Saizo X Troubadour! Nohrian! Reader

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Following a trail of blood was the last thing you wanted to wake up from just wanting a glass of water. You see, you were asleep in your room and needed a drink of water but didn't want to wake up Jakob just for that... he wasn't a good enough morning person as it was.

So putting on your cloak you once had on you when to the mess hall to get a glass of water, until a trail of blood stopped you dead in your tracks from coming into the mess hall. Blood normally would make you faint, but you knew you had to be strong this time to see where it was coming from.

A grunt of pain could be hear just barley as you poke your head just enough to find Saizo on the ground bleeding badly. A shuriken seemed to be stuck in his side as his face was deadly pale as his pants came in short raspy breaths.

Your heart jumped into action as you came up from your hiding place and knelt down by his side. "Saizo what happened?"

He opened up his good one eye but close it after seeing it was you. "I-it's nothing of your business."

"At least let me help you!"

"I-I did my mission... I can die in honor..."

"Forget about honor and be selfish about your life right now!"

You put an arm under his and pulled him up with all the strength you had. He was very heavy as he lean all his weight on top of you, but your dragon strength kicked in and helped you walk him into your quarters.

You set him down gently on the bed and grabbed your staff by healing him. The wound was in pretty deeply as you close your eyes and ripped the shuriken out of his side. He grunted in pain and half screamed while you cleaned the wound.

"D-Damn it! J-Just let me die already!"

"No! I don't care if your Hoshido or I'm Norihan! I'm going to save you!"

"I-I don't need your help..." He tired pushing you away but it was a pretty weak push along with his breathing.

"Don't push yourself Saizo. If you move anymore the wound won't heal and you'll die within the hour."

"I-I told you... I don't..."

You put a sleeping spell on him as he was passed out in seconds. A single tear fell from your cheek as you didn't want Saizo to die. Too many people were dying enough as it is and become a troubadour was something you thought you could help people by healing them.

The wound was nice and healed up as you sighed and wiped the sweat off your forehead. Healing did make you weak when you use up a lot of magic. You didn't want to wake up Saizo so you pulled out a chair and slept with your back lean against it.


Morning light poked at you to wake up and so you did, but on your bed. You sat up confused until you looked around to see Saizo on his feet putting his ripped red ninja clothes back on.

"Saizo, what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. I can't be in this camp for long. I appreciate you healing up and all but I do not belong in here."

"Then why did you come here in the first place?"

Saizo gave out a long sigh while packing his daggers up. "Lord Ryoma sent me to spy on you to see if the Norihan royal family was treating you wrong. I was too dark enough to not let me see the shuriken trap and it got stuck in my side. I tried pulling it out but blood was seeping through too much, I knew it was my end so I hid in the back of the mess hall so I could end my life in peace. You showed up and changed it."

"It was a good change... right?"

"I guess. Now I have to find another way to exit out of this camp in daylight."

"I can show you the way!"

"How do I know this won't be a trap?"

"Why would I healed you then I would just have you die again?"

"Fair enough. Show me the way."

You nodded your head and quietly showed him the way to a secret spot were the walls cracked just perfectly enough for Saizo to escape in and out. "Thank you, Lady (y/n). I'll return Lord Ryoma the news."

He was about to take off until you quickly grabbed his arm. "Wait! Will I see you again?"

".... Maybe. Why do you ask?"

"I-I just don't want to break the bond we have now! So promise me you'll come back here every night!"

Saizo sighed and turned around to face you. His one eye giving you a gentle care in them. "I'll see if I can. See you tonight."

You've never been happier in your life when Saizo said those words. You quickly cleaned up the blood Saizo felt on the grounds with a cleaning spell. You were almost done until Jakob came in and saw the blood on the carpet and bed.

"Monthly problems...?"

Jakob just didn't say a word after that and cleaned it up right away. Saizo kept his promise and visited you every night he could with a new story at each visit. After the war Saizo proposed too you and you lived your days out happily with your two children. 

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