Silas X Female Reader

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"So... you don't really remember anything we did as kids do you?" Silas said as he was dressed into a gray cotton dress shirt and brown pants since it was his day off from training.

"No... I'm sorry Silas." You yourself were dressed into your lazy clothes which was a simple blue dress.

"Hey it's okay!" He wrapped an arm around you and gave you a nice smile, "We should do everything you want to do as kids before we set out tomorrow."

"Just for me?"

"Of course! Now, the first one is visiting a town plaza!"

"But I've already been to one though."

"I'm just doing what the list says. Now let's go down into Nohr's plaza!"

Silas had you go into town on his horse as you held onto him. It was embarrassing but the fastest way to get into the plaza. People parted way when you entered into the plaza, along with people staring as Silas helped you down the horse.

You hid your blush behind your hair and looked around to find a food stand you never seen before. "I've never seen food like that before."

"It's called noodles." He took the plate from the seller and twisted the noodles with his fork. "Here, it's really good."

You took the fork and ate the noodles on the fork. You couldn't believe this food, it was amazing. The flavor of the tomatoes and spices were just perfect and brought out the noodles full flavor.

"Oh my gods... this is amazing..."

Silas smiled and bought some more as you explored around the plaza more. The little kids tugged at your cape to get your attention to play with them. You smiled and played with them as Silas joined in on the game.


Evening was close to coming as Silas lifted up a rock and pulled bugs off of them. You laughed and picked up a sliver one with blue strips. "Silas I am not eating bugs."

"I know, it was on the list and had to do it!" He said while a ladybug crawled over your hand.

It flew away as Silas took out the list and crossed everything off but the last one on the bottom. "The last one for the night is rolling down a hill."

"Sound's good! Race you too the hill!"

Silas took off with a running start as you when after him. You barely won before sitting down and tucking your knees and rolling down the hill. You squealed in joy as you were dizzy from the roll down, seeing the evening sun just going down into the ground.

A yelp caught you attention as you looked up and screamed before Silas landed on top of you. You laughed as Silas laughed along with you, until he suddenly stopped. Your laugher died down as Silas was staring at you, but your lips.

He lean down and gently kissed you. Your eyes widen at his action, but you didn't pull him away but stay still. He lips were shaped perfect just along with his body you could feel through the blue cotton shirt he was wearing. Time seem to last forever as the moon rose high in the sky already by the time Silas pulled away.

His cheeks were dusted with a tint of pink as he got off of you. "I'm so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to do that! I-I don't know what happened!"

"Silas... don't be sorry... I... loved it... but I love you more."

His face stopped from blushing as he held your hand. "You love me? Even though you don't remember me?"

You nodded your head and hugged him. "It's true I don't remember you, but my heart said you were the one when we kissed."

"I'm so glad. Does that mean... you want to get married? I know it seem just sudden but I love you, so much I didn't have any eyes on any other girl when I was away from you."

"Then yes, Silas... I'll marry you." Your red eyes shined with love as Silas gently rubbed his thumb over your palm.

"I love you so much (y/n)... I promise to never leave you."

He kissed you again this time, but only with more love this time as you accepted it and gave him your love back to him.

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