Niles X Family Time

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Panting in cold sweat, Niles jumped awake from the dream he had. It was about his childhood, his painful childhood. The place where his eye was burned with pain as he gasped and forced himself to not scream in pain.

It all when away when he saw your sleeping face and hair spread out on the pillow. Niles smiled and stroked your hair, but a little too hard as you blinked awake. "Hmmmm... are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine... just wanted to see your cute sleeping face again..."

You rose an eyebrow and prop yourself to look up at him. "Niles you're lying. Your face is covered in sweat."

Niles sighed and laid his head back down on the pillow. "It's those bad dreams again... I can't seem to get them out of my mind..."

"Hmmm... we haven't gone clothes shopping in a while. Maybe we can shop to help distract with the killings. We can even bring the kids along."

"Hmmm... alright, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I might just need to new clothes to live up to a good retainer."

"Then shopping it is. Get a good night sleep."

You kissed him quickly and turned on your side to go back to sleep. Niles smirked as he pulled you close to him around the waist, "Since we're not doing anything until the afternoon tomorrow, maybe tonight we can get crazy~"

You grunted and dragged Niles hand away. "The last time you said that we ended up with another kid. Not that I don't mind Kana."

"See! So come on~ Just for me~"

He started kissing your neck as you shivered and pinched his nose hard. "If you want to live I suggest not trying anything on me tonight. We don't need three. Now, goodnight."

Niles pouted but did as you said and when to sleep...


"Oooo shopping! I bet there will be boys talking to each other, maybe even accidently touching hands and fall in love with each other~"

"Ummmm Nina... what are you doing?" Kana said while staring up at his big starry eyed sister.

Nina blushed and stopped her daydream. "I-I wasn't doing anything!"

"Kids eat you breakfast already. Especially you Kana since you need a bath before we go."

"Awww but why?"

His hair stood up in places. He had bad bed hair like someone else you loved. "You're not going to shopping with bed hair. Now finish up."

Niles was the last to wake up as he yawned and came to the table with his own case of bed hair. You giggled and quickly kissed him. "Maybe you both can take a bath together."

"Fine with me..." Niles mumbled and lazily ate his breakfast.

After Kana and Niles finished breakfast they were in the bathing room taking a bath together. You were brushing Nina's long hair and were about braiding the first pig tails. "I wonder how you keep your hair perfect without getting bed hair, Nina."

"It's quiet easy for me. I just keep it into a braid and let it out when I'm only bathing."

"Makes sense."

"But mother.... what is dad going to get you for your birthday? It's coming up in two days!"

"Huh? Birthday?" 'Oh... it was close by?'

Nina sighed deeply. "Both of my parents are getting old..."

You laughed and continued to help braid her hair. "Maybe so, but your dad is the older looking one."

Both Nina and you giggled before letting the boys into the room and changing before going.


Niles as dressed in a plain cotton blue shirt and cotton white pants. He didn't really dress fancy when in or out of battle unlike you where you would wear comfy, but fancy dresses. Nina and Kana looked around in wonder as Niles looked around, one store caught his eye.

"Be right back, just stay with the kids."


You had the kids sit near a play as you read while Nina and Kana were enjoying it.

"Ahhh... a love story. Maybe if the princess transformed into a prince, making the knight happier, and riding away in the sun set with a true happy ending. Wait! Maybe there can be a heart breaker in the story! The prince dies and the knight sobs in pain, making his only way out to stab himself and join with his long lost lover!"

Kana stared at his big sister as if she was crazy, "Nina I wonder about you and your daydreams."

Nina blushed, unaware of Kana next to her the whole time. "Kana! H-How much did you hear?!"

"The whole thing."

"WHA?! J-Just don't tell mom and dad about these daydreams!"

"Why? What's so bad about them?"

"T-Their not... always this way."

Kana, being the pure innocent cinnamon bun, was confused. "Huh? Theirs's another way?"

"Oh look! What a lovely necklace!"

Nina whispered to herself to distract Kana, but she also got herself entranced by the necklaces beauty. It looked to be a pure diamond, enough to feed a whole town of the poor, maybe even a whole kingdom. Nina when to sit up, but Kana grabbed her hand. "You promised dad you wouldn't steal."

Nina growled at her little brother. "Who cares about that promise? That necklace can change lives and I'm going to get it."

"But Nina, dad tries to his best to keep us happy. He spent all his time making your huge red ribbon when you go out into battle. He's trying to help you change. I don't want my big sister remembered as a thief, but as a hero."

Tears weld up in his eyes as Nina sighed and sat back down. "Fine. Only for this one time."

Kana broke out into a huge smile and hugged Nina. "Yay!"

Niles came back ten minutes later with clothes in hand, but also something glittering on top of them. "Take a look."

You blinked and put the book down and grabbed what as on top. It was a necklace as a bow and arrow, with the bow in tiny letters across saying 'Niles and (y/n).'" You smiled and hugged Niles. "How did you get this made in so little time?"

"I made the order a while back and I guess I was lucky enough to get it today."

"I love it."

Niles smirked in victory and kissed you deeply in front of everyone, but luckily the kids were looking at the play. Your face was steamy and hot by the time Niles pulled away. "Just showing people you are mine~"

"I-I think they already got the message!"

"Oooo it's pretty!" Nina awed at the necklace.

"Told ya dad mom with love it!"

You giggled and ruffled Kana's hair. "I see you had a buddy to help with the present."

Niles smirked and gave Kana a thumbs up. "Maybe I did, but I paid for it so he only did the thinking."

You smiled and hugged you family, grateful you had them in your life. Niles held your hand the whole day and giving kisses as you let the kids buy what they wanted.

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