Takumi X Conquest Ending Reader

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"Little princess, are you alright?"

It was at the dinner table and you were spacing out again. You looked up to see everyone giving you a concern look. After the battle and Nohr won... you haven't been yourself.

Xander and the rest were getting worried about this. After Ryoma death you were sad but fine about... but Takumi...

You sighed and looked up at your siblings. "I keep on having these dreams... like someone is reaching out towards me..."

"This sounds serious. Would you like a healer to look into it?"

"N-No! It's not anyone bad reaching out towards me! I can feel it."

"(y/n) sweetie, if you can't sleep at night you can always come to me." Camilla with worried eyes grabbed your hand.

You shook your head and pulled back. "It's nothing to be worried about. I'm perfectly fine."

"If you keep on having the same dream then you're not alright. This kind of thing can be dangerous, (y/n)." Leo with a concerned but worried voiced call out.

"Guys if (y/n) wants to be alone then let her!" Elise giggled and hugged you around the waist, "If anything my big sister can handle it."

You smiled and kissed the top of Elise head. "Thank you, Elise. I'm not hungry anymore, I'm going to bed."

Xander watched your back as you left the dining table, anxiety clearly show at the edges of his eyes for you.

Jakob had already gotten everything ready for bed after you left for dinner. But a cup of coffee was on the mini bedside table for you. You smiled and changed into your night clothes, took a slip of the coffee, and closed your eyes to sleep...


Everything was filled with green and a bit misty. It looked like a forest with endless ends too it. Going through the forest you spotted a lake and went towards it. You kneeled down and took a drink from the lake, only to spit it out from what you saw behind you.

His gray hair was up in the ponytail he always had and the same clothes he died in. His eyes weren't possessed anymore and looked at you with a gentle softness.

"I can finally reach out towards you... thank the gods for giving me this chance."

"Takumi?! It was you who was reaching out towards me?!"

"Y-Yeah... it was pretty hard since you're in Nohr and not in Hoshido, but I understand your living with your other family."

"Takumi... I'm so, so sorry about killing you... if I had known an evil force was taking over you before the fall... gods, I wouldn't haven't fought you."

Tears leaked from your eyes as Takumi smiled softly and hugged you. "I don't hold anything against you from that."

"B-But I took away your life. You can't live it out like I can..."

"True, but let me tell you something."

"Go on, I'm all ears."

Takumi froze a bit there, but came back to senses as a tint of blush came to his cheeks. "I-I love you. I always did when you first came to Hoshido... I was just confused at my emotions and let them take over me, this is where I am now... if you can, please forgive me of my sins of trying to kill you."

"Takumi... of course. I'll find a way to bring you back."

Takumi sighed at that. "You can't. But you can come to my afterlife. My grave is in the royal family's graveyard, right next to Ryoma."

"All do that! I'll take off at once!"

You turned around and when to take off, but Takumi didn't let go of your hand. "Please stay with me once you get there."

Your breath stopped in your lungs as you looked back at him. He was crying softly. "I'm alone here. Ryoma and mother have already got to peace and left this place of afterlife, into their own. Their happy but I'm not..." He wiped the tears from his eyes, looking down in shame. "I'm sorry I'm being selfish. It's fine if you don't want to stay with me. Forget I said anything."

At first you thought it was pity you were feeling, but it was a spark of love. You hugged Takumi as he was left shocked and breathless. "I'll come stay with you. I took away your life, so it's only fitting I be an ease of my sin of killing you. Bye Takumi!"

The world started going white as Takumi's face was still shocked, but with happiness as you woke up....


It looked to be around midnight from the time you woke up and got around in a hurry. Yato to your side was the only weapon you needed. The tiptoe into the stalls were quite as wind. You picked your horse and sat up nice and tightly onto it.

"Big sister, where are you going?"

You nearly jumped off the horse from Elise voice. She was in her night gown with her hair all curly and let down.

"Elise... I'm... going to move from here. I'm going to were my dream is taking me."

Elise looked as if she wanted to cry, but held onto a strong but sad smile. "I understand. It's your own choice and I accept it."

"As do it."

Xander came out from the darkness still in his dinning clothes. Your eyes widen as Camilla and Leo came down from the steps.

"Everyone... thank you."

"Just make sure to get plenty of sleep!" Camilla said before giving you a hug.

"Remember to study hard as well."

"I will, Leo." You took the reins and gave everyone a loving look before taking off. You made it to Hoshido by late evening. Hoshidans gave you weird look as you pasted by the outer sections of the plaza with a mask on. You didn't want you're two other sisters knowing you were here and make Hoshido uncomfortable.

There was and secret path to the royal graveyard as you took it and found Takumi's grave. The Fujin Yumi was on his grave for the time being.

"(y-y/n)? Is that you?"

Sakura's shy voice reached out towards you ears as you turned around to see her soft warm cherry colored eyes. She was wearing a cherry blossom kimono while taking a step forward, but you took a step back.

"I'm sorry Sakura... I'm only here for a short time. I don't want people to know I was here. I'm only here to pay a visit."

"I-I understand... can I at least get a hug?"

"Of course."

The short hug was loving and heartful in those ten seconds before Sakura left you alone. You sat down my Takumi's grave and started a prayer. The Fujin Yumi radiated a soft light of green as you touched it and let the light take you...


It was the same forest, but everything was clear. A small Japanese house stood close to the same lake you were at.

"I made it..."

A pair of warm arms hugged you from behind. "Thank you..."

*6 years later*

The sun was shining brightly down on small Japanese house. Everything was perfect and well as you cooked while lost into space. It took a year for you to love Takumi fully and have a small marriage together. After two years small Kiragi was born. Now come back here and another small child was on its way, three months in.

At first it was impossible to have children, but the gods gave a gift to Takumi and you to have it happen in the afterlife. They'll only be more like souls and age slowly until they come to their adult hood and stay that way.

When the door came open you snapped out of your thoughts and saw Takumi bringing in bear meat.

"Got meat for tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Takumi. Can you check up on Kiragi?"

"Sure, but wait."

He quickly gave your belly a kiss before going into Kiragi's room. You giggled and rubbed your belly, knowing the baby will have a brother or sister.

"Here he is!"

Takumi came out with baby Kiragi in his hands as after three years he was just barely two years old.

Kiragi clapped and smiled as Takumi sat him down on his lap and let him play with his hair. Takumi was a wonderful father and made sure both his children and wife were happy. After dinner time Kiragi fell asleep as you put him back in his bed and snuggled up to Takumi.

He kissed you quickly. "Thank you."

"After all these years you keep on saying that."

"Because I'm thanking you for giving up your life and living it with me and the children. This would never have happened, but I'm grateful for you and your love."

You smiled and fixed his bangs. "Well I do love you and the kids. I would never leave you guys now."

"Good, because I love you very much."

Takumi kissed you deeply with love as you moaned and kissed him back... happy with your life.

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