Leo X Birthright Ending Reader

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This is it. The day peace came between Hoshido and Nohr. The wait for years on end was finally over as a tear escape from your eyes. After Ryoma's speech you were surprised to find someone you hadn't see in forever. It was Camilla, but Leo was also in the same room with you. His brown eyes landed on yours once they spotted you across the room.

The last time you met was when he tried to kill you and said he hated you. You knew he didn't mean it all after he explained, but now after what happened... to Xander and Elise... would he ever forgive you?

With the festival still going on you escaped through the less crowed area and went outside. The cold air bit at your opened feet and toes, but that was because you were getting close to the lake.

You sighed while sitting down and looking up at the sky, seeing the barley peeking stars before the sun died down.

"You're going to get cold if you stand there all day."

The voice belong to the younger version of the devil himself as you turned around to lock eye contact with him while the air make his hair blow in the direction where the wind was going. "Leo... why did you follow me?"

"I needed some answers."

"Like what?" You asked and stood up.

He looked past you and towards the lake. He remembered what Azura said to him and took out the crystal she gave him. He finally found the truth deep inside and was ready to tell you. "See this? Azura gave it to me to see the truth inside myself. I know you still don't see the truth inside yourself so try it."

Confused you took the crystal and turned in over in your hand. "Okay..."

"Now close your eyes and look deep inside. Now tell me, why did you go over to Hoshido and not us, the family who raised you?"

You tensed up as you already knew the answer to this. You were just afraid if this would hurt anyone, like they always say, the truth hurts to bare on the human soul. A wind passed over the silence before you finally opened your eyes and locked them right into Leo's eyes, maybe looking even into his soul.

"I chose Hoshido over Nohr because I wanted help my family, other family. I had to choose one side Leo. One side. The family who took me into their kingdom and didn't kill me! Unlike that father of yours who killed my other family's father! I'm the blame he's dead!" Tears leaked down the side of your face as you wiped them away and still looked into Leo's eyes, they were growing bigger with each passing moment. "Xander and Elise death will forever and never be off my soul because I caused them! If I chose Nohr the same thing would have happened too Hoshido! It isn't fair! So many deaths all because I had to choose a side between you two!"

Leo just stood there, mouth slightly opened at your rage of anger that was bottled upside you. "(y-y/n)..."

But you weren't done yet and continued. "The worst thing ever that happened to me was... you saying you hated me... never loving me. The pain I felt that day will never leave my soul. Even after you told you didn't mean it was I happy. But now... after the war with Xander's and Elise's death... I thought you would hate me again. Even worst, kill me by your own hands... I-I hate myself..."

The next thing was you being embraced by Leo's warm body. Your head facing his chest while his grip was strong and bold. "I could never hate you (y/n). I know Xander's and Elise's death weren't your fault. E-Elise visited me in a dream and explained to me what had happened so I would get the idea of it being your fault. That just the thing, I never did. I looked harder and harder into the crystal and found deep inside I loved you too much to kill you. More than just a brother love."

You looked up and almost fainted at the close distant his face was close to yours. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying ever since I found out we weren't brother and sister I was shocked but glad at the same time. Not because you sided with Hoshido, but because I was relieved of the feelings I had weren't wrong about you. I thought I could love you more than a brother... but then I remembered you sided with the enemy and got mad even... to the point where I hated you. But not anymore, I love you (y/n)."

He slammed his lips onto yours as you kissed back with passion. The feeling of his lips send fire of feeling everywhere in your body while Leo pulled you closer by the waist. He used his strength to pull you up closer as you stood on your tippy toes. Everything about Leo kissing you just felt right. All his love poured inside his kiss as you greedy took it while giving him some of the love you had back. A tear drop fell from his eye as it stained your cheek, but you didn't care at all, this was the Leo you knew and loved.

He finally pulled back and the trace of him crying was gone, like he never did cry. He spin you around for a quick second before putting you down and resting his forehead onto yours. "You have no idea how long I've waited for that..."

You smiled and pulled his hair strand out of the way. "It was worth it... the best first kiss ever."

"If that was your first kiss then you wouldn't mind marring me? They say if you waited a long time for your first kiss you've finally kissed your soul mate."

You nodded with bright red eyes. "Of course I'll marry you!"

"But... I need to tell you something... Camilla begged me to take the throne since she never wanted to rule. I agreed and when I come back to Nohr I will be it's new king. I could take you their but it is your choice to stay here. If you do I'll still love you and accept you as my queen."

You bit you lip while you lost in thoughts. Maybe this was like how Azura thought all the time, unable to tell the truth and be lost without knowing what to do but let fate lead you. "If you can please stay in Hoshido for a while with me. I want to still hang around Hoshido and my family a little bit more to visit the lost times we lost. After I'm done I'll come with you back Nohr."

Leo nodded and kissed the tip of your temple. "Anything for my queen."

"Anything? Like staying in my room for the night?"

Leo smirked and bit the bottom of your lip. "Even that."

*one year*

The halls of Nohr were filled with cheerful people as it slowly grew to the new change of peace. After Leo's crowning he came too your guys camber to find you asleep with baby Forrest in your arms. He smiled and knew he was truly blessed to have you come into his life.

He changed into his night clothes and climbed into bed covering baby Forrest and you to keep you warm. You didn't come to the crowing but that was alright. You just did give birth to Forrest anyways and needed rest. The kingdom was happy for the newborns birth as during the crowning people gave baby gifts for him.

Leo smiled and got a pink dress as one of the presents. It was an old women and didn't know that the baby's gender was but made a dress in case. It was thoughtful of her as Leo took it anyways.

He kissed you softly on the lips as you stirred gently awake. You opened those red eyes Leo loved for so long he even remembered how they looked when they shinned. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake up sleeping beauty."

"Hhhhmmm it's alright... how did it go?"

"Excellent. Camilla is excited to see Forrest, but I told her to wait until to tomorrow since you needed your rest still."

"That's good. I think Camilla would be a great baby sitter now that I think about it."

"Only when we need her we will call her. If we give Forrest to her she may never give him back."

You giggled in agreement and tried sitting up, but had Leo help you by resting up against him. "I can sadly see it happening."

Leo smiled and kissed you again. "I was thinking while looking at the presents. I know you just gave birth to Forrest... but maybe when he's grown up a little bit more we could give him a sister or brother to not feel lonely inside the castle."

"I would love that Leo. I love you so much, my king."

Leo smiled as his brown orbs swirled with happiness. "I would do anything in the world for you. Even if it meant being friends with that brother of yours, Takumi."

You laughed to loud accidentally and woke up Forrest. He started crying as you started singing him a song, the one Azura always sang. The words were always in your mind and whenever you sang the song it felt like she was right there with you, calming the baby down.

Leo joined along by humming. You smiled and knew you were blessed as well with a loving husband and family.

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