Niles X Male Reader

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"(y/n) I need you to go into town and buy me some books. Forrest is too busy and I know you've wanted to look around their so I think it would be best for you to go there, but with Niles at your side."

Leo's voice rang inside you head as you entered into town on foot. You never really minded Niles but he was... dirty. Maybe possibly gay? Whatever he was he was getting to close to you for your liking. Or did you like it?

"So... Lord (y/n)... what do you think of guys?"

"Huh? Guys? Well... guys I guess."

"Nothing more... exciting?"

"What do you mean by exciting?"

"Like nighttime exciting." He said with a deep voice and you blushed greatly. Was he flirting with you?!

"I-I don't know... here's the town!"

You fasted walked inside as Niles glared at your back for running the moment but you didn't care. The inside of the town wasn't too bad with it's small shops and happy people running around. You came to the book shop and when to open it, but Niles brown hand opened it for you. "Lords first."

You nodded your head and entered in and stood at the counter as an old man came out. "How may I help you?"

"I need all these books please." You took out the list as the old man nodded and when into the back.

You stood there at the counter for a while... it was quiet... too quiet... maybe Niles was thinking- "GET DOWN!"

Niles yelled out but you were too confused to get down, but saw Niles jump towards you and land on you. You yelled as he weighed heavier than you thought. He groaned in pain as you saw there was an arrow in his back and blood was already deep around the wound.

You gently pushed Niles off of you and saw there was an enemy who had shot the arrow through the window. You growled and took off after him and took him down with Yato. You ran back to Niles and saw the town healers were already healing him.

"Niles!" You called out and sat down next to him, "You're going to be alright!"

He opened up his good eye and looked at you with amusement while his whole body was tired and in pain. "I lived a good life... even if I didn't get what I wanted..."

"W-Wait... you're not dying on me!"

"T-Tell Lord Leo... I respected him more than he thought I did and was g-grateful of his help in my life..." He said as he reached out for you hand. You took it and began to cry. The healers couldn't help any more than they could and let you two be.

His hand when limp in yours and landed on the ground with a soft thud. The same pain was back... the one with mother... you promised yourself no one would die for you... it happened again... All. Because. Of. You.

The dragon inside was collecting the anger inside you as you felt a dragon vein nearby and it was inside one of the book Leo wanted. You opened it up and saw the dragon vein was in a spot with a spell of souls. Maybe this could bring him back...

You didn't waste any time and activated it with your soul. The blue magic swelled to life and when inside Niles dead body. Nothing was happening as you started to lose hope, but suddenly he started to glow blue and cough for air.

Joy ran inside your reins as Niles stood up shakily and the wound that was their gone. "W-What happened... a-am I in heaven.... w-why is it here...?"

"Niles... you're alive!" You jumped too your feet and hugged him, but he was still weak and fell backwards and you on top of him.

He chuckled deeply. "So you like the top area huh?"

You blushed and growled. "I can't believe I was happy I brought you back."

"I'm glad... it means I can live still for what I love... and that's you."

He crashed his lips onto yours as you tensed up, but soon eased into it. He was gay and so were you, nothing was wrong at all... maybe that's why the dragon vein appeared... to have your soul mate relive again. You kissed back as later on Niles started to get dirty... but in the end you got Leo his books and told everyone you were dating him, and they were happy for you both.

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