Keaton X Female Reader

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Keaton watched from a nearby village as a group of hunters, who had little children with them, were all a happy family shooting some game before winter came into season. The gear in his mind were going off, what if you and Keaton had a family together?

"Yes! A family hunting party! Surely game will be much easier to bring in that way!"

The bushes rustled as a cute bunny came out. Keaton grinned and got his stone, "Looks like dinner tonight~"


Today for you was a mess. Everyone was getting into fights or training was going horrible. It all started because someone cooked something bad and gave it all to everyone for breakfast. Either people were grumpy, throwing up, or puking their guts out.

You on the other hand were the lucky people who were only grumpy with the food. People say it was Takumi who made breakfast, but no one is sure because Leo was on cooking duty together too. Maybe the two were fighting and messed up the ingredients.

But you made it home and closed the door behind you, completely and messy, hungry for anything, something, even if it was honey. The door swung open as Keaton had some cooked bunny over his shoulder.

"I got dinner!"


Keaton almost screamed as you dived towards him for the food, maybe even tackling him to the ground. "That hell?! Why are you acting like this?!"

"Because breakfast was horrible, no one couldn't make lunch, and it's been forever since I've had food!"

"We can share together!"

Keaton lightly pushed you off and tore away some meat, giving it to you as you greedy ate it down.

'...... Please don't tell me she's on her month. That could ruin my plan...'

"Ahhh! That hit the spot!"

Keaton sighed in relief when he knew you weren't on it. He brushed up your hair and snuggled close to you, nuzzling your neck. "Can we do something tonight~?"

"Hmmmm like what?" You moaned slightly.

He stopped nuzzling and began to kiss your neck up and down, lightly sucking on it. "We could get crazy tonight~"

"Crazy huh... maybe we can play a game!"

You got up just as Keaton was about to mark you neck. He looked up to see a chest board out on the table. "We can play chess!"

Keaton wanted to scream at you so badly... but he restrained himself. "I don't want to play chess!"

"Huh?" You bat your eyelashes innocently, "You don't? Then what other game do you want to play?"

"It's called, go on the bed and whisper things into each other's ears."

"Strange game. But I'll play!"

Keaton smirked as he picked you up gently and sat you down on his lap on the bed. "How about I start?"

"Go ahead."

He traced his claw gently over your neck while he kissed your ear. "Do you know what a pack of puppies do~?"

"Ummmm play with each other?" You asked, confused by his question.

"Yes, but just where do they come from?~" He carefully unlaced the tie that held you upper armor together, "They have a mommy and daddy~"

"Y-Yes I know... but K-Keaton... where are you g-getting at here?" It was hard enough not to moan as he kissed up and down your soft spot.

"I'm asking if you want to start a litter together~"

"I-Is that what you w-wanted? W-We can just adopt s-some at the nearby v-village."

Keaton growled, fed up with playing games, and pinned you to the bed. Your face was red with confused and also at the position he was in. "K-Keaton what are you doing?!"

"Damn it (y/n)! You maybe my beautiful jewel, but you don't quite understand things! I'm asking if we can start a family together!"


You felt so, so stupid. All the kissing and good meat of the bunny was to get you into the mood. But... were you really ready for kids? You loved Keaton, but with war and everything else going on, was it a good time to have kids?

"K-Keaton I'm sorry about not getting the hint... b-but... how will we raise the child?"

"Easy! While you're carrying are baby around I'll do all the work and cooking for you! When the baby comes we'll both take care of it together!"

"B-But... Keaton I'm just not sure... what if I'll be a horrible mother."

"(y/n)," Keaton gently kissed you, pulling back and looking you into your eyes. "After all you've done so far for this army you'll be a wonderful mother and wife. You may not see it, but in a few years after having are child you'll see."

"M-Maybe you're right... I love you too, Keaton."

"I-I never said that." He blushed, but you could see his tail wagging behind him.

You laughed and pulled him closer to you. "I'm ready for you, fur ball."

Keaton smiled softly as he began to kiss you deeply with love...

*five years later*

"Daddy, daddy! I got you a fur ball!"

The young Velouria ran up to her father and handed him a small white fur ball. "Look how pretty it is!"

"I see! Ooo so pretty! Why don't we show mommy?"

"Yay!" Valouria climbed up onto her daddy's shoulder, her tail wagging so fast and happy it gave her papa a smile.

Keaton opened up the door as you were still sleeping in. Valouria climbed onto the bed, shaking your arm. "Wake up mommy! I got something for you!"

"Huh... What is it Valouria...?"

Valouria grinned as she took the white fur ball from her hunting pockets. "It's for you! To show what a wonderful mommy you are!"

Your heart warmed with love as you hugged your daughter close to your heart. "Thank you so much, Valouria. Do you want something in return?"

"Hmmm I saw these wolfs in the woods! They were playing together like a brother and sister! Can I have a little brother?!"

The tension was thick in the air, so think Keaton's cough was the only loud thing in the room. "Valouria, honey, can you go play with the other kids for a while?"

"Sure Papa! Love you both!

Her tiny red hood flapped in the wind as Keaton closed the door behind her, his eyes pleading you. "Can we?"

You sighed and groaned in the pillow. "Keaton really?"

"But you did make an awesome mommy like I said you would! Can we please have another one! It doesn't matter the gender either!"

"I- *sigh* I can't say no when you wag your tail like that."

Keaton blushed madly. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

You rolled your eyes and pulled him into bed. "I guess a second can't hurt."

Your loving husband's tail was wagging so fast it was impossible to tell how many times it was wagging, "I love you so much!'

After another nine months Valouria got her wish, getting a healthy baby brother and promise to protect him no matter what.

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