The Morgan Treatment

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This one was a request from Supermage from An Archive of Our Own.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't be doing this if Dad didn't make me," Severa huffed as her little sister Morgan skipped down the path to Fire Emblem College. Morgan had just graduated from high school and would be attending the same college as her sister, so apparently it was now Severa's duty to show Morgan the ropes. "If you embarrass me, I'll get back at you tenfold, looser."

"Okay!" Morgan chirped.

"I mean it," Severa added harshly. Morgan had a history of embarrassing her sister, and a simple 'okay' wasn't about to win over Severa's confidence.

Why? Because Morgan had said 'okay' that Christmas that she told each and every family member exactly what Severa had written about them in her diary. And that episode when she had loudly announced Severa's crush on Niles to the entire cafeteria back in middle school.

Then there was that time when Morgan stole Owain's journal (the Manual of Justice.) Owain became so red-faced when he'd learned that his stories and random gibberish had been read that Severa was a ashamed to be related to the person who'd caused such embarrassment. And well... Let's just say that the list of incidents didn't end there.

"Alright, alright," Morgan dismissed, stopping to stare at some flowers. "Ooh! These are so pretty! What are they? Are they like some cool rare type that can only be found here or something?"

Severa rolled her eyes. "They're just roses, o smart one."

"Are you sure?" Morgan questioned. "Like, really really certain? Maybe I should ask for a second opinion. Hey, you there!" She called out to a student passing by. "Do you know what kind- mphf!"

"Ignore her, Laurent," she ordered the boy who Morgan was talking to, a hand clamped firmly over her sister's mouth.

"Oh, hello Severa," Laurent greeted. "And who might this be?"

"No one," Severa said quickly.

"Her sister," Morgan answered, breaking free of Severa's hand. "Dumb old Severa doesn't know what kind of flowers those are. What are they?"

"They're roses," Laurent said. "Is there anything else you need? I have to get to my next class."

"No, nothing!" Severa snapped, dragging Morgan away from her classmate. She could vaguely hear Laurent giving a slightly confused goodbye.

"Hey, why'd you leave so quickly?" Morgan asked once Severa let go of her. "He seemed really nice, and I had a bunch more questions for him!"

"What did I say no less than two minutes ago about embarrassing me?" Severa seethed. "Well? What did I say, hmm?"

"You said not to embarrass you," Morgan replied. "But I didn't embarrass you, did I?"

"Yes!" Severa yelled. "Yes, you did! You just made me seem like a total idiot to the biggest egghead in my class! Forget in my class, possibly the biggest egghead I know! Right up there with Dad on the genius scale! From here on out, pipe down and let me do the talking, got it moron?" She continued.

"Okay, geez," Morgan huffed. She harshly yanked free of Severa's grasp and began wandering down the path. Severa quickly followed, silently begging of them not to run into anyone else she knew. Or even worse, someone that both she and Morgan knew.

That worked for a little while. Severa had ninja mode activated, and she masterfully avoided heavily populated areas. Whenever she saw someone, she would quickly reroute. Oh the embarrassing stories that Morgan might tell if Severa ran into one of her friends.

However, stealth went out the window the moment that they ran Owain.

"Ah, if it isn't Severa of Ruby Flames!" Owain exclaimed. "And her faithful companion Morgan the Bold," he added.

"Buzz off, Owain," Severa warned, not even wanting to imagine how much damage the two could cause if they teamed up. "I don't have time right now for whatever stupid thing you want from me."

"Hey, how do you know my name?" Morgan asked.

"Because I, Owain Dark, have been blessed by the gods with high levels of power that exceed the comprehension of mortals," he replied.

"Hah, more like high levels of weirdo dorkishness," Severa muttered, but she was ignored.

"Owain... Owain... That name rings a bell, but..." Morgan trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. "Oh, I remember now! We saw each other a couple times back in middle school, right? Plus, Severa said that you were one of her best friends."

"I said no such thing," Severa quickly denied. "I know you have a horrible memory, but come on you little looser."

"Hey now, my memory's not that bad, so quit using it as an excuse!" Morgan retorted. "I swear, if I have to go through much more of this avoiding business, I'm going to dump every embarrassing story about you I know onto the nearest person who seems to be your friend. You know, assuming you have any."

"Ah, but the quarrels of siblings close enough to target the other's weakest spot," Owain chuckled, effectively stopping Severa from arguing back. "Please allow me to join you two in the epic quest to survey the college's territory."

And so naturally, Owain led the sisters through almost every part of the large campus in his normal manner - loud and big. People turned to look at them almost everywhere they went to see who was making all that noise. Severa did her best to hang back a bit and pretend like she wasn't associated with the two weirdos who were trying very hard to communicate with pigeons.

The end of the tour was a trip through the dorms. Owain was talking animatedly when a door down the hall opened and Niles popped his head out.

"Hey, Owain," he said darkly. "Mind explaining why there's a giant arts and crafts project blocking me from getting to my section of the my bedroom? In the dorm that's not even your own freaking dorm?"

"oh, my dear friend, that is no ordinary arts and crafts project. You see, I was tasked with creating some vital set pieces for-"

"Gonna be honest here," Niles interrupted, "I don't really care what it's for. I just want it out of the way. Severa and whoever that is with you, you're welcome to come in here until Owain's finished with his little arts and crafts project."

Five minutes later, Severa decided that she really should not have agreed to come in. Niles was sitting on a couch, scrolling through his phone, but Morgan was grinning at her like a Cheshire Cat.

It's because she knew I had a crush on him back in middle school, Severa realized. She's going to try to set us up in someway or another. For something back in middle school.

Severa was about to stand up to force her sister to leave when Morgan spoke up. "Soooooooo... How well do you and Severa know each other?"

"Uh, why?" Niles asked cautiously, raising an eyebrow at Morgan's tone.

Severa dug her head into her hands, preparing for the embarrassment fest that would probably ensue. "Morgan," she growled, too soft for Niles to hear. "I stopped liking him about eight years ago. Knock it off."

'I don't care,' she mouthed back. Severa sighed. Morgan had a little too much of their   father in her; their dad enjoyed playing the shipping lord. "Well, you see," Morgan said, turning back to Niles, "my sister-"

"ShUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Severa roared, tackling  Morgan into submission. Severa was light, but Morgan didn't stand a chance.

"Whoa!" Owain ran into the room, eccentric dialect momentarily dropping at the unexpected sound of a loud thud. "What happened?" He asked Niles, who was grinning in amusement.

"Not sure," he chuckled. " Morgan started to say something about Severa, but, as you can see, she it unable to continue her sentence."

"Ah, Owain Dark understands the events that have transpired, and I know the words unsaid." He looked from Severa and Morgan, to Niles, then back to the sisters. "She was going to bring up the thing in middle school, wasn't she?"


Severa and Morgan sat on the beds in the dorm that she shared with Effie, Beruka, and Peri. Severa had excused them from the situation shortly after Owain came back into the room.

"I really did not appreciate that." She growled.

"Appreciate what?" Morgan asked, playing innocent.

"Mor, I liked Niles back in middle school. Like, seven to eight years ago. Just drop it."

"Fine, I won't say anything too outright. However, just know that there's nothing you can do to stop me from trying to set you two up."

Severa groaned. She had a crush on Niles years ago, but that was all over... Right?

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