Yandere Reader X Laurent

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'Oh he will be mine~ His hat outlines his perfect face~ His hair curves just like a widows peaks~ Because he's my one and only Laurent~' You thought to yourself as you skipped around camp.

Everyone saw you were in a good mood lately and didn't know what it was. It was simple, you were in love. How could they not see it? It was clear in your eyes, if anyone got close to your man they will die. It was a simple and perfect relationship made up in your head.

Chrom was staring to notice this strange behavior as he bravely when up too you, and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around with those shining brown eyes of yours as this scared Chrom a bit.

"(y/n)... are you alright? Everyone around camp has been saying you've haven't been yourself lately..."

"What do you mean? Maybe all this killing has getting to them Chrom. Trust me, I'm fine and well."

His deep ocean blue eyes studied your face as your heart raced and hopped he would soon go away anytime now... so you could be with your one and only love...

"I guess so. Take a break for a while (y/n)... it should help a little..."

"Will do!" You said too optimistic as you skipped off before Chrom could say anymore.

You dodged and weaved around camp until you finally came across the familiar tent with the love of your life. In the light in the dark you could see the outline of his figure as he had his big hat off and was of course reading and taking notes. Your heart fluttered at the feeling of his smarts and detaction to science... it was so rare to find in men these days...

As if fate had come across it, he set his book down and got up and exit the tent, putting his hat back on his head. His ruby amber eyes scanning around the area of where you were camped in as it was a big forest as wild life was live everywhere.

It seemed your legs had a mind of there own as they walked up to Laurent without a thought to say anything. He bend his head to looked down at you as a small smile came apon his face. "(y/n) how nice it is to see you here right now."

You meant speak normally, but it came out a squeak. "M-me too!"

One of his high arched eyebrow roused as he took it in as experiment as to why you made that sound. "Are you alright (y/n)?"

"Y-yes! But how are you today Laurent?"

"Wonderful!" He said with shining eyes, full of something you had for him, love. "Noire and I are as one in life and in happiness."


"We are engaged."

Something felt like it broke in half. Oh right, your heart. The one that had been full of love and happiness for one person, as it now was crust by some weird girl who screamed and cursed just like the freak of her mother. This couldn't be happening... it just couldn't.

In a second later Laurent was on the ground, the side of his head bloody as you had punched him back. He gasped in pain as he felt the injury around his head. "(y/n) why did you injure me when you knew blood would leak out?"

"Because.... I need you Laurent... I want and need you..." You said as you put a sliver sword up against his neck, the side of his face dripping sweat as you were smiling nonhuman like. "Your the only one who can love and need me!"

"(y/n) wait this isn't-" You cut him off mid-sentence as you slammed the hilt of the sword against his temple, knocking him out in a matter of seconds.

"Laurent! Are you all AHHH!" Noire screamed as the blood running down the side of Laurent's face didn't look to good, along with the look on your face as well.

"QUIT SCREAMING AND DIE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" You shouted and Thoron her through the stomach. She coughed out blood before dropping to the ground and whispering Laurent name...

You buried her somewhere hopefully no one would find her dead body at. You picked up your lover and walked off with him. If he did die from blood lost, their was always a way to bring him back with your power...

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