Yandere Female Reader X Shiro

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The feeling of his skin, hair, and muscles couldn't leave your mind... he was everywhere... but when ladies when up to him you felt demonic towards then and killed then one by one. Everyone in the camp was panicking. All the ladies, even the girl children, were mysteriously killed one by one. No one could sleep at night, even Shiro himself as you stalked him from high above your private quarters.

You smiled as this was your chance to talk to him alone. You jumped down and tapped Shiro on the shoulder from behind. "Hi Shiro!"

He jumped and turned around. "Oh (y/n)... I think you should stay away from me."

"Huh? How come?" You cocked your head to the side to seem confused.

"Well... I've been noticing that when girls come up to me they disappear afterwards and never come back... maybe even dead... so I think it's best you stay away from me. We need you in this war."

"I hate this war anyways. I barely get any time to myself and I need to spend it with someone! That special someone is you!"

"But why me?"

"Because I said so! You should be lucky! If we marry you get to be king of Valla!"

"W-Wait I never said anything about marriage!"

"You didn't? I swore I heard you did."

"No... I didn't... stay away from me (y/n)." He said slightly scared and started walking off. But you weren't just going to let him off the hook.

You fasted walked up to him as worry was edging into his eyes. "But I said we needed to hang out! Stay with each other all night!"

"YOU did! But I never said any of that!" He said as he was starting to jog.

Luckily for you, you were fast and was easily able to match his pace. "Oh come on don't you want to spend time with me?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Suddenly Shiro lashed out and tackled you to the ground, pinning your hand above your head.

You growled and tried wiggling your way out, but Shiro was way stronger than you by a mile. He twist on of your wrist and broke it. You cried out in pain as it flared inside like the fires of hell.

"I'm sorry about that (y/n) but I'm starting to think it was you behind those missing girls!"

"W-What?! I would never do something like that!"

"Lier!" Shiro said with anger as he dug his weight into your knee cap and almost breaking it.

The pain was unbearable by the most as tears leaked out from your eyes. You screamed out as Jakob came out as his eyes widen at the scene. He jumped down from the tree and started running towards you. Shiro cursed under his breath as he tighten his grip on you.

The dragon inside you was wanting to come out. The dragon stone in your pocket was burning as you reached out to it with you soul and transformed. Shiro yelled as he fell off and broke his leg from the tall height. Anger inside you took control as you pushed one of your horns inside Shiro. He gasped out blood before falling limp. You finally took control as sadness took over you as you transformed back into a human.

Jakob soon come up afterwards as his eyes widen in horror at the sight. "M-My lady! How could you do this!?"

"H-he attacked me Jakob... but call my family... they need to see what happened..."

"Right away!" Jakob bowed and took off into the night.

You smiled and took out Yato, looking over the beauty of work this sword was. You weren't no hero... after what you did to those girl and Shiro... it was all because of you... the world didn't need you saving it.

"I'm sorry everyone... but I'm no hero... Shiro is waiting on the other side..."

The point of Yato gleamed in the moonlight before you stabbed yourself where your heart was. The pain was spreading everywhere... but it soon came to an end once you fell down to the ground near Shiro's side.

White light was all you could see... until the familiar face of Shiro appeared. His face broke out into a smile. Sure he was still mad and hate you... but he knew you would never leave him... plus he had someone to talk to for all eternity.

Hope this was what you wanted @ComeLittleChilderenCP! I know what you like for creepy endings so I hope this was as close as it could come!

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