Lon'qu x Shy Reader

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It was a usual windy and stormy winter night here in Ferox. Tonight you were to dance for your people, mostly men, for the feast. This was a big step to overcome your shyness as a dancer. Basilio has set it up for you and for Ferox to see the wonderful dancer you were.

The men from the East and West of Ferox were rolling in as you watched from high above you room window. "Oh no... That's a lot of men... I can't do that many in front of so many people!"

A knock came at your door as you opened it up to Basilio. The man was more like a father to you after what he has done for you. Your parents were too poor to feed you so they threw you out onto the streets of Ferox. Basilio was walking around looking for men to recruit until he saw you, alone and dirty on the street.

Even before Basilio had rescue you you've always been a shy one. But he's always laughs at it and tell you it reminds him of his champion, Lon'qu, you you've yet to meet. In all honesty meeting the champion of the west-Khan of your country was an honor.

"(y/n) I was just seeing if you ready yet for tonight."

"Y-yes sir!" You said as you twirled for him. The dancing dress was midnight black as it was to help keep your identity hidden in case someone had the idea of wanting to kidnap you for money.

Basilio as usual chuckled at your shyness and lightly ruffled your hair. "I can't wait for you to meet Lon'qu tonight at the feast."

"What is he like? Big and strong? Tall and buff like you?"

Basilio laughed as he leaned again the door. "He is strong, but not big. He is tall, but not buff like me. He is a sword man ship person and needs the speed and leanness of his muscles in order for him to be strong and quick at the same time."

"Oh wow... M-Maybe he isn't a bad and mean guy as I thought he would be."

"Lon'qu? Mean to women? I don't think that would ever happen. See you tonight (y/n)." Basilio said as he closed the door behind him.

You hummed and started dancing light on your toes to practice tonight's dance. Everything was just right until you forgot your hair band you were to wear for tonight and it was in outside in the hallway were earlier you accidentally bumped into a man, which you blushed and said sorry about, but forgot your hairband was there.

You opened the door to see if anyone was in the hallway. No one. You smiled and spotted your hairband all the way down the hall way. This was your chance as you dashed for it, until a figure came out of the darkness where the torches light could reach and bumped into you.

The stranger grunted at the force as you squeaked and fell down. A rough voice came from the darkness as he sounded surprised, almost sick. "I-I touched a women!"

"I-I am so sorry!" You said and bowed your head down as forgiveness. "I didn't see you down the hall!"

"I-It's fine. Just watch were you're going next time.... w-women!" He said and quickly turned his back towards you and walked down the hall. In one of the fires light you saw he was wearing a dark blue sword master clothing and raven dark hair.

"H-he was.... so handsome..." You said to yourself and blushed. There weren't very many good looking men in the west-Khan area. You looked over at a sun dial and squeaked. "I-I need to start practicing!" You said and ran into your room while putting your hairband on.


It was time as the wooden stage as old and ricked, but still able to support your weight. The theater area was filling in with men from the ease and west Khan. Flavia was in eye distance as you have only seen her two times in your life. It was because you were afraid of her. Everyone was seated in as you took a deep breath and started your dance.

It was a light dance but enough to make the crowd go wild. The midnight clothes you had added the affect as the fire dimmed down a bit as you sparkled on the stage. You were graceful as a swan as you landed right on your toe just as the final dance was made. Everyone cheered for you as you panted and bowed in front of them.

You when down stage as some men were checking you out. You blushed and exited out of the room until a hand reached out in front of you. You stopped and squeak to find it was the man earlier.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I'm Lon'qu, west-Khan champion."

"O-Oh... it's nice to meet you!" You replied shyly.

It was his turn to feel shy as he hid his face from your view. "I liked your dance... I would never normally ask this... but if you would please... dance for me? N-Not right now! Maybe later! I only got to see the last part of your dance because I was late to the feast."

"O-oh... why I wouldn't mind at all!" You giggled as the man's cheek grew red.

"I'll see you later. Basilio calls me!" He said and walked away.

Later than night... you knew that Basilio never called him, but found out he was shy and liked you from Basilio's words as he always had, but never had the courage to say it. In the end, Lon'qu and you go married later on and the east and west Khan joined in peace together.

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