Laslow x ball reader

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It was the Nohr ball time again, only this was your first time going to one. Everyone in your family had a date to the dance. Even Jakob had one and that was Camilla, only because they were married. Elise came into your room without knocking and saw you on the bed sulking.

"Big sister what's wrong?"

"*sigh* I don't wanna go to the stupid ball anymore..."

"Wha?! Why not?! This will be your first one! Don't you want to remember it?"

"Yes I do. It's just... I have no one to dance with..."

"Teehee don't worry about that (y/n), other men will be their without a date too and will even dance with a maid if they wanted!"

"Really...? But I doubt they'll pick me though."

"Just trust me. You're so pretty any man will want to dance with you!"

You smiled and sat up, hugging Elise tightly to your chest. "Thank Elise."

"Anything for my big sister!" She said before pulling away and running down the hall, "I'll see you tonight!"

You smiled and nodded at her back while closing the door to get changed. You opened your wardrobe and found no dress. You gasped, you didn't get one made because you didn't planned on going to the ball.

"Oh no... I'll just look stupid in my usual armor at the ball... Marx is king now... I can't disappoint him!"

A knock came at the door as it made you jump out of your dragon skin. It was Laslow familiar voice filling up the empty camber. "Lady (y/n), King Marx has a letter for you!"

You opened the door to find those lovely gray eyes you loved and got lost into... but not today as your mind was clouded with worry. "Thank you Laslow..."

"What's the matter? Shouldn't you be all happy and smiling since this is your first ball inside the castle?"

"Yes but... I don't have a dress... I didn't get it made because no one asked me and I planned on not going... but if the family has to be there then I will support them and Marx... I'll just embarrasses them with my armor... "

His soft gray eyes studied your face all over as he handed you the letter and flashed you his pearly white smile. "I'll find one for you. I will slide it under your door before the ball tonight and meet you behind the throne. How does that sound?"

"W-Wonderful!" You threw your arms around him and pulled him into a hug, you may have heard him gasp in shock but weren't sure. "Thank you so much!"

"N-Not a problem, Lady (y/n)!"

You pulled away and read the letter as Laslow closed the door and walked away with a huge red blushing face.


You were reading a book as something slid under the door and the sound of footsteps walking away in the distance. You close your book gently and picked up the dress and gasped. It was more like a dancing dress more than those fancy huge dresses you see at the ball. It was last minute and maybe this was all he could find. You dressed into it and looked at it in the mirror. It was a bit small for you as it hugged your butt tightly, but enough to not show it all the way.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..."

The good thing about the dancing dress was that it had white laces holding together with sun wrist holder so you could hide the reviling part of your butt. You entered into the ball and gasped. It was huge and big all around... The Nohr family dancing happily around as you saw Marx talking to a lady. You knew he was trying to find a queen, someone to run the kingdom happily with as you saw it was Charlotte, and she was hitting it off well with him.

You remembered about Laslow's promise and when around the corner and behind the throne. Right there beside it was Laslow himself and eating a piece of bread it looked like. He turned his head to look at you as he stopped eating and stared. You blushed and tried hiding yourself, but only the white lace could but it was hiding your butt.

"Lady (y/n)... You look beautiful..."

"T-Thank you... but it is a bit small..."

"I thought it would be, but I knew the white laces would fix it."

"I-It does... and thank you..."

He grinned and extended his hand out. "Care to dance with me?"

Your heart beat faster inside your chest as you shakily took his hand. It felt soft for someone who battled with swords every day as he put on hand on your waist and pulled you closer. There was a big enough room behind the throne surprisingly. Laslow danced with grace while you were trying to copy his moves back. It wasn't working out as well as you thought as you tripped and fell. Laslow caught you in time, only one laces were on his head while you clung to him for dear life.

He chuckled as he locked eye contact with you. "I'm guessing you've never danced before?"

"N-No... but I've read about it and it seemed easy... it's wasn't at all..."

He smiled and neared closer to your face. "That's alright, I'm just glad you came to the ball without a date." He gently pressed his lips against yours as the spell fire was burning inside you.

The feeling was amazing and everything that happened during the war was gone as you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He was skillful one at it, a man you dreamed of. He pulled back as you lips still felt the impact from where his lips moved with yours.

"I'm sorry, Lady (y/n). I couldn't hold myself back from kissing those sweet rosy lips-"

"Laslow, quit ruining the moment and kiss me more you idiot."

He smiled at the sassy nature you didn't know you had inside you as he kissed you again while gently dancing around and around with you. Elise was watching with Odin as she smiled and when away with Odin, high fiving each other before giggling at their master plan.

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