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It was a long night for you on the Nohr side of things as Elise wanted to play, Leo strategizing you, Camilla always trying to comfort you, and Xander always having you come to the war meetings.

You were in the mess hall completely out of energy as the day seem to drag on. You stared down at your dinner made from meat and wheat, but didn't seem to like it too much.

You sighed deeply as you pushed the plate away and left the mess hall as all the others chatted and laughed with each other.

Once you stepped out to smell the fresh air, it felt like heaven as everyone would always crowd around you. Always.

These few moments were heavenly until a pair of footsteps broke your thoughts of peace as you saw Laslow looking around the building of the mess hall everywhere.

You raised an eyebrow. Laslow sighed to himself in relief as he started to get into a position. Normally, you wouldn't have enter into people's space, but this was different.

"Hi, Laslow!"

You yelled as Laslow jumped and scream in panic. He turned around as his cheeks were flushed with red, "Lady (y/n)! What are you doing here?!"

"I when outside to smell some fresh air from being inside that mess hall for too long. What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be inside with everyone else?"

"I-I ummm!" Laslow panicked. His mind could think of anything as he took a deep breath and didn't meet eye contact with you, "I was hoping you were nearby so I could ask you for a cup of tea... beautiful princess, (y/n)."

You blinked, not convince from his logic, "Your lieing Laslow."

"Ah, you know how to find out a true man's nature! But, I will only tell you the truth if you kindly accept my offer of an afternoon of tea with me, lady (y/n). It only seems fair as you aren't supposed to leave the mess hall without Lord Xander's permission. I know there's a war meeting after dinner."

You grinded your teeth toeghter. Stuck between two options. You quickly chose the good answer, "Sorry, but no to that cup of tea. I'll let your sneaking around a secret."

Laslow sighed as he did it with a small smile, "Ahh... I should have known my good old friend rejection would come and bid me this."

"Oh poor you."

"Yes poor me." Laslow bowed deeply, "I will be off, lady (y/n)."

He stood up as he walked light on his feet which caught your attention. You sighed and when back into the mess hall as you when and finished up the meeting with Xander.

"GAAHH!" You screamed waking up from a nightmare. Your night clothes stuck to your sweating body as you dreamed of killing you Hosido family.

You only wanted peace, not blood. You sat up and decided to get a drink of water from the pitcher of water Jakob had for you.

You poured it too find it empty, you remember drinking it all before going to bed. You groaned as you went outside as the cold air bit at your skin. You started walking to the mess hall to refill your pitcher of water.

The water barrel was in the back of the building as you went around and started filling it up. Light sounds of footsteps could be hear nearby as the noise distracted your attention.

The noise was louder behind a big tree as you quietly poked your head by the tree, gasping to see Laslow dancing.

His steps were light as his body moment look like Azura's dance back when father watched a show. His movement almost filled with grace that even other dancers couldn't keep up with.

When he finally finsihed as he stopped and took a deep breath of air. You couldn't hold it in long enough as you clapped.

"Good show, Laslow!"

Laslow yelped as he turned around blushing all over. Maybe he was blushing inside too, "L-lady (y/n)?! What on earth are you doing here?!"

"I-I had a nightmare... I went to refill my pitcher of water, but instead met with your wonderful dancing!"

Laslow blush deepened as he backed away from you slowly, not from disgust, but shyness, "Y-you think my dancing wonderful?"

"Of course! I loved it!" It was your turn to blush, "M-maybe I could see it again?"

Laslow darted his eyes everywhere he could find to avoid your eyes, "W-well... you are a lady... M-maybe one more couldn't hurt..."

You smiled and hugged Laslow. He gasped as you tighten you grip, but softly enough, "Thank you Laslow! I just thought you were a guy who only flirted with girls all the time! I guess I was wrong!"

Laslow stayed quiet for a long time until he spoke up, "T-the only reason I flirt with girls... is becuase it was a way my mother told me I could be overcome my shyness..."

You looked up at him as he gave you one of his smirky smiles he gave everyone, "Really?"

"Yes, beautiful princess. It gives me confidence to speak with beautiful women like you. So, lady (y/n), I would be honor to let you watch me dance from time to time. Also, will you join tea with me tomorrow?"

You smiled up at him as you let go of him, "Okay I will. Now, can you please start dancing?"

Laslow blush returned to his cheeks as he shyly got back into dancing pose as he danced just for you all that night.

(Year later)

You yawned as you walked towards Laslow and your meeting spot. It was almost time to invade Hosido as the thought of that nightmare kept haunting you.

You smiled as you met up with Laslow ever so smiling face.

"Ah, lady (y/n). Good to see you've joined me."

You giggled and nodded, "Yep! I wouldn't miss your dance for the world!"

Laslow blushed as he stared into your eyes, "How funny you should say that. I was thinking the same thing about your company."

You giggled more at the compliment as your eyes danced with joy in them, "Why thank you Laslow. I'm surprised you haven't started your dancing."

"Well..." He looked down at the ground. His cheeks blazing red as he shifted his feet shyly, "Theirs something I wanted to give you first."

"Oh? What's that?"

Laslow looked up at you as he quickly broke out into his goofy flirty smile as he bend down on one knee. You heart did a flip as it speeded up fast too as blush spread into you cheeks as a ring was in his hands.

"My beautiful princess, (y/n), please listen to my confession of my love for you."

You nodded your head as everything right now seemed like a dream. But, his grin seemed too real for this to be a dream. He gently took your hand into his with the ring in it.

"I love you, and only you. Your smile makes life worth living. I promise to keep you safe. And I swear, I'll stay by your side. Always."

Your heart felt like bursting into happiness as you took his hand with the ring in it, "Yes! I'll marry you Laslow! I've had feelings with you when I first saw you dance!"

Laslow chuckled as he got up and hugged you too him, "I'm glad. I first like you too when you said you liked my dance."

You gave him a glare, "If we're getting married. That means no flirting with girls!"

Laslow hesitate for a quick second before you could notice it, "I promise. I have only eyes for you," He gently cupped your face as he stroked your cheek with his thumb, "My sweet princess."

He shyly leaned in as you helped him and pressed your lips together. Laslow staggered a bit, but soon slowly kissed back while gently dancing in small circles with you under the starry night sky.

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