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It was a clear and cloud free day. It was the perfect time to train in order to get the more powerful for other battles to come.

You took out Yato and start training with it. Each swing cutting through the air as it seemed the air was afraid of (y/n) herself and her power.

A man nearby spotted her in training as he grinned and walk next to her, "Lady (y/n)! Mind I help you with training?"

You stopped your training as sweat dripped down your forhead, "Ummm... sure! Thought get ready to get beaten!"

"We'll see about that!" Hinata pulled out his iron Katana as it gleamed in the bright sun light.

You got off to a pretty good start, until the moment you realized he was faster than you.

You had more power over him, but he had more chance of dodging which cost you the battle.

"GAHH!" You screamed in frustration, "I can't believe I lost!"

"I am one of Takumi's retainers, Lady (y/n). It's only natural that I am strong to protect my Lord."

You nodded your head, "That makes sense. But still, I want a rematch!"

Hinata laughed as he pulled out his sword, "Bring it on! You maybe royalty, but I can destroy you!"

You grinned as you swords clashed together.

*a month later*

You did stretches before Hinata came in and smiled at the sight of you.

"Ready for a another round?"

"You bet!"

You got an upgrade this time and so did he. You barley won it with more power over agility as Hinata got up in his tattered clothing.

"Wow! I didn't think you improve this fast Lady (y/n)!"

"Neither did I think for you too! Your still almost as powerful as me!"

Hinata chuckled as he put away his steel Katana, "I could still best you. But, I can never defeat my Lord Takumi. The first day of training me best me with a katana just like he would with his bow. I vowed to get stronger that day so I could protect my Lord and the people I love!"

You smiled at Hinata with a nice smile, "That's nice. I know someday I will too."

Hinata smiled back as he unsheath his Katana, "That someday won't come fast if you don't train more."

You chuckled as you unsheath Yato yourself, "Sounds like a challenge."

"It sure is." Hinata said before clashing sword with you with a pure joy of a smile.

*a year later*

You yawned as you wait for Hinata to come for practice training, but didn't show up as night came. This ticked you off a bit as you sheath Yato with a hard clang.

Not only did you see Hinata almost every day, but had feelings for him after the five months you train together. This was the first time he never showed up.

"Stupid jerk..." You mumbled to yourself.

"What stupid jerk?"

You poked up your head to see Hinata walking towards you on open fields for a training ground.

"You!" You said, "Your the stupid jerk! Not coming to practice all day for the first time!"

Hinata gave you a small smiled as he slowly walked up to you, "Sorry, Lady (y/n), I was talking with my Lord about someone who is beloved of me who I need to protect."

You heart hurt a little, you didn't want Hinata to be with a another women. But, if it made him happy...

"Oh. I see." You replied with no emotion, "I hope the girl will be bless in your marriage."

A faint blush appeared on Hinata's cheeks as he came up closer with each step, "Y-yeah... I just hope my beloved loves me back."

You cock your head to the side, confused at where this is going, "Err, I don't mind you here and all Hinata. But, shouldn't you be taking to the girl your going to marry?"

Hinata face explode with tomato red as he looked you straight in the eyes, "Funny you should s-said... because that beloved is you, Lady (y/n)."

Butterflies filled up your stomach as your face heated up as well, "W-what?! Me?!"

Hinata tried to think of the words to say, but couldn't, "Ahh shoot! I knew I couldn't do this! Your a royal as I'm some retainer! I don't know what I was thinking!"

"Yeah! Neither do I you stupid jerk!"

You turned around and start walking away as Hinata heart did a leap of a frightened heart, "No wait!"

He quickly grabbed onto your wrist and spin you around. He looked you into the eyes with pure love as his cheek bright red at the sound of words coming from his mouth.

"Please don't ever go away! I really love you, you know? I will make sure to keep you safe! My one and only princess!"

You sucked in air as Hinata stared into your eyes for a answer for you to decide his fate. Finally, you let your heart do the talking.

"Yes Hinata... I love you too!"

Hinata smiled in pure joy as he jumped in happiness, "Alright! I do promise to keep you safe! Forever and always."

He brought out a ring with your birthstone in the middle of a sliver ring. You smiled as he put it on your ring finger, "I love you Hinata. I'm so glad I get to finally marry you."

Hinata smiled back at you with love, "I adore you more than you can think. Because, today is the best day in my life. I finally can share it will my beloved."

His lips softly landed on yours as they curved the right way. You hummed as you kissed back as time seemed to stop and have the kiss last for what seemed like a eternity.

Lime request by FEGirl

You were so happy now. You were married to the man of your life. He was handsome, strong, very nice and loving towards you.

It was late at night as you yawn and put on your nightgown just as Hinata came in. You yelped and blush as you quickly through the nightgown all the down as Hinata smirked at you.

"Nice body there~ though it was only a glimpse."

You blush more as you looked down at the red carpet of your room, "I-I'm sorry you got to see that!"

Hinata came up to you as he wrapped an arm around your waist, "Don't be, my beautiful princess~" He whispered in your ear.

You shiver as he nipped at your ear a tiny bit. He smirked at your shiver as he kisses your neck. You squeak and yelped as Hinata chuckled.

"You don't like that~?"

"I-I... I d-do..." You covered up your face embarrassed by what affection Hinata was giving you.

He gently lifted you up as he set you down on the bed, "The let me shower you with love~"

Hinata kissed you neck again as he did it lightly. You started to like the feeling more as your hands parted a tiny bit revealing a source of your face.

Hinata hummed as he bit the crook of your neck. You moan softly as it felt too good to be real. Hinata wrapped his arms around you more as he felt the laces in the back of your nightgown.

He licked your neck before traveling down to your collarbone as it got steamy from there. He attacked it with bite and kisses as he played with the string of your nightgown.

Slowly, your nightgown was slowly falling apart as you reach up under Hinata's shirt as you felt his abs.

Hinata moaned as he kissed you while massaging your hips. You moan in bliss as all of this felt like a dream. The nightgown revealed the nakedness of your back as Hinata's hand grabbed the soft edges of the gown and pulled.

You gasped and grabbed the nightgown before it completely revealed you a second time to your loving husband.

Hinata pouted as he pulled back from the kiss, "What's wrong?"

"H-Hinata... I-I don't want a kid yet!"

Hinata blinked at you as your blush worsened.

"I wasn't going for a child... but if you want one... we could have one another time..."

You sighed in relief as you rested your head on his chest, "I-I would like that Hinata..."

Hinata smiled as he gently pinned you down on the bed as you looked up at him confused, "Me too. But, let's keep this going~ I still haven't seen you without the nightgown twice yet~"

His lips hunger and devoured you in the kiss as you moaned in bliss at the feeling. You kissed back as... let's say, things got a little bit heated as Jakob didn't give you tea after hearing what was going on behind the door...

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