Male Robin X Female Reader

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Even in the deadliest and toughest parts of war, Robin always managed to stay calm under the horrible of sieges war had to offer. He was in his tent planning out a new strategy when Chrom came in.

"You should be going to bed." Chrom said with a tone of command.

Robin waved him off as he drawled more. "I'll go to bed in an hour."

"You've been saying that for the past two hours. It's midnight and were going to march towards the east side of the mountain."

"Actually it's going to be west now. If we can evade the Pegasus Knights then we can advance much faster on the west."

Chrom sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "Just make sure to go to bed before one. By the way, have you checked up on our new princess?"

"No... I've been too busy working with the maps."

"You both hail from Plegia, so why not try to spark a conversation with her? She seems lonely around the other Shepherds."

"Isn't she Gangrel's sister?"

"Yes, but I figured if someone who is sane- not like Tharja or Henry- then she'll connect better with everyone else."

"Hmm... I'll pass." Robin said, going back to his map.

Chrom narrowed his eyes and ripped the map out of his hands. "You're going to talk to her and that's the final straw!"

Despite Robin trying to grab his map back, he fail and went looking for the Plegia princess. This was a way to ruin his night. He didn't have a wife or anyone waiting for him... so he guessed maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

He found you sitting on a log, twisting a branch into folds with the dark magic you were skilled with, only you weren't creepy like Tharja. Robin came into sight and waved at you. "Hello... you're the Princess of Plegia, right?"

You nodded and set the branch down. "Yes, but why does that matter?"

"Chrom set me over here so we could connect together."

"Hmm..." You eyed the jacket he had on. "If you don't like Plegia so much then why do you have a coat with the eyes of Grima on it?"

"Well... I just woke up without a memory with this jacket on. I didn't know it was related to the Plegia in anyway, but now this coat has grown on me. It's like a part of me... like Chrom and the Shepherds."

You giggled slightly. "I wished I had connections like those. Too bad my family wasn't so... friendly in nature."

"Isn't your brother Gangrel?"

You sighed deeply, an irk mark growing at the side of your head. "Since you didn't grow up in Plegia I will let this insult go. Gangrel is only my half-brother by blood. We have the same mother, but different fathers. Gengrel got to know his father before he died. My father was a... one night man... left my mother before he knew she was pregnant with me. My mother did tell me she was a powerful Sorcerer."

The gears began to click inside Robin's head, before he knew it he didn't realize he sat down next to you. "You're not royalty, are you? Your mother was only married off to the king, not a royal I take it?"

You nodded, a deep pain in your eyes, but you liked opening up to Robin strangely. "Yes... when I was born my mother commanded people to treat me like royalty. Gangrel and I were deeply close as children, but when he took up the post as King, he changed... so much I didn't even recognize my own brother."

Robin put an arm around you. You didn't move to push him off as you needed a person to hold you, give you love, like your mother and brother once did. When your light crying died away you blushed and looked away from Robin.

He chuckled at your behavior. "What's the matter? Embarrassed?"

"Yes... I cried... I hate crying.... even when I cried when you rescued me..."

"Hey," Robin grabbed both your hands, "those thugs had no right to treat you that way. Royalty or not, that's not a way a man should touch a woman."

You shivered at the memory, but shivered on the inside. "Thank you all... I really am saved from the cold world now... I only wish I can help in the war..."

"How about you help me with the plan in the mountains? I could use powerful magic with me in case, and I don't feel like having Tharja alone with me."

You nodded in agreement. "I don't blame you. This might seem like a chance to prove my power... very well... I'll go with you in the mountains in the high morning!"

The wind picked up as you shivered slightly. That brought a thought to Robin in the process. "Do you have a tent for you?"

"No... I was planning on sleeping outside..."

You shivered again as Robin shrugged off his coat, draping it around you as his warm spread inside your skin. "Why don't you sleep inside my tent? I'll give you the bed and I'll sleep on the ground in the tent."

All of this seemed like a dream, but you took a hold of the dream with his hands. "Thank you, Robin."

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