the face as he was blown in the opposite direction of his weapon and tumbled on the ground before his back slammed into the wall as his aura flashed before breaking. The remaining two members of team CRDL look in shock before they look back at Y/n who simply held up his hand and motioned for them to come towards him, as a way of saying to bring on a challenge. The two looked at each other as they didn't know what to do since two of their members were down, but decided that it was do or die as they looked at Y/n and charged toward him. Y/n smirked as he looked at them as the other students watched them along with Ozpin, Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Weiss: How was he able to deplete their aura's so fast?! It shouldn't be possible to do that!

Ruby: Maybe he did extra training, *smiles* he's like a superhero since he was like "Bam!" and "Pow"!

Nora: I want him to teach me so I can break some legs like that!

Ren: *sighs & shakes head* Nora...

Pyrrha: He is showing such impressive skills.

Yang: another fiery brawler? Mama like~.

Blake did not comment as she watched the match continue as she was solely focused on Y/n. The cat faunus watched him as he dodged under Russel's dagger before kicking him back as he turned to see Sky charge at him and thrust his halberd forward. Y/n looks at it as he moves to the left dodging the strike as he reeled his left arm back and clenched it into a fist with flames bursting around it.

Y/n: Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Y/n slams his fist into Sky's right cheek and blows him back towards where Cardin was as Sky tumbles and skids to a halt as he groans. His aura reached a yellow color as Y/n held back on that punch so the fight wasn't easily ended. With a quick sense from his hearing, Y/n reaches behind him with his right hand as he stopped Russel's dagger from coming down on his shoulder before looking back at the remaining member of CRDL still in the fight. Russel looked at him before chuckling nervous as Y/n narrowed his eyes as he pulled the dagger forward with Russel along with it before Y/n elbow hits him in the face. Russel yells out as he let his dagger go as he backed up while holding his face as he groaned in pain. Y/n looked at him before delivering a kick to Russel's chest as the force of the blow made him cough up spit before he is sent flying back and into the wall on the other side of the arena where his aura flashed and broke. The monitor showed three of the members of team CRDL down as the students and staff look in shock at how a team of four was beaten so quickly. Y/n looked at them before looking up at Ozpin having done what was asked and showed what he could do. Turning to exit the arena, Y/n walks slowly with his eyes closed as he put his hands in his pocket before being struck in the back of the head by an unknown projectile. The students look in shock as Y/n stopped and slowly turned his head to look behind him as he looked down to see Cardin's mace on the ground as the leader of team CRDL had regain consciousness and decided it was a good idea to poke at the dragon. Y/n slowly looked at Cardin who looked in fear as a menacing dragon like aura surrounded Y/n as a small drip of blood dropped from the back of Y/n's head. The students gasp in shock seeing how Cardin's weapon had drew blood, even with the monitor saying Y/n's aura was green, but in truth, Y/n never had an aura since he wasn't originally from Remnant.

Y/n: thought it was a good idea to poke at the dragon? Well, guess what?

Cardin looked at Y/n in fear as he couldn't move as he could only shake in fear as Y/n glared at him.

Y/n: Now you burn! Fire Dragon Roar!

The large flames throttle towards Cardin as he looked in shock before slowly yelling out as he covered himself as a attempt to protect himself, even though he would surely perish with no aura protecting him. The flames soon engulfed him as they push more towards the end of the area, Sirzechs quickly used his crest portal and opened it in front of the flames so they could not cause any damage to the academy as they continued to rage on. Y/n slowly calms down with the flames dispersing as the arena floor was a charcoal black color as Y/n looked forward, hoping to see a burned corpse, but was denied of that. As the smoke cleared, Cardin sat whimpering as Glynda had used her semblance to create a barrier in front of Cardin and Sky who was also in the range of Y/n's attack. Y/n looked at her with anger being denied his payback before scoffing as he walked out of the arena. The students all looked in shock as they saw Y/n's true power as Sirzechs closed his portal and watched him. Blake looked at him before quickly getting up from her seat as she went to follow him.

Ozpin: What exactly is that boy, Sirzechs? With all that power inside him, he can't be an ally, much less someone we could defeat if he attacks us.

Sirzechs: He is not an enemy, Ozpin. He is simply in a tempered state after and incident with my Sister occurred back in our world. Just give him time to calm down and then...

Y/n walks back to his dorm as Blake follows him asking what his power was but he remained silent. Blake looked at him before walking with him as they walked down the hall together.

Sirzechs: I'm sure he will find something or someone in this world to protect with his life if needed.

Yang: Next time, on Fire Burns Hotter With Anger...

Y/n: You don't know a thing about me!

Weiss: He's not someone we can be friends with, he could kill us all!

Ozpin: If you prove to be a danger to us, we will do what we must to defeat you.

Blake: I know things can be rough with a past that you think you can run away from, but you need to face it at some point in time.

Glynda: We need to find something that can control him and keep him from killing everyone.

Blake: I'll stay by your side and help you, however I can, I'll find a way.

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