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Oh gods, there he was... walking down straight towards you as his armor clanked every step he took. The uneasiness bit inside you, your instincts telling you to run away from his giant. The scar on his forehead was scaring the inside of you every step of the way as you froze as Benny met eye contact with you while walking.

"Good morning, Lady (y/n)."

"AHHH!" You screamed and ran away. You could hear Benny calling out you name as you ran away and slam your private quarter's door shut.

You peaked out the window and saw Benny in the same spot, but looking down at the ground with sadness. He walked away from sight as your heart ached. All he did was say good morning, nothing evil or giant like. Maybe all those saying of people talking about Benny were wrong.

You waited ten minutes before coming out of your quarters and running down the stairs. Jakob called after you while you ran down, asking where on earth you were going. Truth too be told Jakob needed to stop knowing where you were all the time, it was getting creepy and annoying.

The tracks led too inside forest nearby as you entered into it and saw cats on Benny as he sat on a tree stump. The cats weren't scared of him, not in the least bit, because they purred whenever he starched behind their soft ears.

You took a step closer, but snap a twig in your path, makings the cats scurry away. Benny sighed in sadness again, but soon disappeared when you came into view.

"S-Sorry about earlier... I didn't mean to make it that akward."

He simple gave you a nice smile. "It's okay. I'm use to the behavior so it is fine."

"A-Are you sure? Because I'm now starting to think you shouldn't get treated that kind of way."

His smile disappeared but rose up his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Benny you shouldn't get treated the way you are! Those cats like you and are the only thing not scared of you!"

"I just love animals... and have that aura around me that makes them so peaceful around me... animal's have only been my friends really... I've never heard what you've said before."

"Oh Benny... If you want I'll become your friend!"

"R-Really?" His voice rose with joy, creaking as if he never said anything so joyful in his life.

"Yep!" You said and walked over and sat next too him, "I think this would be a great start!"

"I see. But, I want to be more than friends really..." He said as his dark cheeks filled with cherry red.

You along with him blushed deeply, "H-Huh? H-How did this come into question?!"

"I-I liked you for a long time but didn't get the courage to say anything... when you wanted to become I thought this would be the perfect time to say it, but looks like I messed it up again..."

"N-No Benny! You didn't mess up anything! I-I'll try out this relationship, maybe something could connect while we date!"

"Y-Your saying you could love a giant like me...?" He said and eye shined brighter and brighter.

"Yep! So Mr. Benny, get use to me!"

Benny gave you a real smile and said with a heartwarming confession. "The only thing that scares me... is how much I love you."

After a year or two Benny and you finally married and had two happy children. People asked you if Benny forced you to marry him, but you would rant at them and would tell them it doesn't about looks that matter about love, it's the love and heart itself.

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