Yandere Chrom X Mage! Female Reader

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Out of all the people you loved, it was Fredrick. Not him, a prince who could give you anything you wanted, even a child if you asked for one. His heart burned with envy every time he saw you smiling for Fredrick. You never smiled for him, so why should Fredrick get all the love?

It was time to go back home and celebrate the winning war against Plegia. To clear his mind he splashed his face of cold water, helping his temper to go down. He heard some voices behind Fredrick's tent. He sneaked along, only to stop in cold blood to find you two in a passionate kiss.

Fredrick was kissing you deeply with passion as you kissed back. Not only was this making him angry, the ring on your glinting in the moonlight set a deep rage off inside him.


Fredrick broke the kiss and hid you behind him as you were a blushing mess, holding your mage hat to hide your face. "Yes, my lord?"

"I need to speak with you, alone."

"Yes, my lord."

Chrom nodded and grabbed the nearest sword nearby, which was your Levin Sword. Fredrick gave you a quick kiss as you smiled and hugged him.

"I'm glad were getting married when we come back!"

"Anything for my lady. Now, I'll come back later and kiss you goodnight. Love you."

He kissed your forehead softly as you happily when back to your guy's tent. Chrom saw the whole thing and was steaming ready to do his worst... Fredrick sat down at the chair as Chrom was twirling your Levin Sword under the desk, ready to strike.

"So tell me, Fredrick. When have you had feelings for (y/n)?"

Fredrick pondered for a second and his face lit up with a small smile, making Chrom want to slice it off. "When she helped me with my work at first. She started doing it more that often and I started to have feelings for her. I just tonight proposed to her and we plan on getting married soon when we come back home."

"I see.... what about money? A child? Would you do anything for her?"

"I have enough money being a knight and if she asked for a kid I would give her one. I would also do anything for her." Fredrick was starting to question Chrom, "My lord, is there a reason you're asking me these questions?"

"Yes I am. I want (y/n)." His eyes flashed a dangerous dark blue, "We were meant together when I helped her up, not you both. I would do a much better job as a husband at you."

Fredrick frowned at Chrom, sighing in disappointment. "I love her and she loves me. I can't chose who she loves, but she won't love you if you marry her."

"We'll see about that."

Chrom punched Fredrick in the face, making him trip backwards a bit, and them impaling him through the stomach. Fredrick coughing up blood, weakly grabbing at the sword. "W-Why... C-Chrom...."

"Because I love her more than you! NO ONE CAN HAVE HER!"

Chrom pulled the sword out and stomped on the wound so much Fredrick couldn't breathe anymore, but he did breathe out your name before dying... Chrom was filled with so much blood, but he could care less. He laughed evilly to himself as he walked quietly to your guy's tent...

You were brushing your hair while reading a spell book. The grass moving caught your attention as you smiled and saw the candle light inside making a figure from the outside. It looked to be a man, but Fredrick was taller than that. Looking closer to looked to be Chrom.

Confused, you when outside the tent, only to scream and look at Chrom in horror. "C-Chrom?! What happened?!"

Chrom smiled and walked towards you as you took a step back in horror. "I killed him... he was the object in the way... I can finally have you for myself..."

Your eyes widen in horror as your blade had a ripped part of the shirt Fredrick wore. "D-Don't tell me... you didn't..."

"YES! I DID!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, a huge smell of iron coming off him. "You'll be happy and safe with me~"

"L-Let me go!" You blasted a spell into him, but the Levin Sword deflected

You struggled for freedom, kicking, punching, evening screaming in his ear, but you couldn't kill the prince, for he was the heir and you would be killed... Even it was horrible sense Fredrick and you wanted to camp away from the army for alone time, so no one could hear you right now for help.

"Chrom just let me go! You monster! I loved Fredrick! Not you!"

Chrom's eyes darkened as he slammed you to the ground, pinning your arms above you head. "I don't care if you love him, you'll love me, even if you're a weak mage~"

You growled and spat in his face. "I'll never marry you! MONSTER!"

Something snapped inside Chrom. His mouth twitched up into a smile. "We'll see about that~"


After Fredrick mysterious death Chrom had you marry him. In the wedding pictures and from people who went, they saw a deep sadness inside the queen, something strange and could never figure out....

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