The New Teacher

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Laurent was thrilled for his first chemistry class. He had a new notebook and binder specifically for this course, and he was planning on being the first to arrive to the first class so he could make a good first impression on his new teacher.

And he was the first one to get there - when he arrived, there was no one there. Not even the teacher.

Within the next twenty minutes, everyone else showed up. Except the teacher.

Almost half an hour after class was supposed to start, a young man with messy white hair only couple years older than the students wandered in. No one really paid him any attention until he sat down at the teacher's desk and loudly cleared his throat. "Hey, everyone," he said casually. "I'm Mr. Reflet."

The majority of the class began sizing him up, trying to figure out what kind of a teacher he was going to be.

"I would like to introduce all of you to someone very important. Say hello to Grima!" The class looked on in disbelief as Mr. Reflet held a lizard-reptile thing in the air Simba style.

"Ah, a chamber of learning is incomplete without the spirit-lifting presence of a class pet!" Said a blond boy a couple seats away from Laurent.


The entire class exchanged confused, surprised, or 'what he heck' looks. "This guy's got a screw loose," Laurent heard someone mutter. Laurent didn't like to assume the worst about people he's just met, but he agreed. This guy did seem.... a bit odd.

"Well, I'm happy that's out of the way," Mr. Reflet said, mood clearing up in an instant. "There's a test on chapters 1-5 in about a week and a half. You're now free to talk, study, play on your phones, or really do whatever the heck you want." With that, he put his feet up on his desk and pulled it his phone, leaving his twenty students to their own devices.

All of the students erupted into conversation (except for one boy with dark clothes and slicked back reddish hair. He just got up and walked out of the classroom. Laurent later learned that his name was Gerome.). After a few minutes, however, everyone calmed down a bit. About half the students (the more studious half ) cracked open their textbooks. Another 1/4 started chatting. The rest however...

"Mr Reflet?" Laurent said, approaching his teacher.

"Yo," Mr. Reflet replied, not looking up from his phone.

"Now I'm not normally the tattletale type, but, um... I'm pretty sure this is a safety hazard."

Mr. Reflet did look up at that. In the back of the class, six of the remaining 19 were finishing a gigantic tower using desks, chairs, and themselves. On a bunch of desks, they'd stacked a ton of chairs, and on top of the chairs was the beginning of the human pyramid.

The base consisted of Owain, Inigo, and Kjelle; the latter to show off her strength and the former two most likely because they where just being idiots. On the second row was Hinata and Cynthia, and the top of all of this was Morgan.

'Really, guys?' Laurent thought. 'I thought that all of you - with the exception of Owain - had better judgment! That thing looks like it could collapse at any moment!'

"Whoa, that's pretty cool!" Mr. Reflet said, taking a picture. That was when things began to go downhill.

No one noticed Azama slowly creeping up on the pile. Then, like a little jerk, he slid one of the desks out of position. In turn, one of the chairs slid out from under Owain and the whole pile collapsed on top of a large brown haired boy named Yarne.

Chaos erupted as Yarne began yelling about how he didn't want to die, Brady started crying, some startled people screamed, and Azama and Jakob snickered. Mr. Reflet just laughed. "You know, I think I'm going to like this class!!!!"

Laurent was pretty sure that this was going to be the worst science class in the history of science classes.


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